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Posts posted by tunaFish

  1. The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.

    ~John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859

    Say What? :blink::blink:

  2. I didn't particularly take it as they were portraying all providers in that light, but you're going to get your impression and I will get mine. It did highlight the fact that there is a problem and he does what all reporters jobs are to do. He sensationalized the article to make it sound more common place then it is. 129 providers, while to me is sick and flat out criminal statistically is not a grand number if you were to factor in the amount of providers out there and the amount of calls with patient contact on a daily basis in the country.

    Who can't? I do my job to the fullest every single day. Anyone who practices with the litigation, the sky is falling cloud over their head is determined to make mistakes or not do the best for their patient. Protecting yourself is not that hard. Patients are not stupid and have the right to make informed decisions on their behalf. Explain to them everything your going to do so there is no confusion. If they refuse and it is critical for your assessment explain that to them. If they refuse then you have to find another solution or do the best you can. If they have chest pain, tell them that you are going to palpate their chest, but lets keep in mind you're not there to grab their breast. How many times has any of us had to deal with a large breast when placing EKG leads? Do it in an appropriate manner (lift it with the back of your hand) after you explain to them what you have to do will limit your problems. Gyno problem? Unless its child birth or an impaled object you often do not need to come close to that area. Internal exams are above our level of practice and if a woman is in labor most could give 2 craps if your looking there or not if your helping them "get the damn thing out"."

    So in the end...do your job to the fullest....and you won't have any issues in either direction. Accusations or lack of appropriate care.

    "Get the damn thing out"..Wow...a human life...and that's how you approach it? Hmmmmmmmmmmm Poor wording

  3. You don't really need phone records. There are times where I may pull someone over for seeing their hand near their ear. When I stop them I advise them why I was pulling them over. If they say they weren't on their phone I ask to see it and look at recent calls both incoming and outgoing. I might even look at the time of text. It would be relevant to my stop. On an accident I may do the same thing. Hard for someone to deny being on the phone around the same time as the accident comes in. Of course they don't have to show me the phone. I think if there was a serious physical injury in the accident, the DA could subpoena the records.

    Why thank you very much! Who would know better!

    Thanks for all you do for us and thanks for being in law enforcement! :lol:

  4. idk about cell phone records being provided out to somebody other than the person using that plan? I though you need a subpoena to get that info for a court situation, if your not the subscriber?

    yeah, changed from original topic :P

    Yeah, I would think.

    The question poised was How would you have proof that a person, who caused the accident in question, was on a cell phone? My response was, that phone records could be obtained. If it is an accident, eh, an attorney could get it as evidence :blink: . That's what I meant. It's a hypothetical question. Like, a witness saw them on the phone....That's all. :blink:

  5. "mascara" ohhhhhhhh. Not the macarena. hahaha :lol: Ive seen some outlandish things like somebody driving with their belly/ knees around bear mountain turns.

    Some guy had his cell phone stolen. He went crazy, because he lived by his phone. He had files on it, valued info, pictures and videos (we wont talk about what kind), email, numbers everything. He even offered to pay the theif who took it, just to give it back.

    Interesting is say.

    Btw, I saw on news12 about the bus stop crash in........was it yonkers? The lady being interviewed was talking about texting and driving.

    In re car device, yeah a steering wheel. 10 and 2. :lol:

    In re court, how would you know they were on the phone? Im sure they would DENY it. But the one thing they dont know, is that a few SUBPOENAS will do it, and it will show how you were right and they are lying to cover their "you know what", plus it will make them look foolish. :P

    So, im not the only........interesting and nice to know.

    Cell phone records telling if an incoming call is rec'd, how long you've been talking or an out going call is being made, is available by most cell phone companies. That is enough to bring to court. Hee Hee, watch Judge Judy!

    Boy, this topic is being run in the ground, isn't it.

  6. Some guy had his cell phone stolen. He went crazy, because he lived by his phone. He had files on it, valued info, pictures and videos (we wont talk about what kind), email, numbers everything. He even offered to pay the theif who took it, just to give it back.

    Interesting is say.

    Btw, I saw on news12 about the bus stop crash in........was it yonkers? The lady being interviewed was talking about texting and driving.

    In re car device, yeah a steering wheel. 10 and 2!

    I hear ya!

  7. discretionary powers of the police

    Maybe it will be decriminalized like marijuana in the next couple of years ? Mhhhkaaaaayyy

    I'm still trying to figure out how people lived without cell phones years ago.

    I've seen guys shaving & driving...Girls doing their hair, putting on mascara and the list goes on and on.

    All I know, that if someone causes an accident to happen that hurts me, their cell phone records will be in court!

    Is it so very important to be on these things so much of the time?

    I heard that there is going to be some sort of a thing that will be installed

    in the new cars, that will actually prevent someone from driving and chatting on a cell phone. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm anyone creative?? Patent????

