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Posts posted by niufinikomu

  1. I am waiting to see what the investigations actually turn up before I start throwing accusations or other negative comments around willy-nilly.

    Throwing accusations?? Money is missing!! Someone ( or a few people :-) are responsible. You will see!! As far as negative comments, by saying the leadership is "incompetent and inexperienced" is not negative, it's the truth!!! Both, Firematically, and Administratively. When the details do eventually surface, someone will be held accountable for the loss of money which will deem them "incompetent." Apparently you're not familiar with the leadership themselves. If you lived in the town you'd quickly realize they're running on limited, incompetent manpower....Geee, I wonder why that is....piss poor leadership.The words "inexperienced and incompetent" is BEING NICE!!!!! Not to mention the TRUTH!!!! Ask members from surrounding depts what they think of the leadership. Trust me, if you only knew!!!! They deserve everything that's coming their way!!!! They finally met their match with someone they can't push around like they've done with everyone else!!!!"The sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences." That my friends is the definition of Karma!!!! Enjoy....