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Posts posted by x134

  1. why does it matter?

    I feel the worst thing to do is put different levels in different gear. It confuses the public, and promotes career vs volunteer animosity.

    You are a member of a Department that does that! Career has Tan and Volunteer has Black.... THE "PUBLIC" does not care as long as someone shows up and is able to mitigate the problem at hand!

    You are entitled to an opinion, but by making that type of statement that's where the animosity starts. I don't care what color gear I wear. I love the job and I am there to help the public....period! I think we should be more concerned with training and being sure we can do the job correctly and not so worried about what color our turnouts are! But that's just me.

    Rayman0784 likes this

  2. Though I did not know F.F. Joyce, I feel as I did. We are the same age, I also have 2 girls. and also have.... from what I have seen on the news ... the same passion for the job. To see his brothers fight back tears on the news last night was very hard for me to watch. God has taken a great man, brother, father, son, husband, and firefighter to soon. The Brothers from Poughkeepsie, City and Town will be at the Funeral to offer our support. Great thread!

  3. We've been having some Bob Ross sunsets over the past couple of weeks up here in Dutchess that have been pretty awesome. As far as noticing them at sunrise on my way to work...too busy trying get my coffee in on the way down the Taconic and the sunglasses go on with my light sensitivity pretty quick...not to mention working on my tactical breathing to keep me going south when I keep asking myself why didn't I take the day off.

    You can transfer ya know! LOL