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Everything posted by ONEEYEDMIC

  1. Key word, you don't have your PAID EMT at night. How about keeping him/her for 24hrs? Bet your response times will go up won't they? Doesn't do any good if you have a second call, but that is what Mutual Aid is for. Just hope they can get out. At least you acknowledge that your EMS agency has problems. Now it is getting other members or your DEPT or VAC to realize it as well. I have also seen paid EMT's not being utilized because they can't get a driver. Since we went off the topic a little. I have seen and heard of this as of late. Medic is on scene and we call them on the radio to find out whether it is ALS or BLS because the AMB only has a driver. They will respond if ALS but Mutual Aid if BLS. I guess that fits into the category or response times.
  2. Mt Pleasant PD does have a Dive Team. But we all don't work the same shifts. Unfortunaltely we don't just hang around waiting for a call. That would be nice but not justified by any means. As I stated before. A call comes in for a "Mission". We find out details on the phone IE: how long has subject or object been in the water? If it is EVIDENCE RECOVERY then we tell the Agency that we will be there that day depending on time. We don't dive at night for any reason. Or the next day with hopefully a full crew. I guess the same goes for a Person(s) in the water.
  3. I realize that the Medic has their thing to do. But what happens when the Medic is done doing their thing and there is still no AMB on scene. That has happened as well. I think that ALL the ambulances in WEST should be Dispatched by 60 Control. I think it is ridiculous to have a PD disp AMB. If they can dispatch all the FD's then the AMB shouldn't be a prob. I mean we have to call them to get Mutual Aid AMB don't we? Other than it being a busy day, how many times is the AMB on scene prior to the Medic? And if that is the case how many times does the AMB CREW just wait for the Medic instead of gettng the PT to the AMB. Around here I don't think I personally have seen a ALS Intercept. But then again, the ER's are right around the corner. Up in Northern West, I used them all the time. The Medic has the disadvantage of waiting on scence for those delayed reponses from AMB.
  4. Excellent points. Do you have a radio and call whoever you need to let them know you are on scene? When a call comes in and a Medic and Amb are dispatched along with a PO that is when my clock starts. Does the PO stop the clock? Maybe. Does the Clock stop when the Medic gets there? Not altogether. You can hit that button on the side that gives you lap times. Meaning the Medic was there in this amount of time but you still need to txp the PT. That is why you have to keep the other clock going.
  5. Jay we took probably the same Dive Rescue course on underwater evidence recovery. Take no offense to this but just because you took the course doesn't mean that a PD is going to let you collect their evidence. I would tend to think that just on the basis of legality of the crime scene they would like to keep it in the family sort a speak. Now with that being said, if you are the only qualified Agency that can collect such evidence and do it in a professional manner I don't have a problem with that.
  6. That all depends on the day. Honestly it is hard to say. I would say a VFD or Paid FD would be able to get there faster if they have a designated team assigned to do that. PD is tougher as nobody that I know of except NYPD has a Dive Team ready to go at a moments notice.
  7. See that is where the problem is. Being that certain members know who I am they will complain in PM's about what I am saying. I am not out to get anybody on here. I just want the wool to be pulled from peoples eyes.
  8. Godforbid somebody walks to the ambulance. That would make so much sense. It has gotten better though. I have seen more people walk to the ambulance then in the past. Unless of course you have to get the powered stairchair with treds to help you go down the stairs. I have been lifting and carrying people for a long time now. Some down flights and flights of stairs and I NEVER EVER had a back injury. Knock on wood. I see the problem with any lifting injuries is technique. People think they are using their legs but they are using their lower back. You would think that 100% of PD on scene would offer to give you a hand. AT least with some bags or other gear.That doesn't mean anyone should expect them to carry a PT for you. I am all about helping, but I did my time carrying PT's. If I see that a crew CAN'T do it then I will help. But don't think that I/WE are automatically going to do it.
  9. Being a Police Diver I agree with everything that you say. When we get a call most of the time it will be from another Agency. We then have to call out team members and meet to get our gear and stuff together. (We are ready to go all the time with our regular gear, but each scenario is different) IF we can, we send a team member to the scene whether a BOSS or not just to talk to the IC so we can relay any pertinet info back to our other guys. I would have to say 99% of the time, when we get called it is for body recovery or evidence recovery. If that is the situation then it is a CRIME SCENE and no unauthorized personell should be in the area. This has happened in the past with an PD/FD I am not going to name in West. It was clearly a drowning and possibly suspicious at the time but the PD on scene called in DEPTS with boats and divers and such. When we got there our SGT advised the on scene PD LT that this should be treated as a crime scene. Finally all the FD divers were pulled and they packed their things and left. Not sure if they were mad or not but they had to have understood that they were no longer needed. Sorry for the ramble. Chances are that the PD will be on scene first right? Then they should be getting all the intel they can to determine if anyone is in the VEH. Sometimes that is not possible. What do you do? How many DEPT's in WEST whether PD or FD, PAID or VOLLEY have a DIVE TEAM ready to go at a moments notice? Prob not that many. The scenario was given then turns into a crime scene till further notice. If there was person in the VEH it then becomes a recovery. If it was teens fooling around by just releasing the EBRAKE and pushing a car into some water, you can maybe turn that into a training dive for any DEPTs that you have responding.
