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Posts posted by tunaFish

  1. I wear my sweater all the time. (My long sleeve shirt doesnt fit right now.. :rolleyes: )

    I just wish it WERE me you saw on the cruise ship...But sadly, the only boat I will be going on any time soon is the quarter machines at wal-mart!!!

    Well, save those quarters 'cause most of those machines cost 50 cents now a days.


    Well, the only cruise I'll be taking is the one to find gas at its cheapest price! What a ride that is! :lol::lol:

  2. Like everyone is saying, if someone is intent on ending thier life, they will find a way, its a good point about the nets though, that may take away from the aesthetics of the bridge though. Someone jumping out into traffic is something that is not only dangerous, it really can mentally mess up the person who hit the suicidal person. So, 2 lives are messed up. The Connecticut DOT is finally putting a slow-down ramp at the end of the route 7 connector in place of a 20' high rock wall. It seems that over the past few years, many folks have used that wall, and the long straight road before it, to end their lives. I know for a fact how hard those calls were for the responders that were first to arrive. We have to keep in mind the mental hardship dealing with responses to suicide calls causes to our people, and if they can be reduced, all the better - for everyone.


    Ok, the fence is a good idea, but I can't see it happening. First of all, these people need help. Either it goes unnoticed by family, friends or the rising cost of getting professional help. Sure a lot of the time, the person will resist getting help or stop the medication they received. Insurance coverage is a major item too. If you noitce, many therapists do not accept insurance for their services and some go on a sliding scale.

    With the high rate of unemployment, money problems and numerous other factors that may contribute to someone taking their lives, wouldn't it be nice to have a country that has a better healthcare system? I think it takes more than a "fence" to solve this problem, Let's get to the root of the problem. Look at the recent articles for allergy medicine and the effects. Just to get Advil/cold/sinus, you have to go to the pharmacy and show your driver's license and sign a paper.

    Bottom line don't "fence us in." Get us the help that is needed in this society!

  3. I have been looking at some civilian Jobs with the Military and they are looking for D.o.D. Certification Firefighter 1, Fire Inspector 1, etc. My questions is what is the process in getting DOD certified? (i.e. classes you can take) or Can you submit you past training classes and take a general test for it. (like N.F.P.A.)

    Thanks for all your info.


    Department of Defense (DoD)

    Fire and Emergency Services Certification Program Lookup System

    “Explanation Page”

    Purpose: The DoD “Lookup System” has been improved to help managers and civilian personnel officials in their efforts to hire and promote qualified employees, to paint a clear picture for DoD firefighters concerning their qualifications, and also to help accredited entities better understand the DoD Certification Program.

    What’s Improved: The “Lookup System” now shows implied certifications as well as actual DoD certification certificates that have been issued to DoD firefighters based on Grandfathering, Hazardous Materials (HazMat) Challenge Testing, Reciprocity, and/or completion of DoD accredited certification courses.

    Grandfathering: In April 1993, all DoD firefighters were grandfathered based on the position (skill level for military employees) they held during the February 1993/1994 timeframe. Firefighters were grandfathered into the system at the highest levels and were deemed to be successful at the lower levels based on previous positions held. For example, a “Lead Fire Fighter” at a flying base in June 1993 would have been grandfathered and issued DoD Fire Officer I, Fire Instructor I, and Airport Fire Fighter certificates. We did not issue the lower level Fire Fighter I, Fire Fighter II, Driver Operator – Pumper and Driver Operator – Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting vehicle certificates.

    HazMat Challenge Testing: Because of safety and liability reasons, HazMat certification levels were not grandfathered. However, we did create a comprehensive challenge test process that allowed DoD employees to challenge the applicable test (Awareness, Operations, Technician, or Incident Commander) if they had prior HazMat training. Example: Let’s say you successfully completed a non-accredited HazMat technician course and received a training certificate. Based on your training certificate, you would be eligible to challenge the technician level test (or the prerequisite Awareness or Operations levels) in accordance with Chapter 2 of the CerTest Computer-Based Testing Program Procedural Guide. Specifically, if you chose to challenge the Technician level test, passed the two-part computer-based exam and also completed the required annual refresher training required by the law (29 CFR 1910.120q) you could request DoD certification. In this instance, the DoD Administration Center would issue a DoD Technician level certificate and you would be considered qualified at the Awareness and Operations levels but we do not issue the lower level certificates unless you also challenged those levels.

