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Posts posted by x152

  1. Peter:

    Long winded, don't get us together.....the ear's would bleed.

    I appreciate your comments and it does not come as a surprise. Although we may disagree with certain points, your willingness to discuss the issues in a thoughtful and respectful manner is refreshing and welcome.

    Not to go crazy with the rebuttals, but a few issues:

    1. I disagree with the drastic reduction by the GFD. To be honest, in my 14+ years of service to the City, I have not been witness to a time when GFD volunteers were ever proficient at staffing/manning their apparatus. Prior to E6' assignment, the then GFD Engine (32) was their primary rig. GFD volunteers, when present, would ride out with the 2 or 3 career GFD personnel on duty. Having an additional Engine or Ladder get out the door on their own, was not common. Not to try and pick-on them, it just did not happen that often. I have not seen really any change from that, with the except of Engine 6 now filling the role where E32 previously served.

    2. I also disagree with the statement about VFDs not engaging in impacting Local 786's negotiations. I would agree with your statement as far as Belltown is concerned. My previous dealings with BFD were usually civil and outside of a few individual personalities, I have a lot of respect for the fire service values that they promote within their membership and their fire service "tree" is quite admirable.

    However, this is absolutely not the case with regard to Springdale, Turn of River, and Long Ridge. I will break it down:

    *Since 1997, Long Ridge and their paid driver's association has been embattled in a series of suits/litigation against Local 786. In all cases, this was an attack on the Local 786 Leadership and their members. A quick review of their media record will confirm numerous anti-labor, anti-SFRD statements made by their members and in particular, their former attorney.

    *Since 2002, the Springdale Fire Company has also waged a completely baseless attack on Stamford Fire Rescue. This attack has been the ill-conceived plan of their present Chief, who has sought our removal in order for him to obtain career positions for his own members (Court records and transcripts will confirm this). In addition, I have not seen any opportunity for the Springdale Chief to open his mouth and not have some anti-Stamford Fire Rescue or anti-Local 786 rhetoric flow out.

    *The Turn of River Fire Department has and continues to disseminate literature and materials that provide unsubstantiated financial and staffing projections regarding the career fire protection (downloadable on the main page of their web site). Their former Chief has publicly stated that 2 fire fighter staffing is somehow better than 4 Fire Fighter staffing (again check the media history). When their members stand on street corners handing out literature that attacks Local 786 and Stamford Fire and Rescue, I have trouble believing that they are not impacting Local 786's ability to negotiate and promoting continued hostility toward the 280 career members of the Stamford Fire Service.

    I could go on, but I think the point has been made.

    In fairness, I am also well aware of the statements and tone of my labor organization has created at time. Although, I stand-behind my union leadership, I have not always been in agreement with some of the sentiment. I do not believe that continued name-calling or friction is doing anyone involved in the Stamford Fire Service good.

    Thanks again Pete, it would be nice if more people sought to have dialogue like this, rather than resort to the other cowardly and childish arenas.

    Be well.

    Matt P.

  2. Noula, I appreciate your input. There has not been too much opinion from a member of your Department offered here. Although I have significant disagreement with your points, I do think it is important to try and understand where you are coming from.

    I will add a few personal thoughts-

    It is quite sad that there is such a negative tone directed at the Glenbrook Fire Department. It appears to me that when their career personnel were laid-off and Glenbrook rejected the City's initial proposal, they were embraced by other volunteer Departments for their decision.

    After evaluating their position and accepting an agreement with the City, they (GFD) are now almost as hated as Local 786 and Stamford Fire and Rescue (perhaps more?). What is the honest rationale for this? Am I to believe that there is substance for the bashing OR is this merely black-balling for trying to negotiate a reasonable future for themselves?

    Now that Glenbrook has been operating under their new agreement for more than 16 months, what is the downside for them?


    What today, has negatively harmed the Glenbrook Fire Department?

    Better yet, since we are in the business of public safety (I believe), what has negatively impacted the residents of the Glenbrook service area?

    Please let me know, from my limited vantage point, I have not seen it. Perhaps, there is more to the story that I am not aware of?