  8. Many years ago (25+) 3-4 car loads of friends went up there after hearing the stories about the Albino's who lived on Buckout Rd. They did not like being harassed and the story goes that if the light was shining on the clam shell with the Virgin Mary in it, then the Albino's were home. The story goes on that if they caught you on their property they would kill you and place an X in white paint on the road. These X's were to tell anyone thinking about going on the Albino's property that they mean business. The story goes that there were 3 X's in white paint on the street.

    Well off we go and when we got there the light was on. That night there were 4 white X's on the road. We proceeded past the Albino's house with caution. After going a distance past the house the cars turned around. I was now driving the lead car and went up ahead to the Albino's house. The other cars drove slowly back. I backed my car into the Albino's driveway and 2 of my passengers got out to hide in the bushes and wait for the other cars to scare the $**t out of them. As the other cars approached, 2 gunshots rang out and I noticed the gun flashes in the rear view mirror. The next thing I hear is the bullets winging over my car. Off I go out of the driveway leaving my 2 passengers in my dust, but not for long as the 2 of them caught up to my car and jumped in thru the windows. With all cars setting new land speed records, we got far away never to return.

    Everyone that night had a story to tell about the urban legend of Buckout Rd.

    The one thing that we could not understand was, all of us that had heard the stories about Buckout Rd, had heard about 3 white X's, not 4. It was about 3 weeks later there was a news article in the local newspaper about a body that was found in the brush on the side of the road. The article went on to say that the M.E. estimated that the person had been dead about 3 weeks.

    Check this out! http://www.bedofnailz.com/buckout.html Somewhat interesting. I'm keeping the light on tonight! LOL

  9. Anyone have details?

    BREAKING: Possible hostage situation at Scarsdale Dunkin' Donuts

    • August 29, 2008

    SCARSDALE -Police are responding to a possible hostage situation at a Dunkin' Donuts on Weaver Street.

    According to initial and unconfirmed reports, a person is being held hostage by a group of armed suspects.



  10. The 'little boys' comment was un-needed IMO, but I'm sure he wasn't the first to say it or even think it. Catholic or not, I believe the priest or pastor or whoever he is, needs to re-think what he's saying and get his priorities in check. Banning those who help from using their parking lot doesn't seem like the christian thing to do. However I would like to hear more facts as to why he made his decision.

    Some people don't have religion in their life, that doesn't make them a bad person. I'm not 'Roman Catholic' I don't agree with alot that the catholic church says, which is why I'm a Christian. But, that's a whole other topic.

    StaySafe guys.

    I am a RC as well, which is not the topic here. Maybe the fact that it IS private property and he can do/say what he wants.

    Being that this has caused such a stir of comments, maybe writng to the paper/person that wrote the story, might just bring some more detail as to why it occured.

    What do the members of the community say about this? The members of his congregation. This could go on and on. No one knows the answer, but the priest.

    I think enough has been said.

    Tuna :blink:

  11. Spring Valley man regaining ability to walk run is again run down by vehicle

    By Steve Lieberman

    The Journal News • August 29, 2008

    SPRING VALLEY - A 67-year-old man just regaining his ability to walk after being struck in a hit-and-run 14 months ago was run down today by a truck that jumped a sidewalk on Main Street.

    The man suffered severe injuries to a leg and hip in the 10:50 a.m. incident that closed Main Street between Lawrence Avenue and Church Street, tangling traffic until about 2 p.m.


    Read more about this story tomorrow in The Journal News.


  12. No Tuna, the stores have probably decided to bypass Labor Day, Halloween, Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving and you'll see the Christmas Trees and ornaments arriving in your local stores very soon. :blink::blink::rolleyes:

    I hear ya!


  13. I agree that sales seem to get earlier and earlier every year, but we should keep in mind that school could start in mid-august for some college students and they may already be getting ready.

    I agree, but it had a picture of a little kid.

    It doesn't matter...hahahaha. Could be for the summer school kids also. Ahhhhhhh that starts tomorrow, I believe :blink:

  14. :lol:

    I had to laugh today while looking at an ad for a local store. "Back To School Special."

    Now, being in education and knowing I just left the job 10 days ago, did the summer fly past me? When do we have a Back To School Special when school just ended?

    I guess in a few weeks ( or sooner) we will see the holiday ads as well.

    Talk about rushing the months by.



  15. Base jumper busted at Bear Mountain

    By Ben Rubin • The Journal News • June 8, 2008

    A man was arrested after police say he jumped off a bridge in Bear Mountain State Park yesterday wearing a parachute.

    Story: http://www.lohud.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article...EWS03/806080395

  16. Pension plan touted for Valhalla ambulance volunteers

    By Swapna Venugopal Ramaswamy

    The Journal News • April 29, 2008

    MOUNT PLEASANT - The town boards of Mount Pleasant and North Castle will meet tomorrow to discuss a pension program for volunteer emergency medical personnel at the Valhalla Ambulance Corps.

    "The proposed service award program is worthy of discussion," said Mount Pleasant town Supervisor Robert Meehan. "We are looking for ways to retain volunteers."

    The ambulance corps, which has 37 volunteers, covers Valhalla and North White Plains.
