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Everything posted by ja3kfd

  2. Sunday May 15th at Westchester Medical Center,to Benefit Maria Fareri Childrens Hospital,it is a 5k Walk, Registration Starts at 8:00am to 10:30 walk starts at9:30 to 10:30 walk will be around WCMC to register you can call 914 493 2575, Make your own teams or join a team. Any questions e mail me at ja3kfd@aol.com, The Arena family will be there witha few teams already starting to register. Come out spend an hour or two and raise some money for a much needed hospital for our region.
  3. We are all home and quite comfortable. Jimboy has had a few seizures here and there but they resolve quickly. So far so good. His spirits have been good, and amazingly, he has been having more control over his left arm and leg. We just keep praying that this tumor is dying, releasing or just plain old going away. So please continue your strong prayers. He is such an amazing little trooper. We will continue to follow his lead - which has steered us right 99.9 percent of the time. I have to leave a little room for error so .1 percent is enough. On a good note, Big Jim went and picked Jessica up for her winter vacation. I have not updated on her in a while. She has had a few more seizures over the course of the months and is on medication for them. Hopefully, they are under control. This is common during puberty when you have autism. She has lost weight and looks great. I am so very happy to have her home. Although, it is strange to have my whole family under one roof for a week, but I will definitely enjoy the time together. That is one thing I have learned. Jessi is doing VERY well at her program, and is maturing very nicely. We are hearing more language and are excited for her and her new found life. Even though it is painful for me at times not to have her here, when I do see her, I realize quickly how much more relaxed and happy she is. So I will cherish this week with her. The other girls are adapting to me becoming Mom again. Not an easy task let me tell you, but they are doing well. Casey has blossomed into quite a responsible young lady, and has come so far. She continues to grow into a beautiful young woman. Miracles do happen even when you are not looking. Victoria is now a "teenager" - get ready Jim - round 3. All in all, she is doing well in school and has a great head on her shoulders. She rises to every occasion to help and love. Amanda - well I think she is a 15 year old in a 9 year old body. HAHAHAHA. She is extremely witty and quick with a come back, but emotional and lovable. She is eager to be right always, but would rather be cuddled. Jaime is sometimes the goofy one. She loves to get a laugh even if it pretending to fall on the floor. She's lovable and cute, and you can't help but get just hug her. Emma, known as the "Emminator," need I say more? We just love her and her almost three year old spirit. So, it feels good to update you all with such simplicity. We just ask that you wake up every morning and enjoy another gift of a day. Walk with your head held high, think positive, and love everything you look at. Learn your lessons, pass on the important information and leave the past in the past. You can't change it anyway. Love like you have never loved, and forgive whole-heartedly. You will feel great. Trust me on that one. You will get through each tragedy - big or small - and feel triumphant. Continue to pray for everything, and please remember to keep Jimboy in your prayers. Without your love and compassion our family would not have made it this far. We are thankful and grateful to each and every one of you for your continued faith. Thank you all for your continued love for the Arena's. We love you all very much. Also, Welcome Home Allen Hamilton from Iraq. Job Well Done. Know that the Arena's and the Country are proud of you and your commitment to all of us. Your family waited a long time for this day. Enjoy each other as I know you will. We are proud to know you. May God Bless You and Your Family Today, Tomorrow and Always, Love, Gina and Family
  4. Dearest Family and Friends, First I must apologize for my wacky letter on Friday. I went back and read what I wrote and realized that it was not fair to all of you, but please understand that my wacky letter was exactly what was in my heart and head at the moment. We had a very difficult, to say the least, day with a lot of various opinions by doctors. This is normal in this situation because no one really knows what is going on in the brain during such a trying time. The brain is a mystery as we all know. Anyway, imagine the worst thing you could be told in this situation and that was just one thing we were facing. Although, that is always a reality in this situation, I was not prepared to think about it, but I don't think I will ever be. So that said, we will continue to keep a close eye on Jimboy, and we are following him closely. We believe that what is happening to him is post-radiation, and we just need to treat the symptoms as they come. The seizures are much better controlled now. He was having an intolerance to milk product in the tube feeding, and that