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Posts posted by ONEEYEDMIC

  1. I am glad that I read this topic. We all break the rules and the law. If you don't then you must be a Saint.

    Domestic Violence is nothing to play around with especially now a day's. In the past, Domestic Violence was kept secret by the people who it was being done too. Sometimes I think that is all I do at work is respond to people who can't talk or work out their problems. Then they turn to us to fix it. But if you think about it we have all probably been involved in a Domestic Incident at least once. Maybe not the hitting or throwing of things, but more likely the Yelling at a Loved one.

    In the case of a fellow MOS that left their position and moved away got help and is doing fine. I think EVERYONE deserves a SECOND CHANCE. We all make mistakes and believe me I make tons. I happen to know a bunch of people that maybe aren't the most upstanding citizens but I haven't turned my back on them. I might not call them but if I see them around I am not rude to them either.

    What is a known Felon? Is it a murderer, rapist, robbery, arsonist, or could it be your buddy that had his license suspended a couple of times. That is a felony also.

    So ALSFIREFIGHTER, one of your buddies doesn't know that his license is suspended and he gets pulled over and finds out that his license suspened and it turns out to be a FELONY. Your not going to talk to that person anymore?

    I bet we could all sit here and name tons of people that we have worked with or known that have done some bad stuff. I think that we should have to hear both sides to any story and make our conclussions from there.

  2. "The reason for this topic is get opinions - not to start a war or to create an indifference. The bottom line is that FD should go to all calls of smoke, fire, odors of gas, gas leaks, extrications, etc. EMS should go to EMS calls and PD should go to whatever they want - just send the appropriate agency".

    How come only FD does extrications? What if we have the tools to do the same and we are already on the road. I know that most PD's don't have that stuff but we do and we train in it so if I get there first I will already be working when you show up in your pickup. ZING You can take the other calls although I like structure fires. I especially like when you guys break sh*t that you don't need too. I also like watching you clean up. I LOVE MY JOB.

  3. I get all your points. I am not a spring chicken when it comes to EMS and/or PD issues. Here it is. AN ALARM COMES INTO OUR DISPATCH for whatever address. We take the info. AS WE ARE DISPATCHING a PATROL UNIT WE ARE ALSO ON THE PHONE WITH FIRE CONTROL. Whatever happens after that happens. So at least at our agency most of the time it could be at the same time. Now it depends on how long it takes FIRE CONTROL to dispatch. And don't say that they are quick because I have listned and waited sometimes. That is not the PD fault. COPS will most likely always get to the scene first. And just so we are on the topic "it shouldn't have to take a house to burn down". How about somebody dying from a medical or trauma condition?

    My issue about smoke in the area is this and just sending PD is wrong. But, toning out for a VOLLEY FD just to check for some some sounds stupid to me when I can do the same check faster and without bothering a neighborhood with lights and sirens. I know what you are going to say. What if there is a fire. Now you have to waste time dispatching the FD. Well what if there was not a fire? Now you just wasted everyone's time. I don't know the solution and I now that you all like to play with your BIG TRUCKS but come on. Paid guys should get sent on those runs though. THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE GETTING PAID TO DO.

    Here is the issue with BLUE/GREEN LIGHTS. I am not going to give you a ticket for responding to your BUILDING for a call with your lights on. IF YOU GO to the scene however I will make an issue of that. Too many times I have heard/seen what sounds like what I call a BullSh*t call. A crew can barely get out. All of a sudden it turns out to be let's just say a pin job. NOW I HAVE to deal with a million JOLLEY VOLLEYS on the side of the road screwing up my traffic pattern just because they didn't want to go to the BULLSH*T call. That shouldn't be.

    Believe me. I say what is on my mind to people. I don't care if you are a CHIEF, COMMISH, LT, Whatever rank. If you are in the wrong I will let you know.

