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Posts posted by VistaFD126

  1. PLEASE NOTE: I couldn't post on my account (nomp3s4u) so my friend let me use his account and these views are soley mine.

    I am currently a junior at UNH, i just transfered here and was excited to join a fire dept just like you are. So a communter who was on West Haven told me i should join. So i joined West Haven North End Station and quit a month after. Now don't get me wrong its not that its a bad fire dept its just wasen't for me, i have alot respect for West Fire Dept. Here are my reasons for quitting: No shifts, they are like most fire depts they are all call which is ok if you had a car (which you won't being a freshmen and forget about your soph year you have to park at north campus which is a 5 min walk) and then the drive is about 7 blocks in traffic and considering many memebers live very close to the firehouse you will not be making the truck at the North End station, i know memebers that love the Arllington station(which has a ladder truck) but supposly they don't get as many calls as north end but i can't tell you anything about them because i don't know. My 2nd reason was they couldn't get me gear for probaly a year i would think, not there fault im a college student who is there for half the year what is the point? They had a community pair of gear but if you trust your life in that then your a braver firefighter then ill ever be. Those are my only reasons for quitting, North End only had a 1989 pumper with 4 seats so not only would i not make the truck i would get bumped off. To join a West Haven firehouse this is what you have to do, an aglitty test (easy and fun), a fat percent test and of coure fill out the forms, which is pretty extensive you need 3 people to reccomend you but good for them, very progessive. Please take a look at arllington, many people who are in the fire sci club are on it. I joined North Branford EMS company 4 which has shifts and am very happy with it. If you are an EMT i highly reccomend it, you get paid for calls you go on and they have two brand new 2006 gmc buses which are great. let me know you have question ill be happy to ansewer them and i hope i haven't offended anyone i just wanted to tell you my views on it.

    EDIT 1 Oh and by the way a really cool thing about West Haven Dept is if you join one station you can ride at any station you want to. So yes i can join allinton but im sticking with ems right now

    thank you

  2. one of my biggest pet peves is having personal veichles at the scene of an fire or EMS calls, I have a hard time trying to get this across to many of the members of our department as to why this is such a bad idea, now we all know the dangers in, but can anyone tell me any stories of why personal veichles at the scene was a hinderance, so I can realte to real stories as oppsed to what I can pretict happen, any other supporting or non supporting ideas out there I would liek to hear too, thanks

  3. hey just wondering in the past if any of you ever had any "CLOSE" calls and how you got out/learned from that situation

    Also if you can give your department and what fire you were operating at THANKS!

  4. hey guys i'm actually the foreman of this rig, this is actually called the Quick Attack 2, before this truck there was another rig that members gave an unofficial name of quick attack, however this is our rescue truck it is a light rescue, 500 gallons with 250 gpm pump, it does have a brand new set of holmatros as you said it it the first rig to go on extrication calls and 2nd after the ambulance on MVA's, however because it is so small and we have alot more quilified people Rescue 13 rolls to just about every call it can other then EMS runs

  5. 2401 - 2003 Ford Superduty Crew Cab Chiefs Car

    Engine 111 - 1978 Ford/Pierce

    Engine 112 - 1998 Gowans Knight International - Source Pumper - it's pretty bad @$$ for what it is

    Engine 113 - 2003 Gowans Knight Spartain Front Line Pumper - also real nice this engine can do w/e u want to with it

    Mini Attack 21 - 1993 Ford F-450/Saulsbury

    Tanker 3 - 1993 Spartan/S and S - it's a pretty nice tanker

    Rescue 2? - 1988 Chevrolet/Pierce 4x4 Rescue/Pumper

    as far as that utility goes it was an old chiefs car that they still use I believe tey se it as an unofficial 2nd Asst Chiefs car

    anything else u wanna know just ask me i'm next town over from them

  6. Somers-

      Placing add-on order for another Ambulance, to replace current 80B1.  What to do with the curent 80B1 is in the Talking stage now.  Possibilty that it will be converted into SCUBA rescue vehicle, and replace the current U-34.

      Committee formed to replace MA-14.  Current MA-14 will become Utility 5 and the Current U-5 will be disposed of.

      Vote to reform Apparatus Committee for a new Engine 184 to replace Engine 188.  When the new E-184 arrives, E-188 will be placed in reserve and E-186 will be disposed of.

    I believe somers is also specing out a new seagrave ladder truck but not sure if thats just a rumor

  7. Date: 2/1/06

    Time: 0947

    Location: 327 East Main Apple Bee's Resturant

    Frequency: 46.26

    Units Operating:

    Description Of Incident: Poss fire from stove in the Kitchen

    Writer: VistaFD126

    9:50 2261 Requesting Health Dept., Cortland Code Enforcement

    9:53 2261 is Advised Code Enforcement Enroute, Health Department has

    been notified by 60 Control

    9:53 2261 Advised to 10-1 Fire Control

    9:55 2261 Advised Health Department Enroute within 1 hour

    10:00 Ladder 35 10-8, 10-2

    11:28 Health Department on location scened turned over to them all units are

    10-8 per 2261

  8. in 1954 our firehouse had burned down, one of our firefighters was on his way home from CT, he saw a huge orange glow in the sky and rushed to his house to see if it was his....when he saw it wasn't he went to the firehouse to pick up a rig, when all of a sudden we pulled up to see the firehouse fully involved....also I have heard many of our older members talking about a real bad plane crash in Croton Falls that we went to along with many other departments can anyone give mr further info?? thanks