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Everything posted by ONEEYEDMIC

  1. I haven't flown yet with my soon to be 3 year old but plan to this summer. If and when I do, they can frisk and/or search him. It is not only for terrorism it is for drugs and other illegal contraband as well. And yes, I am sure we can all look around an airport and find people that look questionable. I am not saying that it isn't right, I am just saying you have to go with the flow nowadays. I might ask if I can frisk them if they want to frisk me. See how they like it.
  2. Considering Heathrow is probably one of the most internationally known and traveled airports that should have made you feel good. Here in the US security is a joke. Why do you think that they tell you to get to the airport 3hrs early? What was the problem with frisking your son? You want to be safe but not inconvienced. I am a very impatient person but when it comes to flying I know that I have to be. Let's not forget that the ENGLISH over the POND have been dealing with TERRORISM alot longer than we have. Sounds like they have it down to a science.
  3. Awesome letter. Obviously a COP wrote that and hits every point. Like I said. They weren't CHOIR BOYS.
  4. If for every once in awhile somebody came on TV and actually stated that the person injured or killed by the POLICE was wrong for what they did the TENSION would ease. Everybody shows their yearbook picture on the news and in the paper and says that their relative was a good boy/girl. Come on now. The fact is some if not most of these people are BAD. You think the Police set up in an area where they think good people are? NO. These Criminals don't care about anyone but themselves. The pot is being stirred here. If you can't see that you should open your eyes a little more. Sharpton has an agenda. We should have nipped this in the bud back in the day with Tawana Brawley. But we gave him the reigns and has run with it ever since. I followed this case pretty close. Mostly read in the paper because I got sick of watching the people on the news. I have to tell you that I didn't think the officers would be acquited. I thought at least Reckless Endangerment. One of the shots hit a Subway platform or something like that. I especially thought that because they didn't allow change of venue. In the Diallo case that was a big deal to me. But in the end the defense lawyers rolled the dice with a Judge only trial. And you have to look at some of the facts that came out for the prosecution. Respect is what everyone should give and take. Of course there are going to be people not happy with the POLICE. Hey we right tickets and we take away people's freedom. Why do we do that? BECAUSE YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG.
  5. With the nice day we had yesterday and hopefully soon to come till Oct, I started thinking about all the traffic accidents that happen with Donor Cycles and Motor Vehicles. It seems that when the nice weather is here people drive extra idiotic. Here is the dilemma. When responding to an accident with any injuries from minor to serious do you pardon the pun, add insult to injury by writing the injured party a NYS SUMMONS? Although most violations need be witnessed by the PO, through some investigation you can come to a conclusion. I don't really mind if their is a minor accident and I have to write a summons but I guess I do feel bad sometimes when somebody is in real bad shape and I add a summons to their property while they recover. Now, if they are totally in the wrong then I don't feel bad at all.
  6. I take offense. We are trained to shoot till there is no longer a threat. I wasn't there, but I have been involved in many, many active shooter drills with simunitions and you would be surprised how many rounds you can get off, reload and get off again before you percieve the threat to be over. Everyone is different on what they percieve. The other fact is that the POLICE perceived that that they were going to get killed by a motor vehicle. Just as deadly as a gun right? Your just off base and I am glad your not my dispatcher.
  7. Sounds like Matt Nolan would be a good fit. How about John Wood? Curtis Mast?
  8. There was an injustice? Are you saying that the COPS should have been convicted? It is a shame that somebody lost their life but the PUBLIC makes it out like it was an ASSISINATION. We didn't get to see or hear the trial only read what the BIASED PAPERS AND NEWS PUT ON TV. If you are going to yell about violence then you should go to jail.
  9. I got that out of the article. Why didn't they wait the minute then? What is the status of the EMS LT? I mean what were her qualifications? This is a young boy why not just open the friggin doors?
  10. I read this last night and was hoping that somebody posted it. The paper makes it look like when the OLM bus pulled up, the FDNY bus took off. That is messed up if it happened that way. I never worked in the NYC. Did OLM know what was going on or did they just roll up and check? Wasn't there an EMS LT on scene? Did she leave before OLM pulled up? Was she a Medic or EMT? Before you say it I know that you are all EMT's before you become Medics. Can't wait to find out the truth in this matter.
  11. If you get news 12 watch it later. They interviewed some body that stated if the COPS wanted Violence then we will give them Violence. How can't they lock him up for at least Dis Con or Inciting a Riot because that is what is going to happen. If God Forbid I am ever in that situation I am taking my chances with just a Judge as well. I think the outcome would have been different if there was a jury trial and no change of venue like the Diallo Trial. What they should do is have the Civil Trial first then the Criminal Trial.
  12. The Tarry Inn AKA JP DOYLES was ok right? Please tell me that it was ok. LOL. That is why there were so many Depts there. Protecting a LANDMARK. LOL Glad everyone was safe.