    I can understand your frustration with the City, I personally negotiated labor contracts with many of the same players for more than 7 years. Contrary to popular belief amongst many in the volunteer community, our relationship (the IAFF) has been far from harmonious or amicable. There was plenty of impasse and certainly; serious disagreement.

    But, I also came to learn that at some point, the members and the organization was going to have to find a resolution. To continue into an arbitrated setting or for a prolonged time, was self destructive to the job, the employees, and eventually those who we worked for. Unfortunately when we did settle, we usually did so with some concession from our original position. I came to know of that as bargaining.

    I have stated before and I will state it again, I am not a fan of anyone being held hostage in negotiations (I have sat at the same table). However, the parties need to look beyond personal vendetta, fiefdoms, and EGOs and find a workable resolution.

    I do not believe that the continued bashing of one agency that has found a way to do so (GFD), is putting yourselves on the path to do that.

    My apologies for the long winded response. I will reserve additional comment, awaiting for your (or anyone else's) thoughts.

    Thanks again for your opinion.

    Matt Palmer

  3. Basically, "Compensated" is a way to get around the traditional career firefighter system. The term "compensated", is what is used by them to define the firefighters who are paid and are not volunteers, although a lot of the paid staff were volunteers at one point. Some are also part-time.

    Since they are a independent "MUD", or Municipal Utilities District, they are not technically part of the city, which is covered by the City Of Round Rock Fire Department, fully staffed by career union firefighters. They have a completly seperate set of rules. Eventually, I believe they will be annexed into the city department.

    I don't know much more then that.


    Thanks for the info Seth.

  4. I worked with Grady in the early 90's at AMR in New Haven. He was a good person then and I am sure that has continued.

    Saddened to hear of this accident and hope that he makes a full recovery. It is quite nice to see that the EMS and Fire communities are really stepping-up for him.

    Please pass the word about this event and will hopefully see a nice turn-out for him. Anyone have info on a fund?

  5. Thanks x152.

    I would hate to see brothers put in another trailer, but maybe it is a solution to the obviously hostile environment in Springdale.


    I agree trailers are not the solution, but would be interesting to see what would happen to Springdale if we (SFRD) were not in the building?

    Our existence in that building is the only reason as to why the City would consider additional funding request to cover issues such as heat, electric, etc.

    I am still curious where the money went? With all the rhetoric, people have lost sight of the funding accountability issue. SFCO was not cut the financial blow as was Belltown or Turn of River.

    Yet, SFCO (and their 5-6 active members) have already spent their entire budget? Something does not smell right there.

    I know their lawyer mentioned the defense of the surveillance camera issue. Too bad, they do not invest in a new Chief or hearing aids. SFCO was informed from day one that the cameras were illegal and their case would not survive. Yet, Chief "Genius" spent the funds in another case to try and protect his bizarre and petulant behavior. The end result......the State Labor Board found them to be illegal and ordered their removal. "gee, that was a good investment....."

    How many times can this imbecile be allowed to needlessly cry wolf and then spend thousands to have a lawyer try and defend his case?

    His track record for his 7+ years of doing so is a zero percent success rate? And he wonders why they have no money.

    Perhaps when the leadership changes, the Company will begin to recover. Until then, he and those who continue to support him, will reap what they sow.

  6. I just heard a rumor about the happenings in Springdale...... apparently the mayor plans to pull E7 out of SFCO firehouse and place them in a trailer in the SFCO fire district, just like Vine Road. Also, the SFCO budget will be reduced to $20,000 and the remainder of the money will be used to pay for the trailer. Can anyone in Stamford confirm this rumor about another hideous trailer appearing in the City that Works? Can this legally happen???

    Inquiring minds want to know


    Did that rumor come from the place where people with fake names pretend to be things that they are not? If so, I would not worry about it too much.

    A quick read of the personalities and credibility of those participating should be an indicator of the validity of their claims.

    PS - As a side note, I know the former 786 President pretty well and was familiar for an actual plan of this type in 2002. The plan was devised in response to the transfer and harassment of 2 veteran Fire Fighters assigned to the Springdale Station. This was the first "shot across the bow" and the events that have followed have clearly shown the complete failure that is the Chief of the Springdale Fire Company and the relationship with the career staff assigned to Springdale.

