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Posts posted by DES630

  1. I would just like to say Yesturday's storm proved true BROTHER HOOD in the fire service. While the areas that were getting hit the worse no matter who was dispatched MA they went right in and went right to work weather it was pumping out basements or sitting on a wire down call waiting for con ed, responding to residential or commercial alarms all companies were non stop for several hours. When the MA companies were cleared from the city of New Rochelle they went right to work in Pelham assisting there anyway they could.

    Now that's BROTHER HOOD!!!

    Would also like to add excellent job by the DISPATCHERS at 60-Control

  2. Date: 7/9/08

    Time: 1730hrs

    Location: Bronx Zoo- Safari Ride

    Units Operating: NYPD ESU; FDNY; FDNY EMS

    Description Of Incident: Cable car on overhead wire derailed causing the ride to stop. ESU and FD used a crane to off load the occupants of the derailed car. Zoo officials repaired the car and the ride was restarted to remove the remainder of the riders. No reported inuries.

    Writer: Truck4

  3. NEW YORK (AP) -- A sightseeing cable car system at the Bronx Zoo abruptly shut down Wednesday when one of its gondolas went slightly out of alignment, stranding dozens of people high above habitats for baboons and other animals.

    This was just on the 10pm news and apprently FDNY is still trying to rescue people from the cable cars stuck in the air.

  4. Leave the pay out and its a nice job. Yes we work 12 hours shifts 36 hour work week with rotating schedule. Every 5th week you are off 8 days. Nice perk if you work a "B" job. That is once you get put into a rotation. Now I wont complain about the pay there are worse paying jobs out there. Lets not forget all the people you get to meet from all the different departments.

  5. The decision on who to call into their municipality, whether it be for coverage or to the scene should be made by those in charge, not the mother hen at 60 Control. I really don't think we need civilian dispatchers telling a Chief in charge of a fire, who and what he needs from a Communications Center miles away, not to mention having County Coordinators show up at a scene with their white helmets who stand around like they're in charge. Nothing personal, but I think the Chiefs of a Dept. are fully capable of this. Enough is Enough! All this can be taken care of also by Depts. who have their own dispatchers and don't rely on 60 Control. Those that don't, then that's another story. Fortunately, my Dept. has its own dispatching capabilities and I wouldn't change it for the world. In fact more Depts should strive for this. I'm sure there'd be less of a chance of Depts. stepping on each other during busy times. I've even heard of incidents where our own dispatchers didn't even know certain Depts. were in the city covering Stations, because the Coordinator at the scene was requesting and placing apparatus where he saw fit, without advising our Communications Center or the IC. Are you kidding me? Talk about accountability. I know everybody means well but sometimes they overstep their bounds. Maybe they should stay behind the yellow tape, like one coordinator was asked to do at one of our Jobs by the Deputy Chief in charge. Everybody shouldn't feel the need to be important and outrank others.

    What is with the 60 Control Bashing?

  6. What I have never been able to figure out is you can have the Chief, Asst, Chief, 2nd Asst Chief, 3 Lt's sign on responding to a fire call but no one can go get the Engine or Ladder. Why is that? If the Chief is responding why can't the other officers go get the rigs knowing they are on the 2nd set of tones and nothing else is responding except for a few Chief's cars?

    So now you combine a 2 or 3 departments to consolidate now you will any where from 6 to 9 officers signing on responding but still no Engines or Trucks.