  13. As long as the Tarry Inn, (JP Doyles to you younger guys) didn't burn to the ground. Life does go on.
  14. I guess on another topic. How hard is it for somebody to check to see if a gun is loaded before you try and clean it. I mean this is like RULE 1 of GUN SAFETY. Some people just never learn. Did I do the quote thing right? OFFICER.COM
  15. Like I have said in the past. Whatever I write on here I would say to somebody's face.
  16. Our Ex Chief of PD moved to Fla. After some time collecting his pension he decided to get a job with the local PD. He had to go back to the Police Academy and do the same BS that he started long ago. So I say to all of you. You aren't that special. I don't care what or who you know. Stay the extra 5 years in Chi town while your wife and family move to NY. You can see each other a couple times a year and when you retire you can move and enjoy your pension. If not, get divorced keep working as a FF and stay in CHI TOWN.
  17. In a residental neighborhood 30mph is too fast. Our Town speed limit is 30mph unless posted different. You find me a driver that drives 30mph all the time. I think it is ridiculous. Cars have more horsepower than back in the day when these laws were made. I don't think 40mph would be unreasonable. Most of the time I give you 20mph over on a main road. Depending of course the time of day, weather, etc.. That is pretty generous. I think of it this way. If I write you 20mph over you probably won't plead it down to a non moving violation. Fine is higher, points on license and INS goes up. Hopefully the driver will learn from their mistakes.
  18. If you say your on EMT BRAVO I give you the ticket. LOL Seriously were you speeding going up the hill? I would like to know the town/village or city your in. How was he doing you a favor by giving you a ticket? Maybe you have been seen driving poorly before. Sounds weird to me.
  19. I think I have one. Very large male poss CVA. No way he could be carried because of icy narrow stairs. I suggested to the Amb Crew that we back up the Amb and slide the Pt down on the reeves into the back of the amb. Because of Icy driveway we couldn't do that but we did slide the Pt down the stairs onto the stretcher. About a 3-4ft drop. Worked out well. Pretty sure we would still be there if that didn't happen. JJB, you remember the 500+ DOA a few years back? You releived me but I think they took him out with a TL. There was also the story in Mt Vernon where they cut a hole in the side of the house to get out a rather large person.
  20. If the accident was witnessed by me then I would write for following too closely. It is very hard for you too prove how close the person was before the accident. I am not an accident investigator per se. Meaning just basic from the academy. I think you would have to start measuring skid marks and stuff like that. In wet weather you might be able to get away with some sort of speed not prudent violation. I usually just write if they don't have Ins Cards. We have too actually on our job if they don't produce and INS CARD during an ACCIDENT.
  21. I feel the same way. Just wanted to see what others thought.
  22. It's found OT for me. Got the call yesterday that the first person went off. Then I got another call that the second person went off. Then got the call that both were recovered. Like JJB stated. If they want to kill themselves they will find any means necessary. I don't think a fence will do it. Maybe they should make a pull off so that it doesn't jam up traffic on the bridge.
  23. I am not saying that you are not dedicated. Without you, your family and a few others, your VAC would be in the dirt. This post was about Dive Teams. I stated that we don't just sit around and wait. Maybe I should have said while we were working. Do you really think that any of us would do that on our OFF TIME FOR FREE. No way. This Topic is now off Topic. I will only respond to DIVE TEAM posts from now on. I am starting to get annoyed. How come it can't be a simple thing with these quotes. Used to work now I have no idea what I have to fix quote.
  24. The above post was part of mine and part of GAW6. I can't figure out how to do multiple quotes because I keep getting errors or something.
  25. We do have lives outside out the job. But when we get called we show up. No Mutual Aid. You think that I would sit around and do it for FREE? What I was trying to say is they aren't going to pay us to just sit in a room and wait to be called. We do our normal Patrol function or whatever it is and if we get called we get called. Being one of really only 3 PD DIVE TEAMS and that is probably not even right we should get called. The problem is Agencies not knowing who to call. I have suggested that 60 Control keep us on a list but I am not sure if that even happens. It took 4 days for NYSP to call us about the possible jumper off the TZB the other day. We are 1 of only a few Depts in the STATE with Side Scan Sonar so we really wish were called more. Hopefully in the future. NYSP Divers are scattered all over the State. Croton on Hudson PD has a team. I hear that WCDPS just got new gear but I Am not sure how many are trained. You would figure that some of the City Jobs on the Water would have them. NEW RO has a harbor and I think are working on Divers. YPD doesn't. They did. I understand that you don't want to sit in the building and wait for a call especially if you don't get paid for it. So get paid for it and sit in the building. I agree 100% JJB. I can't tell you how much we were called out last year but it was alot. More than usual I would say. The floods in Mamaroneck helped out along with some other crimes in the County.