  10. How about the VAC's not being able to cover their calls. Having a call go to Mutual Aid and then that VAC not getting out. Not that is happens alot, but it does happen. I can come up with some solid numbers on this but then people would think that I am picking on them so I won't.
  11. No need to watch the games. This years Tourney is crazy. I was really hoping that all the #2 teams lost yesteday. I go knocked out of my pool by Davidson so I am now rooting for them. Curry is nasty and I don't mean the spice in Indian cooking. There are lots of UCONN fans around NY as well. I can't stand them as well. Prob because it is so close to BOSTON and their fans make me SICK. Don't worry about how the Yanks looked yesterday, worry about next Mon. I am a loyal and EX BLEACHER CREATURE SECTION 39 from back in the day. Yanks are my life and soon to be passed to my little one. Too bad you have to take out a mortgage to go to a game.
  12. A gracious loser is what I like to see. I wouldn't have turned on ESPN or read the paper for weeks if my team lost. As a matter of fact when the Yanks lost to Boston in 2004 I didn't turn on any sports anything for about 2 weeks.
  13. I logged onto both with no problems. I wasn't really looking but I didn't see a place like on here where you show what you do, your age bracket, etc...
  14. Before I take the poll I would like to know what I get with Premium Membership?
  15. I have carried some heavy people with a partner alone many, many times. 250lbs is not that heavy. As a matter of fact, a person should be able to lift their own body weight or at least 75% of their body weight. I will help lift on calls if it gets me back in service faster. If you have a crew of people that can't lift don't look to me to do your lifting. And if I must lift, you are going to get an earful. I see that way too much now.
  16. I am glad that somebody put that up. Duke shouldn't have made it out of the first rd. At least I don't have to watch them anymore. Maybe know he can take off that stupid DUKE thing at the bottom of his posts. LOL
  17. Don't you think that you could spend 10k on something else other than a stretcher? I mean how lazy to you have to get? I just don't understand it and I don't want to hear about getting hurt either. If you can't lift correctly then get out OF EMS. Spending 10K on something is RIDICULOUS.
  18. I wouldn't want a partner after being alone for so long. Well maybe on a midnight, but not during the day or 4-12. I like being independent.
  19. I don't use them but have seen them used lots and lots of times and I don't see any advantage except saving your back. But, if you know how to lift correctly that shouldn't be and issue. The old style stretchers were easy to use with 2 people. They say that the new stretcher are 1 man but it usually takes about 3 too work it. I have also seen the Stairchairs with motors and movable treads to get down the stairs. That takes forever as well and I can guarantee I can get down the stairs faster with a partner and a reg stairchair then with that thing. I guess if you can't lift your body weight then you should have help from a motor.
  20. I would try Westchester County Fire Dept Pipe Band. I think that is their name. I know the PESW is pretty cheap to take lessons. Used to be every Mon night. If you ever get a chance, check out Waterbury PD, CT Pipe Band. I am pretty sure that is who I saw at a 10-13 a couple of years ago in Stamford. They put on some show with the drummers and the pipers.
  21. We have a HOVER CRAFT but is is smaller and not enclosed. That looks nice to be out in the cold on. I think we may be getting a new one however.
  22. Thanks. The only thing that will help me find it is an INDIAN TRACKER. LOL. Google told me 87 N/B to exit 16 Harriman. I am familar with that location. Follow that for about 15mi or so on RT 17W and it is around there. Looks like it down the street from some hospital. Next week I will check it out. How do you think the prices are?
  23. Because apparently we are taking away all the FD's FEDERAL MONEY and HAZ MAT JOBS. You are correct. Not even being in the FIRE SERVICE I could have written where this was going. It also helped that you had BULLDOG as a UNION PRESIDENT who is now COMMISONER. Everyone should be like you and want to better themselves. I take classes on my own with my own money. What does it get me at work? NOTHING, but I know that it makes me a better and smarter person and that is what counts. Of course I would like more money for knowledge that I have. I am a realist though and know it isn't going to happen. Career guys are going or at least should be more trained than volunteers. I would hope that the money City, Towns, and Villages spend on Paid guys goes for more than sitting around waiting for the alarm to go off. I want them to be training. I would love to know that if my house is on Fire or in the case where FD's respond to aided cases that I am getting the BEST possible. I deserve it and so does the rest of the Community.
  24. You didn't say that I needed a Passport to get there. LOL How come Google Maps gives me 1 set of directions and MapQuest gives me a totally different set? I can never understand that. Oh well, I might have to take a ride up there this week and check it out. Hope I don't stopped by the MOUNTIES.
  25. How are their prices? Worth risking my life over the TZB to check out the store or should I just shop online? Website?