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Posts posted by ONEEYEDMIC

  1. Last week, I wanted to attend the services for FF Joyce. I, like many, was very shaken up by it and would have liked to have paid my respects.

    However, the airfare for a last minute ticket is outrageous, and I didn't have the funds.

    I think that the National Memorial Firefighter Oranization and others should partner with airlines to offer discounted rates for FF's wishing to attend services for the fallen. Same for PD and EMS.

    My only question would be how to prevent abuse?

    I was talking to a retired FDNY friend the other day at FF Joyce's funeral and he told me of a buddy of his from San Fran FD who Flew to Boston to honor a fallen brother. While in the air, it was arranged by both unions to pick up this FF and take him to the funeral. He attended, and was back on a plane to San Fran that same night. Maybe they arranged between UNIONS to have the trip paid for or maybe this FF just paid out of his pocket.

    What if you paid upfront to attend and then have National Memorial FF organization reimburse you? I guess you would have to prove to the airline that you were infact going to attend the funeral but how do you prove that?

  2. They mostly all bars on Thurs, Fri, and Sat nights and during special events, such as New Years. Regardless of whatever type of event is being held. They could be sleeping in their beds, like most other career firefighters, but they are out doing code enforcement instead. That is PROFESSIONAL. That is their department policy. And the photo's completly innocent. If a firefighter did a "buddy shot" with a male, would anyone even care? Those types of photos are taken all the time. What's next, child molestation because a firefighter was photographed lifting a child into a firetruck? Like we did with this photo, a million things can be assumed.

    As far as a Cop getting hugged, that's a completly different story. I don't know about NY, but handshakes during intial contact and hugs are strictly forbidden for officer safety reasons.

    And I figured the writer didn't want to write the story-but the JN or someone else forced him to. It's sad what the Journal News is making it's journalists and photojournalists do. But the newspaper industry is hurting, and I guess they'll sink to whatever level they can to sell papers.

    They are out doing code enforcement because they need to justify having a job. Lets face it, WPFD isn't doing runs around the clock like some other jobs are!! I know both of these FF's. I think it is pretty funny but other don't. People want to see their tax money going to something else other than FF's getting hugs and kisses from some pretty woman in lingerie!!

  3. Rob - the lady OBVIOUSLY GRABBED him, catching him off guard....he wasnt covering the patch, he was securing the radio strap so it didn't swing wildly and injur someone, thus saving the City from a multi-million dollar lawsuit...he is smiling because he is a FIREMAN...AND HAS THE BEST DAMN JOB IN THE WORLD!

    At least thats is how I see it...K.

    Finally an answer that makes the most sense. I guess all those Mon Mornings on Medic 2 you actually did learn something from me!! A line from Family Feud, GOOD ANSWER, GOOD ANSWER!!

  4. Some of you think they weren't posing? One of them was getting a kiss on the cheek while covering the patch on his chest while looking into the camera! Doesn't look as if they were trying to move away! These guys could have very easily said no to a kiss, hug, or a picture. They are supposed to be PROFESSIONAL!

    Pretty convientent for them to do an occupancy check during a LINGERIE PARTY!!

    I can tell you this, if I WAS WORKING AND A PICTURE WAS TAKEN OF ME GETTING A KISS AT A BAR I would most definitley be suspended. I don't want to see that happen, but now that the MEDIA has a hold of this you can guarantee they are gonna keep this all over the place!

  5. Ok so a person is pulled over for suspected DWI. You can smell an Alcholoic Beverage emmanating from his/her breath. You don't need an alco sensor to determine they are DWI. You only need that to give you a ball park of what their BAC is. What if you don't have an Alco Sensor with you? I don't take one out with me all the time. Just looking at their eyes will tell you if they are over the limit. Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus is a great tool in most people that don't have lazy eyes or prostetic eyes. It is the one test that somebody can't change the outcome. Who cares if you get blood. If the person refuses you get OT out of it and their license gets suspeneded.

    I see the bigger problem is how most first offenders get their original charges knocked down to something lower. That isn't gonna discourage most people.

  6. Quick one before I go for the night....sitting on Post 1 - up at Dunwoodie Gold Course before they kicked us out of there (running a "private company from a county property").......nice afternoon...working with my favorite partner ever - Billy "The Hammer" Rothschild...

    It is quite - he is napping and I am reading a magazine, enjoying a dip of Skoal....spitting into a bottle...

    We get alerted for an E-Job, so I start off down the hill..Billy awakes and takes a drink from his bottle....except.....he actually picked up my swill bottle....and took a big gulp of my chewing tobacco spit...

    Without skipping a beat - I pass him my full bottle of Gatorade, and he downs it.....not a word was spoken...

    He kept lunch down....amazing!~

    Billy was your FAVORITE PARTNER? I am now crushed!!

  7. Hey all I am looking for some help. I recentley got a Blackberry Curve and I love it. Very addicting. Anyway, was able to Sync my phone with Yahoo Calendar and Phone book. Now when I try and update it says Yahoo server is temporarily inaccessable. This has happened for a week. Yahoo does not have Tech support where you can talk to somebody and when I try and put it into the help feature on the website I don't get anything close. I called Verizon and they couldn't help me either. Does anyone out there know what could be wrong? Is there a way I can switch everything I have done with Yahoo to another calendar without retyping it all? I really don't think that the Yahoo server could be down for that long. Thanks for any help you can give.