is rectified. The symptoms can at times be life threatening so therefore we will be watching closely. As of right now, he looks good and feels ok, so we have gotten the okay to come home. We are prepared with medications, and are confident that we will get through this. As always, he never ceases to amaze us, and as we have done for the past year, we will follow Jimboy's lead. So, now that our heads are clearer, and the tears have stopped, we will continue on this journey with our family. Your prayers and love are so appreciated and we are eternally grateful to you all. We will get back on track and take each day as it comes. We have very good people around us, and thank goodness to our nurses and doctors for their constant support to us. They may not always know what to say to us because the brain is such a mystery, but they always get us through it. Thank you to all our doctors, nurses and staff at the children's hospital for your genuine love and caring for our family. Thank you for listening to our woes and helping us sort out all the information that is sent our way. You are all angels to us. Thank you for all your emails, they help Jim and I remember how blessed we are to have so many great people around us. They keep our spirits up and help us continue this path. We do not know where we would be without all the support and, especially, love. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and souls. Like I said before, hopefully, you can forgive me for my outburst letter the other day. Like I have said before it feels good when I can get it out. Sorry you all had to be the recipient. Pray, pray, pray for our Jimboy, and please know that we are so thankful to you all. We realize no one knows what to say to us, but just know if I had to say something to us. . . I wouldn't know what to say either. Thank you all and God Bless You and Your Family Now and Forever, or as Jimboy would say, "Forever and Ever and Ever and Eeeevvvvveeeerrrrr." Isn't that the truth. Love you all - Gina
  5. Katonah Rescue 17 Bedford Hills rescue 10 as well
  6. Dear Family and Friends, I try not to write too much lately, because I really do not want become to overbearing to you all. I appreciate all the love you have all given us, and am indebted to you all. So, I will keep this short and please know I love each and every one of you dearly. I need your prayers once again. Jimboy has started having tremors in his left and right arms. We are trying not to get to alarmed over this, hoping and praying. We are hoping that this is just post radiation swelling. So please, please, please pray hard for our boy tonight and tomorrow. Tonight his tube got pulled out about 2" so we will admit him tonight to put that back in position and have an MRI in the morning tomorrow. This poor kid, I love him so much. I really am so amazed by his strength. I will let you all know. This is very scary for Jim and I. Even though we have been down this road before, each time still feels like the first time. Hug your kids, and May God Hold You Close Always, Gina
  7. It is with GREAT JOY that I get to report that the tumor is stable and we can relax a bit. We got the word this morning when all the final reports were in. We are so happy today. . . one day at a time. The neurological stuff could be the brain reorganizing itself, no one can really answer what is going on. So we will just keep an eye out and enjoy family life again. It really is a rollercoaster, but it really feels good when I can have great news. So, I will be in touch with those of you who would like to some little projects for the kids at the hospital. Much love to you all, and please enjoy the day for the Arena's. God Bless and Keep Praying, Love, Gina
  8. Poundridge Fire Dept. Westchester Ave. Poundridge NY A Blood Drive to benefit the Friends of Jimmy account with the Hudson ValleyBlood service. Saturday 2/19/05 9:00 to 2:30 Please come and support the blood banks there will be more drives in coming months we will post.
  9. yes youu can i will get you the account number and get it back to you
  10. REMINDER the BLOOD SERVICE NEEDS BLOOD ALL TYPES they were showing how LOW they were last night on TV even if you can not come to Pound Ridge and donate you can go to Elmsford they are open every day,we also have more drives scheduled in Jimmy name in coming months give a pint save a life , it could be your own or some one we al know.
  11. I agree with you x635,progress is a good thing espically in westchester County where it takes forever to get anything done in changes at the Fire Service end of things. When Katonah switched to Countywe TRIPLED are call volume, No more Police sending cars to smoke coming from house and all the other great blunders that used to happen,and why can't we get it so the County has complete control over the radio system,have them tell you where to and when to change channels to free up the busy 46.26 know would'nt that make all our lives smother? yes we know it would but we need to swallow the pride and stubborness give up our radio liscense and let the county run the system and make it safer for all of us. Change is good and let us keep moving forward.