    Ironically, the City balked at our 2002 Springdale trailer plan, but somehow, it must have remained somewhere in the back of their minds?

  7. Any updates on plans to replace Stamford's TL-1? I lost track.

    x635 - The 1996 Sutphen that ran as Truck/Tower 1 was relocated to the South End Station over a year ago. The Sutphen was reassigned to Truck 2 and Truck 2's new HME 109' RMA was reassigned to Truck 1 at Fire HQ.

    The Sutphen tower is up for replacement soon, but may be delayed due to the economic climate.

    Truck 3 is still using their 2001 Sutphen MMA.

    Truck 4 is the reserve truck and is a 1999 Sutphen 75' MMA/Quint.

  8. The house was not an average type home according to a friend who knows the homeowners this home was somewhat used for wildlife animals, attached to the home was a indoor basketball court that housed a Giraffe, although at the time of the fire there were no animals. The property has alot of acres and the homeowners also havesome type of wildlife or zoo type property in greenwich.


    I could only imagine you guys calling Dispatch with a request "for animal control to assist in securing a giraffe......"

    I do not know if we have an SOG for that? ;)

    Just goes to show you that you never know what you are going to walk into.


  9. They probably didn't want to get caught with their pants down again after they dropped the ball on that 10/4/2008 fire.

    While I'll refrain from commenting on the previous large fire, there have been several recent responses changes, including:

    - 2 City Engines, 1 City Truck, and 1 City Deputy Chief to respond on all structural responses in the District.

    - A new Water Supply algorithm/matrix, which essentially is a multi-phase task force concept that fans-out tankers from SW CT and parts of Westchester County. This appears to be the first such use of this plan.

    - Implementation of personnel accountability for each responding apparatus and implementation of ICS protocol.

    This was a very large residence that was well off-the-road. This is not an uncommon type of home for this area and this was the type of scenario that much of the large fan-out of water resources was planned for.

    I cannot speak for operations at the scene, just wanted to provide insight as to why the number of resources.

  10. Tankers operating:

    Long Ridge 73 (Pumper/Tanker)

    Long Ridge 78

    Turn of River 68

    Pound Ridge 3 (Westchester County, NY)

    Banksville 7 (Westchester County, NY)

    New Canaan 8

    Greenwich (Round Hill) 6

    Noroton Heights 22

    Belltown Engine 41 covering Long Ridge Station 1, and responded to MVA (Car over guard-rail) on Long Ridge Road around 0645.

    Looks like the "Water Supply Matrix" in effect?

  11. Hmmmm Colony!!! The make a good pie! I have been to a lot of places in NYC that make a good pie too. Nothing better on a cold day than a slice of cheese and a warm pretzel.

    Any one who knows of New Haven pizza has to know of Frank Pepe's Pizza on Wooster Street, just down from Sally's. Mr. Pepe was the originator of the white clam pizza and why did he make it??? Because he was allergic to tomatos and cheese!!!

    We are way off topic now, but Izzy....Pepes? = Good for tourists and T-shirts. They may have been great once, but they are more about location then quality.

    Sally's is great, but there are many hurdles to clear in order to get the pie (hours, lines, parking, attitude, rules...)

    Overall, the best New Haven pie is on Modern Apizza on State Street.

    PS - As a valley guy, no mention of Roseland?

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.....

  12. I have relatives in Stamford. They're documenting anything and everything with this whole mess. All documentation are kept away from their house. They hope nothing happens to them. They are scared!

    I am not sure if I have any idea what that statement means "they are documenting anything and everything, but keeping it away from their house..." Care to elaborate?

    "They hope nothing happens to them. They are scared!" This is somewhat more concise, but taken literally, quite an "alarmist" statement to make.

    For the record, there is no reason for anyone to be "scared" or spend time "hoping that nothing happens" to themselves.

    The residents and visitors to the City of Stamford have never had a higher level of fire/ems protection offered to them. While all of the parties involved in the ongoing Fire Service delivery debate have strong and varied positions, those charged with carrying out services (volunteer or career) have not waivered in their abilities to do so.