    Reciprocity Provision: The DoD Fire and Emergency Services Certification Program recognizes and accepts certification certificates from any entity accredited by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) or the National Professional Qualifications System (NPQS) only when the DoD employee has satisfied the required prerequisite certification level(s). DoD firefighters who have completed IFSAC or NPQS accredited courses can request DoD equivalent certification certificates under the reciprocity provision of the certification program. The DoD “does not” issue DoD certification certificates for completing non-accredited training. Example: Let’s say you completed an accredited Fire Officer II course from another accredited entity and you want to obtain a DoD equivalent certificate under the reciprocity provision of the DoD program. When you submit your package to the DoD Administration Center, (located at Tyndall AFB, FL) the administration center will only issue the requested certificate if you have a Fire Officer I and Fire Instructor I levels listed in the DoD Certification Program database which is the same database used to update the www.dodffcert.com web site.

    DoD Accredited Courses: DoD has 22 accredited distance learning correspondence courses (everything from Fire Fighter I through Fire Officer IV) and we are accredited for 11 certification levels at the DoD Fire Academy located at Goodfellow Air Force Base, San Angelo, TX. Furthermore, the United States Air Force’s in Europe Fire School located at Ramstein Air Base, Germany is accredited at the Rescue Technician level.

    How to Read and Interpret Web Page Results: Now that you have a better understanding of the DoD program, let’s turn our attention to reading and interpreting web page results. Enter a social security number (employee number for local nationals) and click the submit button to access the results page. If the firefighter has been issued DoD certification certificates, the top half of the results page will show the “actual” DoD certification certificates that have been issued. The bottom half of the page will show the “implied” DoD certifications. Note: DoD certification certificates are not issued for any implied certification levels; however, firefighters are considered to have met all certification requirements for any of the implied certification levels. There are no exceptions to this policy!

    Example: Mr. Smith is a “Lead Fire Fighter” and has applied for a “Driver Operator” position. His record lists certificates at the Fire Officer I, Fire Instructor I, and Airport Fire Fighter levels. Based on his DoD certification certificates, he also has implied certifications at the Fire Fighter I, Fire Fighter II, and Driver Operator - Pumper and Driver Operator - Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting levels. Mr. Smith is then considered fully certified to fill the “Driver Operator” position. Bottom line: with these changes to the “Lookup System”, a DoD firefighter’s record will indicate both actual and implied certifications. If a required certification is not listed in either area (actual or implied), the firefighter is not fully certified and; therefore, is not qualified for the position.

    Hiring Term, Temporary or Permanent Employees Who are New to the DoD System: In order to be qualified for DoD firefighter positions GS-5 and above, applicants must have the required certifications. However, DoD firefighter certifications can only be issued to DoD firefighters. If an applicant has never held a DoD firefighter position, civilian or military, there will be no record in the system. Therefore, the civilian personnel office must ensure he can be certified. Once again, the DoD Administration Center can grant reciprocity and issue certification certificates from any IFSAC or NPQS accredited entity. Eligibility for reciprocity must be verified by the DoD Administration Center prior to referral. Therefore, the applicant must submit all certification certificates with their application for the position. The civilian personnel office will fax the applicant’s certification certificates to the DoD Administration Center at 775-402-8983. Once eligibility for DoD certification is verified, the DoD Administration Center will notify the personnel office.

    DoD Administration Center Points of Contact:

    If there are technical issues with the www.dodffcert.com web site, please contact the DoD Administration Center at cdchelp@tyndall.af.mil or one of the POCs below: Mr. Tom Seaman, MSgt Dave Clifford, MSgt Stacey Harter or Mr. Jim Podolske at DSN 523-6155, 6201, 6221 or 6321, respectively. Our commercial prefixes are (850) 283-XXXX and our email addresses are as follows:

    Tom.Seaman@tyndall.af.mil David.Clifford@tyndall.af.mil

    Stacey.Harter@tyndall.af.mil Jim.Podolske@tyndall.af.mil

    Acronyms Explained: The following is a list or acronyms commonly used on the web site and what they mean.

    Acronym Meaning

    DO DO = Driver/Operator

    Driver/Operator – PU PU = Pumper

    Driver/Operator – AR AR = Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting

    Driver/Operator – MWS MWS = Mobile Water Supply

    Driver/Operator – AE AE = Aerial

    Driver/Operator – TI TI = Tiller

    HazMat HazMat = Hazardous Materials

    HazMat – AW AW = Awareness

    HazMat – OP OP = Operations

    HazMat – TE TE = Technician

    HazMat – ICS ICS = Incident Commander

  4. This guy is disgusting, plain and simple. And in reference to one of the replies to the article, on the article's websit, which states that the writer of the post hopes that there will be nobody available to respond when he needs it is also a disgusting thing to say. I hope that there are the best EMS/FD/PD who respond so he can see what we do everyday and realize how ignorant he truly is. Everyone, even us, have need EMS/FD/PD in some way and understand its a job that requires courage, competance and the willingness to go far beyond what is required, a job many feel is taken by those who cannot get "real jobs." If you ask me, the BEST jobs are within EMS/FD/PD, would not do anything else in the world.