    So in closing I guess you should address your dispatching issues with YOUR CHIEFS OF PD/FD/ Head of AMB and figure out how to fix the problem. I personally think that ALL EMS/FIRE IN THE COUNTY SHOULD BE dispatched from one center. E-911 comes to us "What is your EMERGENCY"? " I need an ambulance" Transfer the call. You can still listen in and get the address then send a patrol unit. There ya go. Time will still get wasted.

    How about this. I don't live in a Paid FD area. I am fortunate enough to get a paid Medic but start writing down response times of PD/VOLLEY. Or VOLLEY/VOLLEY in some area's. The times are SICKENING how some agencies can't get out during the day and sometimes at night. You know where I am going with this so I will end it there.

    Just one other thing. If I get sent to and AIDED for a NOSE BLEED, I know how to stop it. I can also spint and do many other things. COPS AREN"T ALL JUST POWER HUNGRY A**HOLES.LOL

  4. I don't determine how the call comes in I just either get sent there or dispatch a car there. If a call comes in and we have a Civialian Disp working then we work TOGETHER on dispatching who needs to be dispatched. If I need to call Fire Control then that is what I do. There is very little lag time that I take. Now I won't speak for other Dept in the County because I know that I have called and it takes like 6 rings for them to pick up the phone. ANd I am not talking a busy Dept either.'

    "If I was a homeowner and I found out that the police responded to my fire alarm and my house was on fire and then they never notified the FD I would be pissed, and now a days where everyone and the mother has a scanner in the house why wouldn't the PD just follow procedure. My big question for the police members of EMTbravo is what is the big deal in notifying the FD paid or unpaid?"

    That's right the PD doesn't want the FD dispatched so your house burns down. Give me a break please. Stop making this out to be a PD issue. Sometimes it does get busy in a Comm room as anyone on here that does it can tell you. How many times does a False Alarm come then it turns out to be a Working Structure Fire? Not that many. The fact is, ALL ALARM companys should have to call Fire Control in this County for AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARMS that come in. Then you don't have to blame the PD.

    "I have seen many dispatchers send PD, as the tones are being transmitted and they are on scene prior to the FD units signing on (even fully staffed career units) which leads to the inevitable arguments on who parks where. Some of us are beginning to wait for the FD to get a fighting chance then sending the PD for the support roles of traffic control and scene security".

    It doen't matter who gets sent when. In my OPINION PD should get to the scene first especially in this COUNTY FULL OF VOLUNTEERS. And if the PD doesn't know where to park then shame on them if they get blocked in.

    Bottom Line. If a call comes into your agency then Dispatch the appropriate units. That's it. I hate to admit that I do listen to a scanner at home. Am I a buff? Maybe a little. I just like knowing what is going on. Have I ever gone to a scene. NO. The other night at the Hawthorne Fire they came out of the woodwork. It was really annoying because they got in the way. Let me ask you a question. While half of an agency that isn't disptatched to a fire is at the fire and then a fire comes in in your town what do you do? I bet your Repsonse times will be longer.

  5. My other post did not make it up so I am sorry if you see a repeat.

    My DEPT runs like this. E-911 is called. The disp picks up and depending on if that person is calling from their house or not all information is given on the screen. We confirm with person calling and ask nature and dispatch closest Patrol and Medic unit. We then may have to call 60 control or another Police agency to have the VAC dipatched. This takes some time. Then you have to wait for the VOLUNTEERS to get to the building then respond to the call if they can even get out. If they can't then you have to deal with Mutual Aid.

    We also have FD pagers from all the agencies in our area in our DISP area. If a call comes through there then we dispatch a Patrol unit. Sometimes the call comes in VIA an ALARM CO. We then send a Patrol Unit and notify 60 control. Again the FD has to be paged and you have to wait for a responding FD UNIT. This all takes some time. I am not sure about your neighboring area but it sounds like there might be a problem. The other problem is, if we all went to PAID services RESPONSE TIME would be better.