    Regardless of what "team" you are playing for, there should be no doubt that the overall delivery of services has been increased as a result of the recent discussions.

    How so?

    • Career Fire Fighters have been redistributed to increase previous staffing levels in areas (such as Turn of River).
    • Volunteers have demonstrated an excellent ability to staff or almost immediately staff volunteer stations or apparatus (Most notably in Belltown and also Turn of River).
    • An full career assignment of 3 Engines, 1 Truck Co, 1 Rescue Co, and 1 career Chief or a limited career assignment of 2 Engines, 1 Ladder, and 1 career Chief are now sent on all potential or confirmed structural responses within the City. This now includes all Fire Service areas, including Long Ridge.
    • Contrary to the detrimental sentiment by extremists involved on both sides, career and volunteer personnel are working very well together and are keeping their disagreements off the fireground.
    Most people involved in the fire service are rapidly learning that "Mr. Jones" or "Mrs. Smith" does not care about the pay check, patch, color of fire apparatus, Union issues, volunteer issues, or EGOs of those involved. They just want trained people to come quickly, act professionally, and behave responsibly.

    When you signed up to be a Fire Fighter, you assumed the responsibility to solve other people's problems and offer them hope when they (the public) do not know who else to call. FEAR is the last thing that any person involved in the delivery of public safety should allow to be cast in the public's eye.

    As always, I welcome your responses and opinions.

    Best wishes for a safe and Happy Holidays.

    PS - And a New Year's wish for those involved to continue to try and work together and bring an amicable resolution for all parties.

    Matt P.

  13. Mike:

    The issue has never been about security, rather survaillance (i.e. harassment).

    To better understand the issue, you would have to look at the very turbulent history of the present Springdale Chief. Since the day he was "dusted-off" and brought back as Chief in 2002, he has sought to cause as much strife as possible within the Station.

    Why would he chose to do so?

    Simple, oust the City Fire Fighters and in turn, get a blank check from the City to hire his own Fire Fighters (want to guess who the first person that he would hire?).

    Fortunately, every legal attempt by the Chief to exercise his plan has failed. He has wasted thousands of dollars and hours of time in an effort to see his plan through.

    What is one to do after the legal system has shown him the door???? Harass the existing career Fire Fighters and see if they will demand a change in the relationship.

    Security cameras in Fire Stations are nothing new. One could walk into almost any Community Fire Station and find a camera. I do not believe the Union's objection was ever to security.

    The State Labor Board also had very little difficulty realizing the root of this case. In their decision, the Board easily identified a lack of substance with the Volunteer Fire Chief's Claims (this is nothing new) when attempting to argue why and where the cameras where placed. It was quite clear what the real motive was.

    With respect to the opinions of previous posters about this topic, this case is a victory for no one.

    The Fire Company wasted money on several cameras that they did not need. The Fire Company wasted even more money to fight a legal issue that they were told early on that they would lose. The Union spent more member's money to fight another example of harassment by a rogue Fire Chief. And worst of all, the Fire Fighters working in the Station, were once again, needlessly caught in the middle of this and forced to endure Mr. Fahan's childish games.

    Mr. Fahan was recently quoted in the local paper stating that the career fire fighters in his Station were turning away existing and potential volunteer Fire Fighters.

    Unfortunately, history has clearly shown that the person responsible for any type of exodus from this Company is Mr. Fahan and his continued misguided plans.

    I guess the real question to ask is when is Mr. Fahan going to realize that fostering a better relationship with his career counterparts a far more productive use of time and money then trying to continue to find ways to sabotage what was once a very positive relationship between career and volunteer Fire Fighters?


    Matt Palmer

    Captain, Stamford Fire Rescue

    Past President, IAFF Local 786

  14. Mark:

    No, nothing in your post was unfair or biased, etc.

    You have and will contain to remain an example of what "was" at Springdale. Prior to the "war years", there was a good relationship between the career and most of the volunteers.

    There is no greater crime than watching some of the current malcontents spend all of their time in an endless and pointless fight.

    There comes a time when most any man would realize that they have wasted their own time, their organization's time, and the people's time and shift gears.

