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Posts posted by lad41der

  1. I also have found nothing good with these new packs. There is nothing better than the old wire frames. Just because they are new dont mean they are the best. Some things I dont like about them were the plastic closure for the strap on the bottle is a little cheap, the regulator display on the shoulder was bulky, straps tanlged very easily. Although they are new to us im sure like everything else we will have to adapt and over come. It does have some good options such as the drag strap on top, the rear LED's etc. Oh and did I mention they were a little heavier.

  2. Probably because they do not want to come to the realization that they need help. It boggles my mind that a volunteer can work for his department as a "janitor" and recieve a paycheck. I know someone that was going to do the "janitor" work and they didnt pay OT but if you are on a call after 1800hrs your a volunteer. But if your a member of another department how can you volunteer for both? Dont make any sense to me. Oh and what about if you get hurt? who will pay for that? I know it sounds good to some younger people but if you stand back and look at the big picture its not worth it.

  3. It was an awesome job done by all parties involved. It could have turned out alot worse than it did considering the location that the fire was in. That part of our district does not have hydrants and we are only rolling with 1000 gallons on the first due equipment. Some other things to take into consideration was the road is under heavy construction, very narrow and lots of turns in it. I must say the duty officer did a good job using the deck gun to knock it down. If you could have seen the property your eyes would have lit up. Just to give you one example there was an open 55 gallon drum of some really really high test fuel sitting right next to the A-B corner. So yeah just think of what we experienced around the whole structure.

  4. Dont let the term firefighter fool you. I worked there and there is not alot of that going on and if you want to be a security guard that wears turnout gear be my guest. The pay is really low and training is not offered that well. Your required to have your emt but they wont help you keep it. There is a whole lot more I can tell anyone that wants to know just IM me.

  5. Im getting sick and tired of these by-standards pissing and moaning how ohh it brought back so many memories and now I have PTSD. Yeah well so do I but you dont see me crying about it. I like many other brothers and sisters in NY were at the WTC and yeah I got screwed up after but you know what we dont gloat about it. Society has decided to dig down this far as to say oh my sister this and my sister ya know what I say about that, go back to your upper east side loft and SHUT UP.

  6. What are requirement for you to join your department FAST Team and Which Departments has FAST teams in Westchester County.

    I am not from Westchester but up here in Dutchess county my department requires FF1,2 FF survival and FAST. We are working on a making a peer review committee So we don't run into having members that are 18 have 6 months in the dept. and know nothing about the fire service. It would be pretty much coming forward to this committee with your accomplishments and being approved or not and the ones that are not recommended will be given ideas of how to improve themselves so they can be part of it. Being a FAST member is a big responsibility not any Joe Schmo firefighter should be a member. It requires vigorous training meaning not just going to the class you need to stay up to date on new building construction, new techniques, etc. My question to a lot of people is you say your FAST but when called to duty can you actually perform. We just conducted a FAST drill the other day having a downed FF in our Mask Confidence course it really takes a lot to get him out. We are a combination department that trains daily and let me tell ya we had two members die(simulated). It was a real eye opener to see what it actually takes to get someone out of a situation. Now granted it was a controlled situation but add the heat smoke and the fact its a brother down now what will you do? If anyone has questions feel free to contact.