    I happen to keep times just for myself when EMS and FD are dispatched to certain things. AUTOMATIC ALARMS with nothing showing I really don't care about. But when it comes to EMS I go crazy if the AMB is not there in a reasonable amount of time. That depends on the time of day though.

    We have had this issue before. I am not making this a PAID issue either. The numbers speak for themselves. No before you all jump down my throat with numbers about your area. RELAX some are better than others. Our job should be to get those OTHERS to be the same as YOU.

  6. Here is my 2 cents. I WILL NOT WRITE A COP or BUST HIS/HER BALLS unless I have too. Yes COPS ARE A**HOLES. I have been stopped many times and I get annoyed. I also Stop many cops and get annoyed. You want to read about d*ckhead cops then got to Cops who Wrirte or something like that. All stories about cops who wrtire other cops. It happens. VA is the worst state for a cop to get pulled over. They write everyone. I am at the point where I will just tell whoever to give me the ticket and I will deal with it in court.

    What should be done is the this guys name should be plastered everywhere so everyone can see who he is then he will get written someday. Because you know that he prob breaks the law when he drives. WE ALL DO.

  7. Little confused...  If there was an Incident Commander then there was a Command Post.. Why wasnt there an Law Enforcement Officer in charge at the Command Post? If there wasn't did you ask for a radio or offer one of yours so there was comunication?

    With so many agencies from so many different radio frequencies you are bound to have issues.

    I am not saying the CHIEF handled it right. I AM JUST ASKING A QUESTION!!

    Here is the deal. We pulled up to the COMMAND POST which was stationed at a MAMARONECK FD. We were told to go to where the train tressle was and make contact there. We made contact with a MAMARONECK PO who looked like he was directing units where to go. We were told where to deploy our motorcrafts, parked our vehicles and went to work. After we finally came out of the water which was at approximately 4am we went back to the I guess you can call it the COMMAND POST. We hung out there and then around 5 or so we were again sent back to where our watercrafts where we were told by an UNKNOWN FD CHIEF that there was a family in need of evacuation at so and so residence. We got back in our boats and went to that scene. NOBODY was there because they had been evacuated already. Because we had no communication we did not know this. We found a couple of FD UNITS blocking off some street and a couple of our guys asked them to contact either the COMMAND POST OR INCIDENT COMMAND to find out if we were at the right residence or if there was any other person's in need of assistance while we were there. They did not even have the frequency to contact the COMMAND POST or INCIDENT COMMAND. They asked us what frequency it was. That is annoying. Anyway when we got back to our starting point the FIRE CHIEF GUY WAS GONE. We made contact with the MAMARONECK PO we originally saw and he had no idea what had happened.

    My thing is if you are going to send a crew into a situation BE THERE WHEN THEY GET BACK or DON"T GET INVOLVED IN THE INCIDENT COMMAND ASPECT.

    I still don't know if it was a PD or FD INCIDENT. So I know we made contact with PD personell after we came out the first time. I guess I forgot that when we got down to Mamaroneck 2 of our guys had already been there so I don't know if they had made contact. We did not grab a radio and we did not take ours with us. That would have made no sense since we were in DRY SUITS and would have had not place put them.

    THE BOTTOM LINE IS THE COMMUNICATIONS SUCKED. That is it. If you weren't there then you can't comment on this and that. I am just saying what I experienced.

  8. The whole night went pretty well as a whole. That one incident pissed me off and I had to let it know. Anyone that knows me knows that I can't keep my mouth shut. I am not into COMMUNICATIONS at all. I know how to work them and I know how to run and incident if need be. Who was in charge last night Mamaroneck or OEM or some other agency?

    How about West County one of the RICHEST IN THE U.S. comes up with some money and buys a sh*t load of radios that are all the same frequency for such incidents. Not sure how the High band, Low band, Ultra high stuff works. But if you could. Hand out radios at the scene. WRite down the agency or persons from that agency that radio went too and maybe an identifier on the radio. Now you know who is calling what agency. At the end of the operation you get the radio back. It seems so simple to me. I know that there is alot more than that but in my mind that is how is should work.

