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Posts posted by FFD941

  1. Here's my two cents... You can't make an "IDEAL" fire department for everyone because there isn't one. The IDEAL department is the one that works best for the community which it protects. FDNY and little Fairview cannot be the same because they operate differently and cover different teritory.

    But that's just my opinon.

  2. I mean, don't get me wrong, if the patient has a broken foot, i'm not going to tell them they could die from it,

    All pt's get the same speech from me..."I am offering you treatment and transport to the hospital and by signing here you are refusing my treatment. I am not a doctor nor am I an x-ray machine and you could have underlying injuries which I cannot see that could cause serious injury and/or death. If you have any further symptoms contact an emergency facility immediately."

    By saying the same thing every time to every pt you eliminate that risk of not saying the "right" thing to that one pt that brings you to court.

  3. I don't want to hear any sob stories from these "COMMUNISTS". There have been many times where I was over by like 2-4 min walking to my car and the person still wrote me the ticket. I thought that I even read on a sign somewhere that you are given a 6 min grace period. They don't want to hear that. One day I want them on the end of my pen.

    These TICKET WRITERS are probably hearing if from the people at last and decided that they will blame it on the higher ups. I know where to park if I don't mind the walk that doesn't have METERS.

    CBS news actually did a story on this recently that showed the ticket maids actually were writing fines BEFORE the time was up. By as early as five min. They would still write down the time which the meter said was up, but the ticket was already written by the time your meter was up.

    As far as the bathroom goes.... Depends aisle 5! :lol:

  4. I don't disagree with the decision to require PPE during an extrication; I just wonder if the best time to communicate that requirement was during an extrication call? Had the chief previously notified this provider that they would not be allowed to operate without PPE in such conditions?

    Couldn't of said it better Pre-Plan and Train and things like this don't happen.

    With the way society is today I wouldn't be surprised to see some sort of law suit out of this, even though all involved recovered.

  5. We all know what a job is so if there are guys out there who want to "fluff" their depts so be it. They are fooling no one but themselves.

    This thread is not going in a good direction.

    In my eyes I wouldn't use "working fire" because it has such a broad range of answers.

    Building Fire - Fire in a building that has NOT endangered structural members

    Structure Fire - Fire that has impinged on the structural members

    Car Fire - Car Fire

    Dumpster Fire - Dumpster Fire

    And so forth