  8. Haven't had a chance to get on here. What a great time for a good cause. I have to say that I have only missed 2-3 10-13's in 9.5yrs. This one for whatever reason is highly ranked up there. I think it was the weather, the food which was out of this world, the entertainment, the sites(wink wink), and the beer. What a great idea to shut down half or a full City St. At most 10-13's, it is 95% LEO's but I saw lots of "COMMON PEOPLE" which was great. Had 3 other wingmen with me and we all agreed what a great time it was. Too bad we only do something like this when somebody is SICK OR DEAD!! Great Job CITY OF GREENWICH and all that helped out!!

  9. When I worked on an AMB as a MEDIC, I was very, very fortunate to always have great EMT partners. Most of the time we didn't even have to talk to each other. We just did out own business and for the most part everything turned out OK. Then I went onto working FLYCARS all over this COUNTY. I have seen great skills and I have seen some pretty horrible skills.

    I think dealing with a fly car and vollies it is hard to judge what you are going to get with the vollies and maybe they think what they are going to get with the MEDICS. Most of the time, the MEDICS are on scene first. They do their assessment and determine ALS or BLS. When the AMB gets there, I don't see why they have to come in and do another assessment epecially if the call is BLS. The MEDIC should be able to give the EMT and entire run down of what is going on and the PT should be packaged and taken to the AMB where, the EMT can do vitals and their own assessment. If it is ALS, then hopefully ALS skills have been done and then the PT is packaged. If the AMB is there before the FLYCAR, then I would hope that an assessment has been done for the MEDIC. But, the MEDIC is probably going to do their own because maybe they don't know the EMT's skills.

    I would also like to see THAT STUPID CLIPBOARD left in the AMB. There is no need to have it in the house. You can do paperwork in the back of the AMB and/or in the ER. If you really want to learn from the MEDICS, then watch what HE/SHE is doing. Ask questions. Maybe get together with the MEDICS in your system so you can learn what HE/SHE wants from you on a call and what you want from them. I always like the EMT to help out. If you show interest in Purging a Line then be my guest. That is one last thing that I have to do and more time goes to PT care. Just make sure you know what you are doing.

  10. How could he have lived where he lived and been a member of the Independent? What did the nieghbors think.

    I think I can remember seeing his van down there more than once!!! lol

    Well my "OLD MAN" happens to be a great guy who got/gets along with most if not everyone he meets in FD Community. Plus, he was like Chief Mechanic and handled most of the maintenance to the Fire Trucks.

    Yes, I can recall him in the van on many an occasion going down the hill. Most times probably not at a safe speed, but there were lots of FF's on the street so we knew what to do when the whistle went off. Some times he would have to drive for NO 1 when they couldn't get a driver.

  11. Truth be told most cops take their time responding to alarms like this for certain reasons. A "Non-emergency" response is what you can call it but it can also be called good tactics. If when responding to a burglar alarm activation you approach with lights and sirens screaming you give yourself away. If there is a perp in the building then you either chased him off or let him get setup for your arrival. Most of the time they run away, but sometimes they dig in and wait for you fearing they have no other option. Taking your time responding quietly and utilizing proper tactics can save your life when responding to alarms of this nature. To be honest at work I rarely turn my lights on unless it is a carstop or a cop calling for help on the radio.

    With the above being said I have had 3 structure fires as a chief officer with the fire dept come in as auto alarms (that I have been IC for). I think departments need to have a policy on the first due unit responding lights and sirens and all other units responding proceed in non emergency mode until returned to qtrs or kicked into emergency response as per the first unit on scene's size up. But that is up to every department do decide on their own.

    Well said!

  12. Thats where the truck(s) are parked. Personnel can be turning out from the 4 corners of the empire.

    WSOTF had 30+ responders onscene in Howthorne in 18 minutes, responding from Yonkers, Greenville & NR

    Maybe I should have specified. I know where they are parked, I wanted to know how long it took to man them. Sorry for not being Clearer.

    What would you EXPERTS say is a good response time? Lets say a trench rescue? Now if we are saying that, what does the VFD do on scene waiting for a TECH RESCUE TEAM. Can they Shore up the area? I think that is something one would do right? Obviously keep the scene secured, etc...

  13. Come to think of it, I saw somebody wearing a WCDES TECH RESCUE shirt last Tues night. I couldn't figure it out buy now I know. I wonder how long people have been wearing those shirts.

    I think you have to leave the "What if's" and "what happens when" questions out of it. If you haven't brought it until now then it isn't that much of a concern.

    I remember back in the day doing EMS in Yonkers when they switched to the wonderful SYSTEM STATUS MANAGEMENT to increase the units doing 911 to doing TXP calls. Many a day, they had no units available for 911 calls which to me was the most important thing. Anyway, I used to wish that there was some sort of disaster. I didn't want people to get hurt, I just wanted the EMS CO I worked for to realize how stupid it was to have all these units tied up on TXP's in The Bronx. It never happened Thank God, but I hope you all see where I am going.

    I just want to know how long it would take to get any Rescue Team to a scene. I am fortunate enough to work and live 4min from 60 control. Is that where they turn out of?

  14. Maybe a "surprise" drill should be conducted some day...Notify Yonkers and the County "team" simultaneously, with no forewarning...have them each respond to any location in Northern Westchester...the first 'team' to arrive with adequate # of trained and equipped personnel and sufficient equipment to perform USAR work according to established National standards "wins"...

    If Yonkers loses, I will run naked through Getty Square....

    Come on now Chief! You really think that there wouldn't be a forewarning? Gossip is the name of the game in this County. I will run naked through Getty Square if you can pull it off without anyone knowing about it. (Just let me have some Jamo first)