    Fire Control may have done a great job but it is time to expand. I know they work their asses off in there but they a BIGGER FACILITY.

    Great Job to everyone that was there. EXCEPT FOR THAT FIRE CHIEF. I will find out who you were.

  9. Yes we have a HOVER CRAFT and it was deployed last night in RYE and in MAMARONECK. I can get the specs but we have had it for a couple of years and we mainly use it for ICE TRAINING AND RESCUES. I have to say that it worked pretty good last night but the underneath took a beating so we need to repair some stuff. It was obtained for FREE before I was even hired. The City of Rye now wants to purchase one. I would say get the biggest one possible.

  10. That was insane last night in Mamaroneck. It was great to come home to my own basement underwater. To all the agencies whose boat I may have been in or placed many, many people in THANK YOU.

    I have to say that Westchester has to work on some sort of communications for disasters like this. Nobody could talk to nobody and we being PD had really no way to communicate with anyone. We were sent back down into the MAMARONECK area around 4:30a to look for a family that was stranded. SHocking I think we were there 2HRS earlier and they didn't want to leave. Anyway we got down to INCIDENT COMMAND at the Train Tressel and an UNNAMED FIRE CHIEF from and UNKNOWN AGENCY told us where to go. We got there, the family had been evacuated. Not knowing this we kept searching. By this time most of the FD"s had packed up and left. We got back to INCIDENT COMMAND and low and behold the FIRE CHIEF was gone.

    Nice job doing your INCIDENT COMMAND whoever you were. Nice to leave 6 RESCUERS searching a residence that had already been evacuated. NICE JOB not to be at INCIDENT COMMAND when we got back to confirm the address since there was no form of COMMUNICATION.

    At one point we found a couple of FD units somewhere and asked to call INCIDENT COMMAND so we could confirm an address. They didn't even have a frequency.

    This topic needs to be addressed and soon. Somebody is going to get killed.

  11. That was insane last night in Mamaroneck. It was great to come home to my own basement underwater. To all the agencies whose boat I may have been in or placed many, many people in THANK YOU.

    I have to say that Westchester has to work on some sort of communications for disasters like this. Nobody could talk to nobody and we being PD had really no way to communicate with anyone. We were sent back down into the MAMARONECK area around 4:30a to look for a family that was stranded. SHocking I think we were there 2HRS earlier and they didn't want to leave. Anyway we got down to INCIDENT COMMAND at the Train Tressel and an UNNAMED FIRE CHIEF from and UNKNOWN AGENCY told us where to go. We got there, the family had been evacuated. Not knowing this we kept searching. By this time most of the FD"s had packed up and left. We got back to INCIDENT COMMAND and low and behold the FIRE CHIEF was gone.

    Nice job doing your INCIDENT COMMAND whoever you were. Nice to leave 6 RESCUERS searching a residence that had already been evacuated. NICE JOB not to be at INCIDENT COMMAND when we got back to confirm the address since there was no form of COMMUNICATION.

    At one point we found a couple of FD units somewhere and asked to call INCIDENT COMMAND so we could confirm an address. They didn't even have a frequency.

    This topic needs to be addressed and soon. Somebody is going to get killed.

  12. Kids are going to drink no matter what the drinking age is. If I were young again I would try and challenge the system to buy booze. When you tell people they can't do something they will go out of their way to do it. I don't blame kids. I do dump out there beer or whatever when I find it. I try and act cool to the point but not if I am being disrespected. I draw the line there. I even go as far to drive you home if I stop you take your keys and your license and make you come to HQ in the morn to get them. That happened to me when I was younger and I can see how that helped me out. I learned a lesson and was given another chance and I am able to do the job I do now without a blemish on my record. THANK GOD

    Of course there are other LEO's out there will arrest you for DUI/DWI. Don't get me wrong I am on the side of the LAW but I also believe that people make mistakes and that mistake was to drink and get behind the wheel of a car. Of course we don't know if that person has priors but we should. It should be on your license that you were at least stopped for DUI/DWI in the past even if you plead down.

