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Posts posted by JAD622

  1. Does having either a towerladder or straight stick impact the ISO ratings?  Any takers on this???? Thank you.

    Andy Mancusi


    Hawthorne FD

    The ISO Rating criteria is very complex. The impact of a ladder company is only one small aspect of the overall formula used by ISO. In actuality, what ladder your department uses could have absolutely NO bearing whatsoever on your ISO rating if you are deficient in other areas they deem more important. If your concern is due to a future apparatus purchase, you may want to have your last ISO report reviewed first to see where your improvements are needed. If you'd like to know more, feel free to give us a call. Hope this helps with your question.

  2. I really think its all depends on who you talk to. You hear so many good and bad things about all different Apparatus manufacturers. Like even Seagraves some say they have Electrical problems but then some love there Seagraves and there particular rig doesn't have an elec. problem and the same goes for some ALF's. It all depends on how you really take care of it and at the same time it all depends how your specific truck was built Quality wise.

    This is true. Any apparatus made today is not guaranteed to be problem free. The best way to help minimize your potential for problems is to be extremely involved in every aspect of your apparatus.

  3. Keith Roma from Patrol#2 was killed in the line of duty on September 11th. FYI- the NY Board of Fire Underwriters which funds the Fire Patrol actually paid the salaries of the NYC Fire Department for a year back during the depression. Back in those days fire patrolmen went through the fire academy with firefighters. One last somber note, Capt. Patrick Brown L3, was a member of the patrol before FDNY and use to visit regularly. Rumor had it he lied about his age to join the patrol at 16 years old! Patty was one of the greats! R.I.P. Brother.

  4. you can't blame capacity for the reason nextel SUCKS!

    I'm giving you technological fact. Believe it or don't. I used to work for them and I can tell you it's all about capacity. Ive been using Nextel since September of 1997 and in those days if you remember they were primarily a "dispatch" service and almost no cellular aspect to their product offering. Now with over 22 million users and "Free Incoming" rate plans they're overloaded! If you talk to people they say "I go from 5 bars to no bars"! Thats the phone getting a signal and losing it to capacity. The walkie talkie or "Direct Connect" works on a "Frame Relay Network" which works along side the regular network and doesn't rely on the traditional switching network of the landline companies like cellular does. Probably the reason why the Government is looking at acquiring IDEN from Sprint after 2010. Believe me, I'm NOT sticking up for Nextel, I'm just giving you fact as to the problem. There's times I'm ready to throw mine out of the window!!! Hang in there..................

  5. Maybe it's just the merger of the two systems, and things will get better as things become cohesive....but for now it's becoming very,very frusterating.

    Yes, the service has gotten worse. No doubt. The reason is simply one word - Capacity. More subscribers than the network can handle. This is one of the major reasons Nextel was acquired by Sprint. Nextels network operates on a 3:1 vocoder and in some limited cases a 6:1 vocoder, meaning 3 or 6 voice users per channel. On Sprints CDMA network it allows 20:1 or 20 voice users per channel (greater capacity). The long term plan is to migrate consumers over to the CDMA network and keep industry and public safety on IDEN. Motorola is producing a Dual-Mode handset to be introduced sometime later this year that will provide IDEN walkie-talkie sevice and CDMA phone service in one handset.

    As for now unfortunately we've all become a victim of deterioration service. It is certainly frustrating and probably going to get even worse before it gets better. As for the merger and the systems, there is no corelation between the two. Both networks still operate independently of one another and have no bearing on the poor performance of Nextel's IDEN service. Hope this helps!

  6. Specs on the rigs are as follows; Hale QMax 2000 gpm single stage pumps with the new "K" Gear Box. These two pumpers are the first ever to receive these new gear box's which are designed to reduce the db level significantly. They also have Detriot Series 60 motors, Allisson EVS-4000 transmissions and Telma retarders. They also have a few "Perks" thrown in by Ferrara which we'll reveal after they are delivered. They leave Ferrara's plant Saturday morning. I'll send some shots to Seth by Friday.

  7. We are working closely with Chris Ferrara and everyone at Ferrara to help them with this tremendous relief and support effort. EWFAC will be heading down to Ferrara in the coming days to assist our friends in their operation to support our brothers who are rescuing the victims of the Hurricane. If you are planning to help with supplies please contact us at www.ewfac.com and email us at info@ewfac.com because they are overwhelmed down there and we can coordinate things from our area and we will post specific requests as we get them from Ferrara. Thank you.

  8. 1. The reason why FDNY is not buying from Pierce is simply because Pierces' policy is "we'll build anything you want as long as we can build it in 6 1/2 hours". That's as far as they were willing to go to accomodate FDNY. That's also why their build quality has gone down hill.

    2. As far as Ferrara goes: when Ferrara came to FDNY they said "what do we need to do to build apparatus for FDNY" They were shown what FDNY requires of thier apparatus and Ferrara said "Ok, we got it" Not only did they meet the requirements, but in some cases they exceeded them! So far they have done 29 pieces for FDNY and I feel confident that they will do more. Ferrara is very upcoming and innovative and they are committed to becoming a leader as an apparatus manufacturer. Chris Ferrara has a great product and a very dedicated team, if I were you I'd keep a close eye on them! Stay tuned..........................