  12. Everyone go to www.jimmboy.com, his parade has been loadedon to his web site.
  13. Dearest Family and Friends, Well we have been home for 10 days, and are so thrilled to be here. Last night about 1 am I had a feeling to check Jimboy and found that the pressure in his skull had increased. I called the Doc and took him to the ER. He had a slight temperature, and didn't want to take any chances. Turned out that the pressure went down, but he was dehydrated and his heart rate was a little elevated. The CT showed that it seems there has been no growth and the tumor is stable - we'll take it. Although, he has not been eating very well, therefore, we will admit him tomorrow (Tuesday) to give him a feeding tube and hopefully plump him up a little. He has lost 7 lbs. since we left for CA, and really needs to get some nutrition. I don't know how long he will be in for. He has perked up a lot since getting fluids in him. The lack of appetite is a side effect of the treatment - hopefully temporary. We will also be discussing the next treatment options. I JUST WANT THIS TUMOR GONE. I think of you all often, please keep praying for our miracle, and know that the Arena Family is very blessed to have each and every one of you in our lives. I love you all, Love, Gina and family
  14. Hello and Thank You Gina, Jimmyboy and of course myself really enjoyed the Parade and the ride home. We did not expect the Turn out we had, it but i should not say that because everyone has been so great to us. We Thank you all so much. Check Out his web site, www.jimmboy.com
  15. Check out our web site for JIMMYBOY we also have a order form and PO boxset up for them know. We meen bracelets. Also a nice Article written by Tom Bock in yonkerstribune.com. New web Site is www.jimmboy.com jimmyboy.com was already taken so this is the closest we could get
  16. WE ARE HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We Beat the snow we had no traffic all the way home,Jimmy was so excited to in New York,he was yelling it all the way home. I am so proud to be a Member and a resident of Westchester County, It made me tear up and choke up when I came around the corner and saw everyone at IBM, Gina was crying lil Jim was excited it took him a little while to comprehend you all were there to see him come home. The ride home was great and ya know what as we sttod at home and everyone came by him blowing the horn he did not cover his ears !!!!!!! He was smiling and that has not happened in a looong time. It was great to see you all at Jimmy boys Home coming . THANK YOU ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We appreciate everything everyone has done for us. JIm Gina and the entire Arena family
  18. The Parade is tomm. Morning at approx.1000 starting at IBM entrance off Rte 116 in Somers.
  19. Thank You we are soooo excited and happy to have finished up everything out here,Its Bittersweet,we have made some great connections out here and right know the weather is great,But we really do look forward to the homecoming,and to me the SNOW just meens extra money in the paycheck cause I will be going to work later in the day to keep the Roads open in The TOWN OF BEDFORD. Thank You and WE WILL SEE YOU AT THE HOMECOMING PARADE.
  20. Katonah and Bedford Hills pay 3/4 of fee for members to belong to Saw Mill Club in Mt. Kisco, Members pay rest of fee, Members have to be active at gym and in FD,or they are dropped.
  21. well it worked out well for us, Katonah switched over almost 10 years ago we have tripled our call volume,no where as high as Portchester,but as long as you set up everything ( Run Cards, Apparatus assignments,Mutual Aid etc.) it will be done right we have been very pleased with everything I know while I was Chief it made my life easier.
  22. Skooter and everyone else Contact Jim Arena by either e mail ja3kfd@aol.com or call me at 1 914 403 1871 Also Jeff Dadday can get a hold of me if its easier,they are also for sale at Wooden Nickel Deli in Katonah,Stegers Paper Mill,KAtonah also Hair Warf in KAtonah. Thank You for your support. Jim and Gina Arena
  23. Hello all Well as of yesterday Jimmy has succesfully had 16 treatments, this has been one of the most nerve racking experinces of our lives. Through the Somers Italian American Club,Friends of Karen,Teresa Reda of Somers School Dist. , all thr Somers School Dist. Teachers and other donators We were able to have the family together for 5 days in Calif. and let me tell you ALL the Kids were so happy to see Gina and Jimmy they were litterly trembling when they laid eyes on each other. Little Jimmy was ear to ear smiles when he saw them. We had two great days at Disney then we spent 2 days just being with each other. Well we are home know as I had to pick up Jessi at Cape Cod for Christmas Break, Hey I did coast to coast in 24 hrs. Well I can not thank everyone enough, I am trully honored to be a member of this site and also having so many of you behind me and my family. Two More Things: 1 WE have Bracelets we are selling as a Fund Raiser for Jimmy They Say: Just Imagine Making Miracles Yours That stands for JIMMY 1 forr 3.00 2 for 5.00 2. I have been talking to people about Having a Little Parade for Jimmy and Gina when we fly back from Calif.we will probably be home around 1/28/05 but I dont think i will be able to organize it all so any one have some time they want to help me out??? Let me know Merry Christmas and Everyone slow down a minute tell someone you Love Them