    My two cents.

    This is an example of the maximum arrogance practiced regularly today by public service agencies. None of those extremely-expensive trucks and their well-paid passengers were available for any real emergencies in their home departments.

    You will note the writer said None of those...He didn't say that he hoped they wouldn't be...

    I can understand how everyone is annoyed with this article, but reads it correctly!

  5. Does anyone know what happened at the intersection of Lakeview Avenue and Columbus Avenue this afternoon in the area of 3:00 O'Clock?

    Traffic was tied up in both directions and was at a standstill. Must have been a vehicle accident as a pretty bad smashed up V.W. was seen being towed when Lakeview opened up.

    Just wondering as I had to make a u-turn and go down Stevens to get out of the mess.


  6. Seth-

    My comments are in no means criticism of your site, please treat it as advice that you would receive from a consultant, who is in the field of business and deals with the issues that are facing EMTBravo on a daily bases. I make these comments, in hopes that they resonate with the leadership team of EMTBravo, and offer solutions that help fix your current situation and make EMTBravo better. The quick answer you may think is money, but I will tell you it will not fix the problem at hand. The EMTbravo leadership team needs to evaluate its business model and strategy.

    EMTBravo is like 'Starbucks' maybe got to big to fast...and now may suffer the fate which is going to effect many businesses in the next year causing many into bankruptcy. I think you need to revisit you vision of this website/company, basically what do you want to be when you grow up? Simple question right? but actually it is a very tough question that probably half the people on this forum could not answer when they look at there own lives let alone for a company our website.

    My suggestion is that EMTBravo refocus its efforts on those websites that draw the most traffic...ex: You have emtbravonewengland, emtbravowest, x635photos, x635blog, emtbravo forums, your latest one about video production etc... All are excellent not sure I see the need for them to be separate. If you streamlined, you may attract better forum topics and wider input from different members. This would also save you the time of updating, maintaining, and hosting multiple sites. Its all about branding at the end of the day, so my choice would be to keep EMTBravo.com and discontinue the other pages (or rather incorporate content into the page).

    I would also recommend, launching e-mail/website surveys asking members what new features EMTBravo should add (offer multiple choice options). This allows you to keep a pulse on the membership, and evaluate your changes before you invest time and effort on updates that may not get off the ground. Keep it short, and maybe share the results real-time with members.

    I think a premium membership would be an option, but I would like to see all the banners / ads disappear. I have seen them increase over the last few months and clutter the EMTBravo home page (think Google…lots of white space very clean). I would be willing to pay a fee not to see them. If you choose this strategy, you may lose a large part of the people who view your site but they maybe the people you want to lose. You will also need to work more on continuous content update, in order to satisfy your new paying subscribers. It's a mixed blessing, but one you may need in order to keep the site up and running. It may also help cover your supplement income, since the site would paying you to develop content. Not sure how this would effect your 207-A, may want to get an opinion from your attorney to ensure these payments are not construted as ‘side work’…just a thought.

    These are just a couple thoughts that you may want to consider, as you look at the long-term viability of EMTBravo. Now is the time to make the decisions, and refocus the site to ensure continued success.

    P.S. I realize your personal situation is not the best, but do not put yourself behind the eight ball to far running the site. Unfortunately, your creditors will not be forgiving, or take EMTBravo T-Shirts to satisfy debt. I know you have a thing with travel and taking big trips all over the place, you may need to revisit your priorities until you get your financial situation cleared up and cut the excessive trips.

    Best of Luck,

    So nicely put and without a hitch.

    You have some very good ideas that could possobly work here.

    let's home things work out for the best and that this site continues as it is now or as a paid site.

    i would certainly pay to use it.