    What kind of a penalty do we set? You see actors/actresses/atheletes getting away with this all the time with little consequences. What makes them different than us? Money probably but there shoudl be a standard that all have to follow and until then this problem can't be solved.

    This kinda got on a different topic sorry. I guess I am saying I am not a HYPOCRITE when it comes to this subject. Unless of course it is out of my hands then I have to do what the Law says.

    One more thing, if the lawmakers think this is a problem how come it is published in the NEWSPAPERS and on the NEWS the biggest party schools in the COUNTRY. This years WINNER UNIVERSITY OF WISC. CONGRATS TO THEM. I bet not everyone there is over 21. How about Tailgaiting. I can go on and on. Damn this subject is juicy.

  13. Here is my take on the whole thing. You see almost on a monthly basis maybe more of these underage drinking parties being broken up. The parents might be arrested and maybe even some of the kids that were involved. They go to court and DO COMMUNTIY SERVICE and if they complete that it will be erased from their records. Why waste the time?

    I was young once and if you were at a party and the cops came they just made you go home. Now we call the parents and let them know what is going on. Some parents are clueless to what their kids are doing. That is the problem. Little Johnny tells Mommmy and Daddy that he is going to the movies when is getting hammered at some party to the point where he has to go to the ER for Alcohol poisioning. Then the parents of the injured teen make a huge stink about what was going on. How about they pay attention to their children. Boys will be Boys and Girls will be Girls.

    We are soon coming to that time of year when Drinking and Driving might happen more. The weather will be nice and the Proms and Grad parties start. How do we stop this? I don't know, but I know that I hate reading about someone dying after drinking and driving and still in High School. Let face it we were all young once and I am sure that we have all done some stupid sh*t in our day. Maybe we still do.

    I have said many times that if you can go to WAR for this COUNTRY then you should be able to have a beer when and if you make it back from where you are. Fake ID's are better than ever now. How about if the law makers lift the ban on UNIFORMED or Plain Clothes OFFICERS in bars here in NY. It works in CT and some other places. I am sure that underage persons get in but not like down here in WESTCHESTER. There was a huge raid on a bar here in WEST awhile ago. There were between 30-60 fake ID's found. How many were arrested? Not that many. If you are going to go to the trouble of finding the fake ID's then go to the trouble of charging the person with the FELONY that you always THREATEN. They arrested the students involved with making them but still.

    As a fairly new parent and a once "WILD CHILD" I like to think that I am going to know everything that is going to go on, but let's not be NAIVE. Not sure if I even hit what I wanted to but I am sure that you all get the point.

  14. Which ever one of you two wrote this, are you able to enlighten with details?  Getting the  involved agencies to share is one problem.  Once you over come that hurdle...Don't all of these vacs all ready recieve municipal support?  Once you spin off Hawthorne from the FD each agency can start billing for service.  If you can get them in integrate into a single facility, sell the other two facilities and the extra vehicles, and bing bang problem solved.  I figure they start now serice can begin by 2030.  Getting their own ALS established is more daunting, but far from impossible once they all get together.  I'm sure you could even look too Mt. Pleasnt PD for support.  From what I'm told the leadership there would be quite receptive towards a unified EMS for the community.

    I will be long retired and probably dead by the time that ever happens. Would be nice though.

  15. I don't see any critizing by VACMAN. I see his/her point. The fact is for the last couple of years HFD has been a joke with EMS. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. Whatever politics you have within your DEPT you have, but there was/is no reason the public had to deal with it. And if you think the public didn't have to deal with it your wrong. Everytime you couldn't get a crew out and there tons of times, the public suffered.

    Now I don't know why you lost some of your members to neighboring VAC's and I personally don't care. I will say that if I was and officer or on the board it would have made me think about revamping the system. It seems you may have done that with getting a paid EMT during the day but it and it is a start. Don't think that you can fix years of problems with one solution though.