    Good leaders know when it is time to end a cycle and try a different approach.

    The Definition of Insanity - Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a new result......

    I think it speaks volumes for one's ability to lead if they fail to understand that basic principal. I could go on with my opinion(s) of Mr. Fahan, but I think I got my point across in the previous post.

    It is very good to hear from you and see that the LI experience has certainly paid off for you. I will refrain from further comments and send you a PM.

  15. Joe and Pete:

    Thanks for the comments.

    Joe - You know about what is said about the road to hell, right?

    Pete - I guess you are getting a better understanding as to where things are at? :)

    It is unfortunate that the some (and I stress SOME), would attempt their "quid-pro-quo" using this scenario.

    I can understand the animosity that is taking hold of the many fire service agencies within Stamford, but I become quite concerned when individuals (such as Mr. Fahan) try and equate this fire to separate incident.

    Sadly, Mr. Fahan's remarks and opinion are merely the equivalent of some drunk at the end of the bar, who tries to tell Bill Belechek on how to coach the Patriots. He does not possess the knowledge, training or experience to judge anyone.

    Given his turbulent history as "Chief" of that Department, his reputation is well known in Stamford and throughout the area. None of us should be too surprised at outrageous statements by him, but he appears to be trying to outdo himself this time.

    I would welcome a review of this fire (or any incident that we respond to) . I am pretty confident that any Fire Service Professional would conclude that the actions of the Stamford Fire and Rescue Department prevented significant loss to that entire area. Having worked in that neighborhood for a number of years, I am amazed that the fire was contained to the area that it was. Although exposures were damaged, many will be repaired. The exposure directly to the right will probably be razed, but the possession of many occupants can be salvaged. For the majority of those occupants, the possessions are all they have. No injuries or Fatalities?

    Save Life - Protect Property? Yeah, I'd say the SFRD accomplished that.

    I am still wondering what type of response and tactic Mr. Fahan would have chosen? If anyone can help me with this, please elaborate. Would love to hear from you Shawn, I mean Chief.


    Matt P.

  16. Tell that to the loud mouth vollies that are bashing the city Department, calling for an investigation. Investigate this...Asphalt shingles, abandoned warehouse with no utilities to it,30-40 mph winds, building of origin fully involved upon arrival....discuss.

    To be fair, the article has been posted for all to see some of what PJ is referring to (the relevant part is at the end of the article):

    STAMFORD - The fire marshal's office may have a preliminary conclusion today about what caused a fire that destroyed an empty warehouse and other buildings in the South End Sunday afternoon.

    Assistant Fire Marshal Charles Spaulding said the warehouse at 45 Cedar St. was securely boarded up since 2005, and its power line had been removed.

    "Without having someone that was living there or operating there, we are dependent upon the evidence we find and the evidence that we learn of," Spaulding said. "We have to cross our T's and dot our I's now."

    The fire, which began about 1:45 p.m., destroyed one neighboring house and damaged another. Two garages and at least seven vehicles also were destroyed. There were no injuries, fire officials said Sunday.

    About 22 people were displaced, a Red Cross representative said.

    The warehouse most recently housed medical supplies, such as wheelchairs and canes, Spaulding said. It is owned by Cedar Street Associates LLC, which has an office at 126 Woodside Green.

    The company's principal, James Tooher, also the owner of Tooher Appraisal Services of 126 Woodside Green, said he had approvals to turn the warehouse into six condominiums.

    "I am devastated by the loss of the building and the damage to surrounding properties," Tooher wrote in an e-mail message.

    His plans for the building were intended to "preserve the historic structure and improve the neighborhood," Tooher wrote.

    The project was unrelated to Harbor Point, the 80-acre South End development, he said.

    It is too soon to say what he plans for the property now, Tooher said.

    Spaulding said officials determined Monday that the two-story house at 43 Cedar St., next door to the warehouse, will have to be razed because it is structurally unsound.

    The other home, at 49 Cedar St., had only external damage to the siding and windows, he said. The owner hopes it will be occupied by next week.

    "Their power and water utilities were unaffected," Spaulding said about the latter property.

