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Posts posted by tunaFish

  1. Ah yes Thunder Ridge...Lot's of fun if you go the morning after a big snow dump. Not too big but dirt cheap and real friendly. And of course the Red Rooster!!!! Best food on Rt 22! Used to stop every trip to Siwanoy Scout camp when I was younger, before they sold it to build friggin condo's or something.

    Anyone have an opinion on Sunday River up in Maine? Is it worth the drive and money??

    :rolleyes: Just passed by ThunderRidge last night on my way to the dollar store and A&P.

    They had the snow machines blowing like crazy and you couldn't even see the slopes.

    It was an awesome sight to see, although I am not a skier.

    Eh, did they move those snow machines to Westchester sometime this morning? I woke up to some white stuff :P

  2. I think that is called Battenfelds,A family run farm ,i"ve gotten a few trees there,pretty big place too,like you said its a good place to tailgate and make a day of it.

    :P To think, I take mine out of the attic each year, already bought with the lights on. Push the branches this way and that and decorate.

    Sorry, those pine needles take forever to get rid of. :blink:

  3. as i saw on news 12, i think its more for residential...correct me if im wrong.

    also, how are you comparing recycling waste and birth control!?

    For some, the easiest things to comprehend, are usually the most difficult.

    What he meant was, some people that are a little slow ( sometimes a lot) on the up-take of things, should not produce other human beings that will most likely be the same way. Therefore, in such a situation, courts should be in charge of those who should not produce. Not knocking people that have real problems and are not responsible for such things.

    People should know certain things, that are easy to follow, really easy, like how to recycle, separate paper from plastic, easy things such as that.

    It was just a remark, sarcastic, but to the point.

  4. Journal News 11/13/07

    Greenburgh, Dobbs Ferry could share services

    Play the video (11/13/07) DOBBS FERRY - Greenburgh has expressed interest in sharing police services with Dobbs Ferry and a vote Tuesday night made it one step closer to becoming reality.

    The Dobbs Ferry Board of Trustees voted to apply for a $100,000 state grant to study how the village and town could consolidate some police services.

    Dobbs Ferry and Greenburgh already share a SWAT team, marine unit and a drug and alcohol task force. The grant would be used to reveal duplicate police services within both communities and demonstrate how changes could save taxpayer dollars.

    Both the village and town would have to pay $5,000 each if the state approves the grant.

    Dobbs Ferry worked with Irvington earlier this year in studying the possibility of sharing services. However, that collapsed in Irvington due to residents’ concerns.

    Greenburgh will hold a similar vote Wednesday night on whether to apply for the grant or not.

  5. To Help answer the questions,I will give you , from speaking with Sal from Alure and people from thr show that we have become friendly with and talk too.

    The show gets as much donated as possible , the contractors, get as much donated as they can.

    I still have the Mortage from my original House and I am responsile for the School taxes town taxes , County tax etc. Yes the Taxes went up. Yes I was told if I built this house it would have been a Million plus. Built with much better material than I could have and would have thought to use.

    We where told that either the mortage company,will donate the old Mortage to the owner as paid.

    Sometimes the Contractor will pay it off or they will do a fund raiser to pay it off.

    Never has a Homeowner been billed for what was built.

    Please know Gina and Myself are thrilled withour house it is beautiful and a perfect way to remember Jimmy and everything that was done for us I can never repay what was done for my family.

    Also know I would move into a tent for 5 more minutes with the best teacher of what life was and is all about. I love and miss Jimmy more than words can express.

    If any one has any questions I am happy to answer them PM me If you want to see the House we can arrange that as well, just PM me

    It was so nice of you to be so honest about the money end of everything. When one looks at what a beautiful home you have, of course everyone wonders how?, What? etc.

    It just goes to show how honest you are and that you are truly appreciative for what you have.

    Bless all of you and enjoy! I can think of no family nicer or one that has gone through as much as all of you have!

    I'd love to see it! :-)

  6. Date:11/11/07


    Location: Scarsdale, NY


    Units Operating:

    Description Of Incident:

    Writer: Tuna

    Buy Buy Baby store in Scarsdale evacuated after small fire



    (Original publication: November 11, 2007)

    SCARSDALE - A small fire at the Buy Buy Baby store on Central Park Avenue tonight prompted managers to evacuate employees and customers.

    Greenville Fire Captain Gus Spedaliere said he believed a motor may have malfunctioned in the heating unit near the store's front entrance around 6:30 p.m., causing an electrical spark and a small fire. Smoke spread throughout the store.

    Greenville firefighters arrived on the scene shortly after to put out the fire.

    People were allowed back inside around 7:15.

    Read more about this story tomorrow in The Journal News.

  7. I agree. CVS Pharmacy started displaying Xmas items just before Haloween. Kinda rushing things. Also, I noticed Haloween is becoming just as festive as Xmas with all the decorations I am seeing lately.

    Maybe we should get the Easter Bunny ready ;)

    Don't laugh. Right after Christmas the stores will have all the red and pink hearts lined up and the little bunnies will be pushing thier way through.

  8. 10-4-Buff, I read your post and understand your concerns, but am too tired to explain the program now. This won't be a subjective class program. When I launch this latest quality initiative, I will justify it, and take input from members. But first, we need a name for this project.

    Here's some I've been thinking of, and are basically now the real choices. To anyone reading this post, let me know your choice:

    -EMTBravo Ambassador

    -Premier Member

    -Outstanding Member

    -Alpha Member

    -Super Member

    -Stellar Member

    As for my choice, I kind of like "Alpha Member" the best.

    Ambassador is nice and my second choice would be Outstanding. Keep it simple and think about the trophy or some kind of an icon to set them apart from the rest.

    Remember, we are not all part of the "service" too technical is not the best route to take for a name.



    At least you were lucky sitting in your car and not the two 20 year olds that were inside of an upside car that landed in the woods. DUH!

  10. I agree! It's earlier and earlier each year. For me, the Christmas Season doesn't start until Santa passes through Herald Square on Thanksgiving Morning.

    I saw some stores had there Christmas stuff out in September!

    It also seems each year it becomes more and more commercialized. I just like the spirit of the seasons, the gathering of friends and family, etc.

    You'll find this with anything. Toward the end of July, many stores were putting out their Back To School things. School just let out the month before :-0

    In the beginning of September, we started with Halloween, then Thanksgiving, now Christmas.

    No break in between!

    Takes away from the anticipation and getting things prepared.

    Like kindda shoving it down our throats! :blink: :angry:

  11. Apart form the interesting opinions and posting of interesting bits and pieces - I've been able to attend several training seminars / course that I probably wouldn't have heard about.

    It's also given me the chance to apply for a couple of jobs - not that they've gone anywhere to date.

    It's also let me vent once in a while too!

    Not being in the field as most members are, I have found it very useful in that, when the sirens go off, within minutes, 9 times out of 10, there is an incident report on here. Its like up to the minute news, if you will.

    It is also nice to see how you are supportive of one another. When you need to come together for whatever the reason, you are all there.

    Most of all, my thanks to each and everyone of you for chosing the service you are in. You are a great group of people!!

    Keep up the good work, continue to enjoy what you do, and be safe.


  12. Do you guys really think giving these criminals ( yes they are humans too) drivers licenses is going to drive down insurance rates? Help us (citizens) in any way? This is absurd- now we have to pay for an outlandishly expensive multi- tier license system because we are voiding our current licenses by giving them to illegals- This is a Federal Immigration law issue and a national security issue- that's it! Forget about all of the sob stories- it's certainly not the fault of the United States that Mexico is a corrupt politcal and economic disaster.

    Oh boy.

    Live in a foreign country(ies) as I had to as a dependent of U.S. serviceman and see what THAT country does for you. See how little your OWN country can do for you, when you are out of their hands, so to speak.

    No one catered to me! Didn't expect :angry: them too!

  13. Any thoughts? I got this as a PM!

    Report to your ISP and I also emailed the person back telling them I was reporting them to the authorities!

    Their email came back to me as person unknown.

    Its a scam. Report it!

    From Madam Laarni Enriquez;

    Manila - Philipines.


    Dear Friend & Partner,

    I am Madam Laarni Enriquez,a divorcee and single parent of three children and a citizen of the Philippines. I live here in Manila with my kids, My mail address N° 1 polk Street North GreenHills San Juan Town Philippines ,Now you can read more about me through this BBC articles news: (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3135605.stm ) and presently planing to travel overseas anytime soon but infact yet to find a sincere and honest non-citizen of the Philipines in a far away country who will help me make claims of my life-savings to overseas.Well dear friend, from your profile i have read, I guess you are an honest person who can be trusted.I would like to give you a brief profile-details of my life.

    I was once the mistress of our President, Joseph Estrada, and during his tenure of office, I was being used as a courier to depositing his funds in different banks abroad but due to the serious misunderstanding I had with his wife, Madam Loi and Mr.Jude her son, it caused a public embarrasement and people came to know that I had been having an affair with the President.But, not quite long, I was arrested, together with his wife and son, in connection with the 27th July, 2003, failed coup,which I did not have anything to do with, but was alleged that I have been habouring some of the dessidents with their arms in one of the villa, bought for me by the resident. But, now, I have been released and I am under security watch and seriously monitored.

    All, I wanted from you is to assist me make claims of some funds, I did deposit in French Island of Cote d'Ivoire, As the other deposits have been consficated and seized by the government of Madam Gloria, the President.Since four years ago, I and some of my close firneds have been placed under political victimization,harrassment and intimidation by the present administration in Manila.I would like to have a long lasting and confidential business relationship with you,if possible entrusting my life-time fortunes into your care if you can help us find a sanctuary to have our peace outside of the Philipines.

    Presently I am cut off from communication system both local and international, Because the Present Government of Madam Gloria Arroyo believe I will communicate with Islamic rebels and bring down her government because I am a muslim. They only allowed me to be using internet for news because they believe I cannot contact any body through this means, for this reason they kept me under security watch and government confiscated all I have laboured for due to this problem.

    At moment I am broken hearted and needs someone to trust,without remembering my ugly past and forsaken experiences from close confidants and family. I need someone, who would take me for whom I am and as a life time-partner and help us make claims of my deposited life-savings and move same out of the French Island of Cote d'Ivoire. I will like us to build trust very well, then i will send you my international passport and the data of deposit from the diplomatic vault company in French Island of Cote d'Ivoire and then inform you on what to do.The box was deposited as (family valuable) not as money. so the diplomatic vault company do not know the content of the box and there's no way you will inform the diplomatic vault the content of the box for security reason's when you are contacting them.

    I will like to have your full name ,company or home address,Tel and Fax, then I will forward you a text claims application letter that you will send to the diplomatic vault company introducing you officially as my foreign partner that is standing on my behalf as the beneficiary of the deposited box in their vault.

    The deposited Amount is about 20.2 million Euros, as this was the money that was supposed to be used by the President to aquire some properties in America, Europe and Africa. All I want from you, now is honesty and sincerity,as soon as this money is claimed by you, I will look for a way out and sneak out of the Philippines and travel down to meet you, So we can go into a life time partnership together,by investing this money in your country and anywhere else you may wish to advise and under your able supervision. Please contact me through my email address only.

    Sincerely yours,

    Madam Laarni Enriquez

  14. OK, you can post games, but please do so in moderation. If there is an active game thread going on, wait to that one dies until starting a new one. And please keep all games posted somehwat mature and appropriate. Also, don't post if it's not a unique kind of game.

    If we see members "spamming" this forum with game threads, that member will be PM'd. There are a million games on the internet, and they are easy to find, and no need to post every single one on here. I see that several members enjoy competing against each other, and I'll continue to listen to the membership's concerns.

    I don't want people coming to this forum specifically to play games, nor that be the attraction to this forum. I want people to come here to learn, share, and grow.


  15. Unfortunately its a fight or flight response. I have a feeling if this guy has been cutting hair next to a bank for 28 years, I am sure its not the first time someone has made a joke about robbing the bank or it being robbed. Him being diligent enough to go check should be commended instead of criticized. Had he falsely reported an incident he could have been subject to charges. Also with him and a co worker looking, perhaps they were able to get a good description of the suspects, and give that to the officers as well.

    Some people have to look before they leap. If a person came to you and said the neighbors house is on fire, wouldn't you look to see if its true before calling the fire department?

    Disagree 100%. The barber could have been shot. Anyone crazy enough to hold up a bank, is crazy enough to shoot at anyone. Especially if you get in their way

    If someone told me a house was on fire, I wouldn't go check. What kind of trouble could you possibly get into for calling 911, if it were a mistake.

    I'd call first and then take my chances.. :mellow: Every second counts!

  16. I thought there might have been another fire company called Mohegan Lake somewhere.

    The name of the fire department serving Mohegan Lake and Lake Mohegan is : Mohegan Volunteer FireFighters, located on Rt.6. When you type in either one of the names on the internet doing a search, that is the only department that shows.

    By the way, they have a very interesting website and announce an Open House October14, 2007. Check it out! :rolleyes:

  17. Ok, after some searching on here, I found out the difference between Lake Mohegan & Mohegan Lake. It is really two different places located within the hamlet of Yorktown.

    According to what I found, Mohegan Lake is on Rt 6 ( main street) While viewing the map, ( the lake itself being located in the center), it is to the left of the lake. Lake Mohegan is to the right of the lake. The "lake" is called Lake Mohegan.

    The Latitude and Longatude is in fact, different for the two places in question.

    So, technically, it is two different places with the same zip, in the same hamlet, serviced by the same volunteer fire department.

    So, that answers the question:"Where in time is Mohegan Lake & Lake Mohegan!"

  18. Cop Charged for Leaving Police Dog in Hot Car

    Thursday , September 06, 2007



    Authorities arrested a Chandler police officer Wednesday in the death of a police dog that was left in a hot patrol car for more than 12 hours.

    Chandler police Sgt. Tom Lovejoy was booked into Maricopa County jail in Phoenix on a misdemeanor charge of animal cruelty after a two-week investigation into the death of 5-year-old Belgian Malinois "Bandit."

    Click here for more from MyFOXPhoenix.com

    Lovejoy was released later Wednesday, said Capt. Paul Chagolla, a spokesman for the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office.

    "I am certain Sgt. Lovejoy has suffered greatly from leaving his police dog in a sweltering car," Sheriff Joe Arpaio said in a news release. "I do not relish the idea of compounding his sadness. However, Lovejoy must be treated like anyone else in similar circumstances."

    Lovejoy said over the phone Wednesday night that he is scheduled to appear in court on the charge on Sept. 25. He said his lawyer advised him not to comment further.

    "With the sheriff railing on me right now, it's kind of hard to say anything," Lovejoy said.

    The sheriff's investigation showed Bandit was in Lovejoy's patrol car from about 9 a.m. to a little after 10 p.m. on Aug. 11. During that time, the investigation found that Lovejoy ran errands for his wife, napped for a short time and later ate out with his wife. Lovejoy later found the dead dog in the car.

    In a statement, Chandler police Chief Sherry Kiyler said the department respects and supports the criminal justice system and its processes.

    "We remain saddened by the loss of K9 Bandit," she wrote. "At this time our internal investigation is continuing and further comment by our department would be inappropriate until the completion of this process."
