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Posts posted by celticmedic643

  1. Come on people EVERYONE turns over calls. MLSS, Alamo, TC, NDP. It happens to EVERYONE! And I heard the call, Alamo was dispatched in less then a minute after the second call. Transcare notified DC 911 right away that they had no unit for the call. Some companies would have sent a unit from Newburgh or some where far far away. It is not about transports or any other BS its about the patient. You dont have a unit you send someone else. You people really need to get a life and stop listeningto the radio 24/7. So what TC turned over a call. Ifyou have a problem with the coverage in any of these towns talk to the people that set up the contracts. ( The politicians and fire dist.)

  2. That is not the first time the exempts have said" they are the voice of the volunteers in Dutchess County" . This quote has been in the Journal every time there is an article about the exempts. I think we really need to find out what the exempts do/are. The only thing I know about them is they all sit out on their deck/ bar on North Clinton St and drink til the wee hrs of the morn. I think they get a lot more credit then they deserve. Yes the memorial is nice and all, but I agree with Don a little over the top. Plus I feel the Dutchess 911 center would have been a better place for the placement of the memorial rather then the "Ghetto" park.