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Everything posted by ONEEYEDMIC

  2. Really Chris our lovely DA won't entertain this? That was an attempt at sarcasm. I bet if you shined that bright light in a suspects eyes and he ran into traffic and got killed or hurt they would find a way to charge you!
  3. Almost like saying he/she fell on the knife 10 times!
  4. Everyone calm down! I was just asking! But it's always good to build in an Economic crisis! I hope I'm invited to the christening of the new building!
  5. Did they really need a new building?
  6. Parades are a waste of time and money! Unless of course you are in the bar business! Lol
  7. I can't tell you how many times I have been on some sort of EMS call and gotten baseline vitals, minus the BP, Patient HX, etc.... and relayed that to an EMS crew whether it be and AMB or MEDIC and have them look at me like I got 15 heads. No I don't wear a "I was a medic patch" on my uniform but certain key phrases should tip you off that I may have a clue. This happens all the time with others as well. Now I could just get patient info for my report and sit there in my pockets and watch, but I don't. It's funny when the sh*t hits the fan and low and behold the COP is spiking a bag, opening and intubation roll and doing other stuff. I guess all those episodes of EMERGENCY paid off for me. I guess my point is, you never know who you have in the room with you to help!
  8. How many times has anyone RMA'd a diabetic after given Insta glucose, glucagon or even D50? BITD(back in the day) that happened all the time. Sometimes after the patient was semi-conscience or even unconscience. As much as we tried to convince them, they refused. Call Medical control advise them and be on our way. It is the same scenario here. You give them the cocktail, they wake up and are pissed cause you took their high and refuse to go. Of course you know you will be back there soon, same with the diabetic!
  9. It's pretty simple. Your damned if you do, and your damned if you don't! I know what I have done and would do, just can't tell others what to do. I guess follow your gut. Who cares if you get sued. Can't get blood from a stone right? The end result is that all patients on either scene are tended too!
  10. I heard about something going on in Irvington but couldn't find what was up. Just found the article and all I can say is at least he was courteous enough to leave a note. I am gonna assume that the PD was on scene first, so was the note taped to the drivers side window? Was the tub of chemicals in a spot where first responders could observe them? I haven't really heard of this as a method of suicide here in the States until now. You wonder now about copy cat suicides and the patients not leaving any signs and 1st responders getting injured. This may be a class that all 1st responders should attend!
  11. Or if the ER staff is really mean push it fast as your backing inti the bay so the pt showers the staff with puke! Well that's what I heard anyway!
  12. If PD/FD knows the signs over an overdose, Narcan would be a great 1st line drug. I mean I have watched trained EMT's give instant glucose to patients with an unsecured airway! Just saying there happens to be many trained LEO's/FF's. The heroin epidemic has been a problem in Northern West for a long time now!
  13. They should just have unlimited sick time if the are getting 19+ a year! We get 12 a year with incentives if we only use a few!
  14. I actually enforce this law because it pisses me off when headlights aren't on! Many people break the law in bad weather because they think LEO's don't like getting wet. What's a little water when you get to see the look's on the driver's face!
  15. It just goes to show how corrupt The City of Mt Vernon is! Anyone that thinks that this isn't a race issue has their heads in the sand. I hope there is a way that ALL members of FDMV can fight this. Good Luck!
  16. I have no idea what you guys are talking about!
  17. Let me sit down and do the interviews! I've got lots of wisdom to dish out about EMS!
  18. Not that I know anything about the fire service, but couldn't NRFD do with Pehlam, what WCDPS did with the Town Of Ossining PD?Don't they have the same training?
  19. I have to agree with you! Nothing to lose and no respect! An off-duty officer was killed this morn I believe in CA! It has to stop!
  20. Does that mean I have to put gloves on to knock it out of their hands? I got an idea, how about they put the clipboard down so I don't have to carry the Patient!
  21. If I knew I wouldn't get in trouble I would stomp on those stupid clip boards! Any info you need you can obtain on the way to the ER or in the ER themselves. Unless it's gonna be a DOA or RMA, there is no need to get patient info inside a residence. Although I have been out of the EMS game for awhile, I have seen a big decline in ALS and BLS skills. One used to have to be a pretty seasoned Medic to work in a fly car system and now I guess it's who know in that system that gets you there. As for the BLS, I have no idea what is going on. I was always taught BLS before ALS!
  22. Except of course for Wed nights! That Medic guy was Awesome!
  23. I hope nobody is counting Catholic School as a private school! I know for a fact that Catholic Teachers get paid crap! After tenure, public school teachers are making more than most cops in Westchester at top pay! I wish the Catholic school system paid like that!
  24. I'll remember that the next time I pull a FF over for a DWI! I'll also mention your screen name so they can give you the "hero" all the credit!