  7. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year.*

    * This represents wishes on behalf of the sender and is no way binding upon the recipient. The recipient may or may not choose to have an actually Merry Christmas or a Happy New Year and may choose to be sad and miserable on either day. Furthermore, said recipient may choose not to celebrate either holiday and may therefore substitute said wishes for any other Winter Holiday such as Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice Day, Festivus, Boxing Day, Eid ul-Adha, or any other such holiday. The recipient should accept the sender's apologies for not including the recipient's personal choice for Winter Holiday, the aforementioned list is not meant to be unabridged. If the recipient does not celebrate any Winter Holiday, the recipient may use these wishes for their choice of holidays throughout the year. If the recipient does not celebrate any holiday, please do not interpret the sender's intentions as culturally insensitive but instead accept the sender's general good wishes. It is understood by the sender that not everyone celebrates the New Year on January 1. Therefore, if the

    recipient uses any number of other Non-Gregorian calendars such as, but not limited to, the Hebrew, Islamic, Chinese, Hindu or Zoroastrian calendars, they may accept my wishes for your particular beginning of the new year. If anyone has been culturally offended by my message, they may register their complaint with my cultural sensitivity officer - ONEEYEDMEDIC.

    WOW! You said a mouthful and in a very clever and creative way, that left no one inparticular out!

    Have a great one!


  8. Happy and safe Christmas and New Year to everyone and their families! For those of us that are working this holiday season, please be safe!

    May 2008 bring peace throughout the world and keep all of you "Very Special" workers safe!


  9. NYC nurses, they do pretty damn well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Why are they looking for a hand out...oh, I think it just popped into my pee brain!

    YeaH, THEY BOTH HAD NERVE. I can't believe they did that. Some people think with what they sit on.

    Have a Merry :P

  10. I remember my father telling me about an interesting incident back in the late 70's in the bronx. He was parked under the "L", right under one of the platforms, waiting for someone to get out of work. He heard the brakes on the train above lock up, and he thought he heard a scream. Just then, he felt a thump like something hit his car, and he got out to find that there was a jumper on the tracks above, and a couple pieces of him landed on the trunk of the car..... I don't know what i would do. It makes me sick that someone could think that there really is no way out of whatever mess they are in to push them to that point.

    That's it! They can't think, they apparently can't function either.

    Holidays are very sad, I guess for some that they are sick themselves, they are focused on them, not the people left behind or the rescue workers that will have to deal with it.

    How many of these people leave a trail, in that family members saw it coming and didn't follow through. How many didn't have a clue that anything was wrong? How many were on medication that just didn't do the trick.

    Many factors, I am sure, play a part in all of this. Think about it.

    Sad situation and maybe we shouldn't be so judgemental about the ways and wheres and the what's.

    Be thankful for what we have and feel for those less fortunate

  11. Soldier from Stamford Believed to Have Been Killed in Iraq Is Alive and Well

    STAMFORD, Conn. (AP) -- A one-time city resident who was reportedly killed while serving with the Army in Iraq is actually alive and well, a U.S. military official said Thursday.

    Spc. Gabriel Maldonado, 26, who was a volunteer with the Glenbrook Fire Department in Stamford before joining the Army two or three years ago, is currently in Iraq with a unit based at Fort Stewart in Georgia, said Shari Lawrence, a spokeswoman for the Army Human Resources Command in Virginia.

    She said reports of his death were a hoax.

    Lawrence declined to confirm Maldonado's hometown or provide other information about his service in the Army.

    News reports of a Stamford soldier killed in Iraq turned into a mystery last week, when Army officials said they could not confirm his death or even that he was in the Army.

    Fire officials initially said that a Glenbrook volunteer firefighter and Army Ranger named Gabrielle Costello was killed in Iraq Nov. 23. They said Costello's mother called the department on Nov. 29 and told Lt. Troy Jones that her son had died.

    But when the Army could not verify that Costello was in the Army or was killed in Iraq, Glenbrook Fire Chief Frank Passero went through the department's files and determined that the caller must have been talking about Gabriel Maldonado, Lawrence said. Army officials then looked up that name and found that Maldonado was alive and serving in Iraq, she said.

    A phone message was left for Passero on Thursday.

    Lawrence said the caller who reported the death apparently only mentioned the first name Gabe, and fire officials remembered the last name wrong.

    But some members of the Glenbrook department said they remembered a Gabrielle Costello and put up black bunting on the front of the firehouse in his memory, The Advocate of Stamford reported.

    Lawrence also said Maldonado's mother wasn't the person who called the fire department last week.

    It's still unclear who the caller was. Stamford police said Thursday that they are not investigating the matter.

  12. Hi, I'm Tuna.

    Been a member for over 2 years now. I am an enthusiast and not a member of any department. I am in CSEA in the field of education.

    I have resided in Valhalla for the past 14 years and previous to that lived in Mt. Vernon.

    I am female and enjoying coming on this website to read about all the topics posted.

    Keep up the good work, all of you! :rolleyes: