Tanker 10eng

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Everything posted by Tanker 10eng

  1. WOW !!!! you guys are scaring me, you know all the guys, what about Wrangler Jane ???
  2. yep, the same thing happen in Croton, and our PD on the scene was so pissed off with this lady slowing down in the south bound lane of route 9, to take a pic with her cell, he chased after her and gave her a ticket... scary to see how many of those people are out there !!! or are they the same person ?
  3. I am not a Law officer or have complete knowledge of the legal rules of highways, but I think this.... If I am the FD IC, and we shut down a road for Fire Departments duties, ( Fire, MVA, what ever ) in order to operate safely, that is my call and I am taking full liablity of my actions... We should act quickly to reopen the road... Now if a PD ( Trooper , etc. ) shows up and demands we open the road... would the right thing to do here is allow HIM or her, to re - open the road, provided that they ( the PD dept in question ) are able to safely control the traffic passing us ( meaning not just 1 officer and a patrol unit ) and that they (the PD dept in question ) will accept FULL, responsiblity for the safety of all Emergency workers on the scene... seeing how they are insistant on opening the roadway... This way " they are in between us and the on coming traffic, they and their Dept. fully holds the liability for the workers on the scene. Most Depts. do not want to accept such Liability... I do not know about other towns, but my Village has limited manpower and would not be able to control Route 9 traffic and fill out the required paperwork.. opinions ?
  4. not sure, but the ONLY thing I, might see, is the nozzel man on the back up line, is he wearing his mask and regulator ?? hard to tell with the pictures.... just my guess.
  5. sounds like a great idea.... presently we have a " new Tanker Committee " who will be starting months of research checking out other people's rig, and your's is on our list.... I am sure my Chief ( well asst. Chief ) is reading this and will reach out to you... and like wise, if anyone out there is holding a tanker drill, we would love to come by and watch.... to pick up ideas or other approaches..
  6. I gotta say I was a bit shocked by what I saw, NO BLUE HOSE ???
  7. Sadly the pic shown, does not happen much here in northern Westchester..... we rarely get that much space.. 1.) sometimes it may be quicker, but most tankers I have seen have larger rear dumps, which allow faster unloading.... when you can set up a dump site to postion 2 rigs ( or 3 ) at the same time, unloading one at a time... the backing up issue is not really a factor... plus before my tanker starts is back up, my officer gets out and postions himself in my driverside mirror, so its pretty safe.. 2.) yes, the diamond layout opens up for more options in dumping, but when space of narrow roads come into play, the edge to edge is the only option.... if the dump site is managed properly, edge to edge works well... and more then one tanker can be postioned... 3.) Squirral tails ?? help me here, what are you talking about ? 4.) By the ventury system you are referring to a pond siphon ??? sound like it, but I want to be sure... now your saying that by using the pumper to move water from on pound to another, we are decreasing the rating( effectiveness ) of the pump ??? ( I am confused with IOS levels, with the higher number being bad.... ) so by reducing the rating, does that mean better or worse ?? what are the other ways ? 2083 has mentioned wanting to talk with you, so I am sure will can discuss this all one day...
  8. and why should it make a difference ?? are there 2 different standards ? do the career guys apply different lotion to their legs that its ok ? the comment was made, period... and it can apply to both sides of the FD
  9. In regards to the video shown by brother squco, does anyone else have more information on this fire.... were tankers the only water source ??? how many tankers ? was it run with just 1 pond as seen in the video or were additional ponds set up after the film.... again, I am really only looking for knowledge here.... it looks as if the FD did a great stop.... Because of the " chats " here on EMTBravo, I was informed by my chief " 208 Remember ", that our goal for the Tanker crew will to be to work this year on lowering the " ISO " ( not sure allot about this, but yes Bnechis, brings up the usual good points and we are stepping up ) So for the Tankers that do work with Croton in our areas, plan for several drills this year... we will be designing the right ways to set up the ponds, the most effective approaches to run the dump site, and locating ALL , possible fill sites for the regions we cover... Thanks for stepping up to this challenge 2083
  10. from your profile Goose, I have no idea where your from, nor do I have a clue what VFD your talking about, but where or which Dept. are you talking about ??? Maybe I am wrong, but I know of none... again, Goose, I have no idea where you work.... are you in the Marines as a medic in Iraq ?? please clear this up.... yes, all work can be dangerous, every day stepping out of bed our lives are at risk .... this may be my lack of knowledge with people on the forum, but do you work for a Town or City EMS Corp. or a private company.... I know many guys who are apart of each, and lets be real, life risking every day ???? maybe due to driving to fast.. hmmmmmmmm, weak for the paid Dept.'s, but a major sticking point againt volunteers... I personally hate the idea of Volly Chiefs who abuse the Chief's cars for vacations and trips many miles away from the home turf... so I agree there, but I ... as a tax payer hate the idea of all the WASTE in Towns and Cities with take home vehicles... It was maybe a year ago that News 12 was reporting on all the " Take Home Cars " of Yonkers ( all depts.., not just FD ) talk about allot of watsed tax payer money.... I am sure several guys would not loose their jobs during tough times if these vehicles were discontinued... ( sell the cars and not budgeting in buying new, no needed maintainance for that fleet, no need for wasted fuel and the insurance savings... ) but yet its still done, and tax dollar is wasted... a question I have ??? are all of these vehicle lettered with the Town or City they are owned by... I think it is required, but not 100% sure... come on now... lame excuse.... you make a GREAT salary and live in a nice house, use your own vehicle to head in for those multiple alarms... stop digging into the taxpayers pockets for more... does each one of the fire fighters that work under you, that get call in during big alarms get vehicles to travel in ??? maybe they do, I am not sure... but the Career guys I know, all have to drive in their own cars... Goose, again, you must be mad typing here... 99% of the VFD members is what your saying ??? I guess then this is pointed to me... so I am replying.... yeah I have been known to show up to a " Job " wear shorts... I work in construction while wearing shorts and live most of my spring, summer and fall in shorts... but I am not stupid... if I got to work, I toss on my Bunkers and coat and get to work... maybe this was a case of crazy fingers, but I think your way off base here... and the name calling ??? Yahoos and knuckleheads, grow up dude yes, there are times I get to a call, and there are so many guys there, I am not needed... so, I do not put on my gear and stay by the rig waiting to see if I am needed... as far as the " pension Money ", have you any idea how much it is... its a joke !!! NICE WAY TO PUT IT.... and DFD189, well said...
  11. by NO MEANS am I trying to put blame on anyone, but I have a few questions... The rig got stuck in the driveway in the snow.... did they have Chains on the tires or On spots.. ??? I am a stong believer of the old fashion chains, so I am wondering... When the volume from the hydrant, 2500 feet away was undesirable... did you then put in the relay pumper or was it put in place while laying out hose... ??? we also have had to toss a rig into the line, so I am wondering.... I know whats its like to deal with mother nature during calls and am only trying to get advise for future stuff, not point blame, like others may... Being a roofing contractor, and have worked with slate and heavy tile systems, what type of light weight wood construction did they use ??? I normally see allot of gluelams and doug fir in this type of work, Never have I seen trusses.... any idea what was there ??
  12. Barry, not having the NFPA standards in my reach, what are the recommendations for apparatus replacement... I do not know... I only comment from how I see things... most rigs up here are designed and planned for at least 20 years... heck I did not think we needed to replace the 1984 Mack, but many others did... ( well then, I did not want to replace the .... 1962 Mack )but I was a rookie... not to get side tracked, I really want to know.... or email me if you will ( whg63@verizon.net )
  13. Benefits......... hmmmmmm.... - cutting a local kid's backside from a brand new gym floor.... - helping a local guy to the hospital after injuried from a tree branch, only to have him as an assistant coach years later... - putting out a kitchen fire at 3 in the morning to my son's friends house, and not loosing the house... - helping pull out the childhood bully, who made me hate him, from a structure fire, sadly he died in the hopital days later.. - pushing in to a working laundry room fire, in a neighbor house up the street, saving thier house... - cutting out numerous young adults from years of MVA's... - showing up with need water for my firends in surrounding depts during time of need.. they list goes on and on, in my eyes, they can keep the couple of dollars I'll get when older !!! The food we get after calls or drills, ( hell the local DPW get food while making overtime, surely there should be no arguements there ), what does it really matter ???? I am doing this for one reason, to help the people in my town... at first I dreamed of getting a working fire, but once you see how rooted you are in your town, you realize that its going to be someone you know... so I do all this training, and respond to calls, for the benefit of seeing that I can help my neighbor and friends... thats my benefit..
  14. Consolidation can work in some cases and areas, but is not needed everywhere.... and will be allot tougher then thought of, and in the end may not really help everyone.... I do not claim to be a professional ( all knowing, not a " on the Job Guy ) in the Emergency Services of Westchester County, my knowledge is with my small section of Westchester, Croton.... Yes, down in southern Weschester there are so many districts that they can be combined, maybe even the Tri Village.. But as far as my little piece, I do not seeing being benefical to my taxes payers... who would we combine with and how would it work.... In our Tanker areas, ( Croton, Yorktown and Millwood ) are almost on a dual response to these areas, which has become very helpful and works... and Mutual aid is getting the job done... Once you consolidate things, and when its said and done... you still have the same situations, just a few less pieces of equipment.... some members may quit, " I do not want and part of that " and a very few may join... so then what ??? bring in paid crews ??? there goes taxes !!! up here we do not have the commerical tax base which keeps the taxes lower for residential taxpayers... ( such as New Rochelle and Yonkers ), so its the people who live there who have to pay for everything.... not business... In Croton that could increase the taxes to the residence and add another ???? 4 to 10 million dollars... per year !! ( not sure of the figures, just a guess ! ) So who is benefitting from this ??? good question Barry, But maybe 8 - 10 years ago Croton had a study performed of our Fire Dept., done my some " Experts in the Fire Service in the US " and it came back with the recommendation that we need another engine added to our fleet of 3 engines and possibly even building another firehouse.... I never understood the reasoning and we never went by it ( I was just a peeon )... at times i do not think we need the 3 engines we have, but there have been times it has paid off and been very helpful... so yes, there are allot of over equipment ( ising ) in the volunteer ranks, but the 600K spent on one, costs a town or village, ??? 32 k... a year, over a 25 year life... ( thats what Croton is now planning on ) the easy thing here, as they where 3 departments within the City, the same tax base, the same big brass on top... combining makes 100% scene.... and why they were not in the first place, well, its a power struggle during the original set up... I guess... I think in most cases, dual response is working and needs to be better ironed out.. ,everyone needs to work togther and not play silly games, or stuggle for control....
  15. what do you mean troubles.... are there any other pics of the operations, ponds, etc... or more information ??? Wht gets me, these homes are designed and built for millions of dollars and yet, neither the Architect, builder or owner is willing to sink several water tanks or create a pond on the property with a dry hydrant.... so that if something like this were to happen, there is some water source right off the bat... I was working on a home in Putnam Valley, and the owner and I spoke about creating a pond at the end of the driveway, directing the run off water into this pond ( maybe a 40 x 50 pond - 4 - 5 ft deep ), which will benefit him and his neighbors... He was even going to be working on installing a dry hydrant... But the money spent for this added protection could build a home theatre...
  16. so, what was the final cause of this fire ??? have they come up with anything ? I read somewhere work was being done on the roof, what type of work ?
  17. I have used the deck gun at a structure fire, as the first line of attack, and dumped 3000 gallons of water through the second floor window in two minutes, it sure blackened allot down.... but, once that is done, hand lines need to push in and " mop up " As far as the response during the overnight calls in Croton, our engine will not respond to a real type of job unless we have a minimum of 4, most times it 5 to 6.... and the response time is really low.... not having exact times, but 2 to 3 minutes... One thing many guys from Croton have done, is that when Yorktown or Millwood get dispatched to any possible jobs in the tanker district, a few our us head down to the fire house or keep our ears open, and once comfirmed, we are out the door within a minute...
  18. with winter on our door steps, is this rig being stored indoors ??? I have no idea of that Yonkers has for apparatus storage, but it is a long vehicle... or will it be stored outside and dry ?
  19. I am not sure where the 20 minutes can from, but from the dispatch, a large brush fire, there was no way I was rushing up there, we sat on the ramp for easily 8 minutes organizing the manpower, seeing who was going ang getting ready... so if need be, that response time would of been quicker... I was glad to get out of my warm bed and traveling up there, and helping out.... anytime our tanker is needed, just call...
  20. still a great looking rig for a spare....
  21. wow nice Mack !!!
  22. the brightest thing out of this !!! for 8 years there will be no HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT talk....
  23. WOW, don't drive through Croton with a blue light on an apparatus, they will pull you over... Our LT44 was pulled over after an alarm and told not to use them or next time a ticket will be written...
  24. WOW , was that the Jacob Shorr house ???? I have been waiting for years to see pictures like these... a couple of years after the owner settled, our company was brought in to install the roof on the new house, and heard stories of what happen... from what I was told by the security guards, it was the roofers, who caught the cedar shakes on fire while installing a modified bitumen roof... they were on the roof top with the propane torches, and after they noticed the flames around a propane tank, they all ran off the roof... so I was told... and more pics ??? love to see them
  25. you guys actually use the tankers pump to fill the tank ? no source pumper or hydrant ?