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Posts posted by celticmedic643

  1. They will probably get added to the list and the lawyer for whatever town/village (etc.) who's name is on the unit will promptly get them dropped out of it being the vehicle isn't registered with them. The registered owner will incur all of the liability, unless they do not indemnify the operator of their ambulance. Name or no name any lawyer could find out that unit is the contracted unit for an area and attempt to put some form of liability on the town/village however it is often fruitless.

    Is that the back of Mahoney's big head that I see in one of those pics?

    Rugged stretchers....yuck!

    Why yes I believe it is Johns big head head in that photo.

  2. Wow. I was in Shock last night when I got the phone call. But like 32 said I start to smile when I think of Rich with the cell phone, cigar and always a smile. I'm glad I ran into Rich a couple of weeks ago and caught up. And Buff is not the word. Class A guy. Rich you will truly be missed by all who knew you. Til we ride again...............

  3. Well IDN, I dont want to see this post become another closed thread... But in all fairness we in the field shouldnt be worriying about the $$$$ amount. That is Administrations concern. I understand it may be "your taxes at work" I am not denying that... but in the grand scheme of things the amount that it costs "you" personally may be like 5 bucks more or less... depending on the size of the district. I just dont want to see another pissing match start.... and the thread get closed.... Whatever it is, is what the town board (your elected officials), decide to be the best service for the town and its residents. Which Includes "YOU" so if you feel that you or loved ones Lives are not worth that... Idn what else to say...

    - P.s. this is not intended for anyone in particular just throwing it out there.....

    Well when the journal says that there was a price difference of Almost $850,000.00 it is about the money. How is one company able to do it for $48,000.00 and the other company is coming in @ $900,000.00. When the price difference is that much the town board isnt looking @ peoples best interest the are looking at saving $850,000.00. ( No matter what they tell you ). Were the 2 companies biddding on the same thing? Its no secret that there is no love lose between Town of Fishkill ( Rombout ) and Alamo, but come on $850,000.00. And yes we in the field should be worried about the money, after all isnt that what pays our saleries? Judging by your age you dont own a home or have a family so you dont understand about taxes but yes $5.00 adds up. Between school, property, county, and town taxes they all add up.

  4. celticmedic643Posted Today, 11:10 AM That is a HUGE price difference! Are those figures correct. If so How is MLSS able to do it so cheap?

    Celtic those numbers are soo soo incorrect.........hope all is well with you down in Put Valley....miss ya on my friday overnights :)

    Since when does the Poughkeepsie Journal print incorrect numbers??? ;) . You spying on me??? How did you know I had my feet up in Putnam Valley today?? ;)

  5. MLSS: 56,141 for 2008 System wide. Covering Orange, Ulster, and growing areas in Dutchess.

    being that Nate closed my thread, cuz I started a topic strictly EMS in the EMS thread......

    Workin on getting East Fishkill calls and the break down

    Now why do you have to be a smart a$$ and put " growing areas in Dutchess"?? Why cant you just say Orange, Ulster and Dutchess . You dont have to rub stuff in peoples face.

  6. It sounds like all did a great job! I think before making a post like the one above, one might want to step it up and actually use the english language appropiately before criticizing another professionals job or actions. Did you actually read this before you hit post? How do you know they were sent by their dispatcher right away? Perhaps maybe someone should go ahead and bang out on here some of the issues your agency has or maybe some things that go. I don't know what take your time getting there is in your boat...but I want all my personnel to take the time to get there safely. And its "their" not "there."

    I'm dual role, but EMS providers always step it up.


    I'll second that!

  7. Philipstown VAC covers the north west part of Putnam County. Their district encompasses the Village of Cold Spring and North Highlands Fire Dist. Their VAC is located on Cedar St. in Cold Spring. They have at Least one paid EMT on duty in quarters 24/7. Putnam County Medic 1 also operates out of Philipstown VAC, and covers the Philipstown and Garrison Areas. They operate twin Wheeled Coaches I believe they are both 2006. I will see if I can dig up some photos. Otherwise I will snap some this week.