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Everything posted by pjreilly

  1. No pot stirring? What do you call it then? Oh yeah the latest BUZZ. Engine 6 does not qualify as a truck, not enough ladders, and why would the city pull the one piece that seems to actually be working in this mixed up puzzle of the fire service in the City of Stamford?
  2. Date: 09/27/08 Time:070133 Location: Interstate 95 North bound between 6 and 7 Frequency: Units Operating: E3,R1,Medic 901(supervisor),Medic 1, Medic 2,Medic 3 Description Of Incident: Rollover accident with Rescue 1 reporting heavy extrication. E 3 reports one fatalaity. All units clear @ 10:32:08 Writer: P.J. Reilly
  3. I dont get a cell phone from work. I pay for my personal phone
  4. Check with the building Dept. to see if there are any permits pulled.
  5. I was at work (30 miles north of New York City). We were told of the events while doing daily details(toilet cleaning and car fueling). Everyone was pinned to the TV. When the first Tower fell, I said we just lost alot of men, and knew we would be getting moved up. The call for deployment to Vallhalla came first, then to Yonkers raceway. The worst part of it was not being able to get any news or updates of what was happening elsewhere in the country. The f-15's were a certain attention getter, and we all knew that we were at war. It was by far the worst day of my life. When I finally got home I hugged my wife and cried like a baby. Hey, I am human. Then I let the rest of my family know I was OK. If I never have to experience something like that again would be fine by me, but I do believe that something big is coming. And perhaps one of the most disgusting things that came out of that day was the politicians all trying for face time. Its too bad when they all say never forget what happened is that they already have. Sept 12 was back to politics as usual.
  6. By you not voting, you are casting a vote for the OBAMINATION of this country. Vote the lesser of two evils and the one who won't hurt us as much
  7. They said six months or so to complete
  8. There is a softball tournament held in Prince Georges County Maryland where 104 IAFF teams from across the coutry and Canada compete. It is always held the weekend after Labor Day. It begins this Thursday.Some of the area teams thst participate are Greenburgh NY, Stamford CT, Milford CT,Providence RI, New York City usually sends a few teams,Philly, as weel as other big locals such as Houston TX, Pittsburgh,San Francisco, Orlando Fl, New Orleans just to name a few. You can check out PG county's website or attend it once and you will be hooked. Budweiser donates all the beer, and then sell tickes, and the proceeds go to MDA. And various locals do different things in the camping area to raise more money for MDA. Some of the children attend and that iss what its all about. Matty Stepinak, the former poster child and spokesman for MDA attended every year until his unfortunate passing. He was a very special young man. His mom Jenny, who also has MD, also attends every year. This is an IAFF only event and is booked solid every year. I have gone for the last fourteen years, and hope to never miss it
  9. Can someone please enlighten me as to the importance of how many houses McCain owns. His wife owns them, she is the money in the family. Why would you even bring this up? No need to beat the Obama dead horse with his real estate dealings
  10. DAAAAAAAMN I was thinking the Spanish American war. DOH.
  11. Double D double G I hear you, but if you want to question McCains patriotism or service to his country, HIS RECORD STANDS, and is impecable. Not sure about the IAFF's candidate. Oh wait he has none
  12. When did he start wearing the pin or taking the pledge? AFTER his advisors told him to.
  13. I think the last time I went to a bake sale was in grammar school, and we made about $0.05 profit. Will that solve there problems? doubtful.
  14. times must be getting tough. http://trfd.com:81/ check this out
  15. It is an outrage. But work is only part of my life I am electing a President for the good of the country. The IAFF is putting the labor spin on this guy and sandbagging McCain for his labor views. He may have ideas, but they must be approved before they make drastic changes. There is no way I would leave the fate of this great country to a man who wont cover his heart during the pledge of allegiance, would not wear a flag on his lapel until urged to do so by his campaign, and a corrupt politician. Not to mention his religious affiliation. Reverend WRONG
  16. Being a rookie fire fighter with a wife and 2 kids, you would qualify for food stamps. I can't see Fairfield County Connecticut as an option as it is grossly overpriced. Even areas of Westchester I am sure are overpriced for a fire fighters salary. It is unfortunate that a person who risks his or her life for a city, can't afford to live in the communitiees they serve.
  17. Date: 07/30/2008 Time:02:20:22 Location: 100 Research Dr Frequency: FG 1 Units Operating: E6,E7,R1,T1,Unit 4,Medic 3, medic 92, FM102,FM105. Description Of Incident: Engine 6 first on scene Water gong activated, water coming from rear of structure, smoke showing second floor. Fire located in the rear in a power washing company. Vehicle fire inside the garage, held in chceck by sprinklers. E6 & E7 Flew the Wye down the alley and extinguished vehicle on fire. FM 102 and 105 investigating. All units cleared @04:48:31 Writer: P.J. Reilly E6
  18. As a taxpayer I do have a right to question where my money goes. If you say an executive order is murder, there are deeper issues here. He has been locked up for twenty years on "death row". All the appeals are over and done with. How many should a criminal have? And hence the name DEATH ROW not appeal the heck out of it row. Its time a stance was taken against these heinous criminals. I am not saying kill every criminal, the worst of the worst. Send a message to the people who have no value of a human life. This scumbag confessed to raping 5 women and killing two. If one of those was my sister or mother, this guy would have met his maker by now. And that is only what he CONFESSED to, who knows what he got away with. :angry:
  19. A prisoner for the rest of his life on my dime...I DON'T THINK SO. I have a lethal injection that will cost less than a dollar, and I guarantee its results in less than five minutes. Cruel and unusual... Not compared to the pain he has already caused.
  20. Put politics aside. Why did it take twenty years to kill this guy. His crimes were heinous, that is proven. kill the scumbag. And if you dont agree with the death penalty...go hug a tree
  21. If you look at the Belltown membership on their web page, 11 active members just started in 2008. Probies. The math gets harder and harder.
  22. Goose, are you sure about those numbers? We get very little oil from our shores, because drilling has been prohibited by Democrats. I say drill here and flood the oil market with product. It will drop the prices of gasoline quicker than a lead balloon. And who will be left holding their @#$%$#@? SPECULATORS They are bleeding this country dry, and it is time we take a stand and take our country back.
  23. All companies in SFRD received pet masks recently. They were given by an animal association, not sure which one. We need to remember that people are incredibly close to their pets, and anything we can do to help is a plus for the department image.
  24. Joe, I couldn't agree witht you more. No one is telling me what to do in my off time. I do believe that if you were to get hurt volunteering, it would create headaches for everyone, but that should be a topic by itself. No more dead horse beating.