    HFD your own memeber agrees with VACGUY. There ya go in BLACK AND WHITE.

    Sorry bout the last post by VAC GUY, i was on his computer and diddnt realize i was signed on as him, but everything in the reply under VAC GUY is correct.

    Mark Voeltz

    Hawthorne FD

  16. OK so everyone can be happy with HFD now. GREAT. I don't care where the EMT came from I just wanted to know if the board talked to any other agency. It just seemed a little smarter to go with Transcare since VVAC uses them during the day, you have Medic 1/2 and 87B1/87A1. You do get my point right? Why not keep everyone working together from the same agency. Like I said, Hawthorne will do what Hawthorne will do.

  17. HFD I just wanted to know if they considered any other agency. Don't commend HFD for what they are doing. They should have done this years ago. At least it is a start but what is going to happen when they can't get a crew out after 6p?

    It has been far too long and I do wish that there was a PAID EMS SERVICE in MT PLEASANT. I think that they should have paid FIRE as well. That is my opinion. The vollies do a great job, I just think paid is better.

    This isn't about PVAC OR VVAC either. They get their buses out in reasonable amount of time most of the time.

  18. Party your not the only one that wants MT PLEASANT to go to paid EMS. I have been making my case for years about that. I hate our system and I can speak from EVERY ANGLE.

    I was a VOLLEY WITH VVAC until I became a MEDIC. Worked in Yonkers?Mt Vernon for a couple of years. ALL EMS of course we had to do transports but mostly EMS. Then when TRANSCARE came to town I was one of the first 10 hired. From there onto NORTHEREN WESTCHESTER when they had that contract. I was the first medic to ride up there. Picture 1 medic for that entire area. IT was insane trying to get around. Then Mt Pleasant Started their program. Home Run for me I have lived in this town my whole life. Did the first EMS CALL with MEDIC 1 in place. Then I got hired as a LEO. SO to say I know the system is an under statement. I know first hand who gets out on calls and who doesn't. The numbers don't really matter what matters is getting the call covered. I Think the SYSTEM SUCKS here. My opinion. There is no reason that Medic 1 should have to go to WMC campus to do bullsh*t maternity runs or TXPS from Taylor Care. They have their own MEDIC/ambulance. If it is too busy put another bus on to cover the calls. During the day we have 2 medics but the system fails when MEDIC 1&2 are both on calls then you have to call in a mutual aid medic prob from GPD. Now they are down a bus and they are pretty busy. I could go on and on but you get my point.

    Maybe I just hate waiting for a VAC to show up then forget it. I am going to stop.

    "Your friend is correct in fact the paid emt began yesterday at 06:00 and we will have one on duty from 6a 6p Mon to Fri. I am not sure how it will effect our budget being we can not bill but I imagine future tax increases like anywhere else.

    As far as us being on our way to fulltime ems only time will tell. Nothing has changed to my knowledge as we are still in the mutual aid plan we just have our rig staffed now with a paid emt.

    Now......and this is my opinion and mine only we have to give this a chance to see if this works. I see some postings about who was chosen to be contracted to....the board chose Empress, it was their decision and we hopefully addressed a problem.

    Wether the emt came from Empress or Disneyland we have someone...period. Let us worry about operation issues or who we go to if there is a problem."

    I am going to worry about the operations also. You know why because I can. Did the BOARD even talk to Transcare? I don't have any Bias towards anyone I just want to know why they went with EMPRESS. I do know that EMPRESS will try and get their paws into the MT PLEASANT FLY CAR. That will suck.

  19. Preemo I think you got that right. Although I didn't read it all it looked good to me. I just found a website that listed the square miles as 28 for the town.

    I just want to know why HFD went with Empress when Transcare already has employees in the town. I think it would be easier for the medics to work with people from within their own agency. Now when there is a problem and there will be a problem you have to call both agencies. Figures Hawthorne has to be different.