    Firefighters and police officers were still at work Monday afternoon securing the scene to ensure the integrity of the investigation and because the fire smoldered throughout the night, he said.

    Stamford Fire & Rescue called the Springdale volunteer fire departments to cover its downtown firehouses while city firefighters battled the Cedar Street blaze, Springdale Chief Shawn Fahan said.

    That left only volunteers to cover his Springdale district for several hours, Fahan said. The Springdale firehouse has volunteers and paid city firefighters.

    Fahan said Stamford Fire & Rescue contradicted itself by calling for aid from volunteer firehouses.

    "We had to help out Stamford Fire & Rescue, and they're always saying that we're no good," Fahan said. "But I guess on Sunday we were OK."

    The city and the volunteers are battling for control of the fire districts. Last year, city officials called for a consolidation of volunteers and the paid fire department to improve service and save money. The volunteer departments have autonomy under the city Charter but rely on taxpayers' money and paid firefighters to staff their stations.

    Fahan called for an investigation into the Cedar Street fire because four structures went ablaze by the time city firefighters doused the flames.

    An Oct. 4 fire in North Stamford, the Long Ridge district, nearly destroyed a $2.4 million house, prompting city officials to question the response by Long Ridge volunteers. The city has hired a consultant to investigate the response to the fire on Mill Spring Lane.

    Fahan asked whether the city will do the same for the Cedar Street fire.

    "The city should answer to someone," Fahan said. "They want the volunteers to answer to the city, but who's the city answering to when something happens? They don't answer to anyone. Any mistakes get covered up."

    Stamford Fire & Rescue Chief Robert McGrath declined to comment on whether the city will investigate the Cedar Street fire. He directed questions to Director of Public Safety William Callion, who hired the firm to review the Mill Spring Lane fire.

  17. I have heard several accounts of this fire and they are all very troubling. I will also state that I was not on-duty and did not witness this fire first-hand (as others here appear to have been).

    I am also quite familiar with the fact that Fire Fighters love to embellish. Given the duty that ANY fire fighter should have to public safety, I will hope that the versions that are being circulated are the results of some exaggeration and not completely factual. If they are even partially true, it would be a embarrassment for ANY fire fighter.

    What is not mentioned and quite factual is the history of automatic aid responding to the Long Ridge District. Prior to July of this year, one or two Turn of River Engines would have been automatically dispatched to structural responses in the Long Ridge District. The Turn of River Engines would have had two (2) career Fire Fighters staffing each unit.

    Upon implementation of the City Fire Rescue Engine Companies in the Turn of River District in July of this year, the Long Ridge Chief decided to cancel the previous automatic assistance. An interesting decision considering that the new Companies would respond with at least two additional personnel than previous assignments.

    Why would a Fire Chief refuse such assistance?

    *Perhaps, a large group of new Long Ridge volunteer members that completed their required training arrived around the same time as the City was opening their new Companies, thus providing a means for no longer requiring assistance from other Departments?

    *Perhaps, the funding was available to hire four new career fire fighters internally to provide staffing for Long Ridge? (5 if you include the "whistleblower" veteran career member that they recently fired..)

    *Perhaps, the Long Ridge Fire Chief really decided to "Go-Green" and use this as a responsible approach to global warming and oil prices and reduce the fuel consumptions of neighboring agencies?

    **OR perhaps the Long Ridge Chief decided to develop an "IRON Curtain" around his Department's operations preventing the "eyes-on" observations by the new responding City Fire Companies?

    I am not sure what the rationale was? But what I am sure of is this:

    If YOUR Fire Fighters (paid or volunteer) are responding to a residential structure fire at 9 PM on a Saturday night and after 15 minutes realize there are only 3 total personnel on scene (as clearly stated by their request for help over the radio), you had better evaluate your prior decisions and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEM!

    And no, I do not believe the Advocate made the error in not recognizing the four (4) City Fire Companies that responded to the scene.

    It would also be important to ask where the Long Ridge Chief was while this fire was occurring and his people were being forced to deal with the ramifications of his previous decisions? I would bet it would be hard for him to appreciate the frustration and feeling of helplessness that those Fire Fighters faced while he was out of State.