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Posts posted by Firefighter57

  1. im not over there nor have i been but the person has been found....from what i know by having bedford pd on the scanner, it was an elderly female with ulsimers (your guess on the spelling of that is as good as mine). BVFD, BPD, BHFD, BFD, MKFD, batt 16, PRFD, KBHVAC, field comm. SP and county birds along with k9 all responded.

  2. FDNY Bronx and SI are on the same frequency.

    believe it or not, i have the same problem. go figure.. :lol: .logicly, that shouldnt happen

    and to ECLEMENTE

    no, i have never gotten that, although i used to get brooklyn and queens but it seems that i am not picking them up any more :(

  3. i am lucky enough to have a discone on my roof so i scan bedford pd, westchester (60 control and such), yonkers, new ro, mt vernon, FDNY bronx and city wide on one (yes i get that from bedfrod hills) and if a good job is anounced on city wide, i hit bank 8 and i scan the rest of the city. then when there is nothing going on, i hit dutchess and putnam and once in a while i will turn on 5 which is my CT bank (norwalk, fairfield, new canain, ridge field, blablabla)

  4. best wings i have ever had are from "smokey bear's" in lake george. hes got a smoker out in the back of the place and all of the food is smoked all morning. it is the best food i have ever had in my life. the ribs, wings, everything...all of the meat falls off the bone (almost litraly). i cant even discribe how amazing this place is.

    If you are in LG, its about 15 mins from the vill of LG south going in the direction of glens falls on your left. its past great escape or what ever that place is. its right across the st from a gocart place.

  5. That Was Another Great Movie. Seriously Keep More Videos Coming. That Was Alsome. I Want To Join That Company. Now I Know The First One Was A Fire. But, It Seems Like They Go A Long Distance To These Calls. I Could Be Wrong. But, It Seriously Is Two Great Movie Clips.


    like said above, the first one was a 2nd alram so they were responding from a different part of the city but if you think about it, the 2nd run to the mva wasnt that far. it was 3 mins away. it felt longer because when we are going, we're getting ready and everything and teh adreniline is going so it feels faster.

    great vids though

  6. got to admit though, that is a cool pic. never seen a cat hang to anything like that. i almost though it was a goof or somthing lol. whats up with the hole in the side of the building and the broken windows anyways? looks kind of here is what i am thinking, use a ladder, and if you say they didnt have one, then how did he get up there? normaly i dont think they have roof hatches on piched roofs...lolol. but to be honest, there could be somthing else to the story that we dont know.

  7. I got your's "QA2" (quick attack 2) is registered as "Rescue 13" as per county roster. it says " 13. VISTA - LIGHT (QA)" under the rescue subtitle. light meaning it is under "light rescue" as aposed to heavy rescue.

    and my best guess on why they call it that....ummmm....lets see....i guess they didnt know what else to call it because really it is an engine, a rescue, and an attack truck all in be honest though, i have not a clue.

    hope that helps ya graham

  8. I think giving points/preference for those who vol SUCK.  Study hard and do well it sounds like special points for those who can't cut the mustard.  I am sick and tired of hearing how 'I volso give me the job'

    Becuase I want the best of the best anyone can vol if they give enoght time.  Why should someone who takes a test and does well also have to compete against those who vol.

    i don't think anyone is saying that at all. reemphasizing my point above, it is good to give those who serve points and i respect them more then any other job but when it comes down to it, is this test about who will be better qualified or is this test about who we respect more. You would think the test is to see who is the best for the job. I personaly am a poor test taker. if a person forgets their stuff when it comes time for the test but was/is a vol. firefighter who knows what he/she is doing on a scene and ends up getting beaten out by someone who has never been in a fire before and know nothing of what its like, it kind of defeats the purpose of the test. Heck, maybe no one should get extra points.

    its also not jsut vols. Ive read some job info pages on line where you dont get extra points even if you were a full time firefighter. Now i understand that both an active vol and a paid guy should know his stuff better then anyone else but people do forget things when they are tested but can remember in the field.

    ...just some things to consider

    and and in the end, to be honest, id feel better knowing that the kid next to me has been in a fire before. Maybe he has even made a grab but in the end, he knows what its like, he will react a bit more comly depending on where he is from and he will have a head start on the deeper knowlage that is not taught at probie school.

  9. So whats next?  Points for knowing CPR?  Graduating high school? 

    This used to be simple, if you served your country in the military you quailify for either 5 points on an entrance exam or 2.5 points on a promotional exam.  That is the way it should be and that is the way it should stay, giving to those whom have answered the call of duty and served their country.

    ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that i respect the troops, their job, and their families more then alot of people but like truckie 1075 said, its a good idea to give points if you have experince in the job you are going for. i just never could understand why someone with a gun wanting to trade it in for a hose gets more points then somone with a water can wanting to trade for a hose. what i am talking about is isnt a firefighter better prepaired from the get go to fight fire then someone who was in the military? its just too bad the city wouldnt do that.

  10. we should start a club....i think when i was younger, i was at the firehouse more then some of the members were, running after trucks and watching all the action. and then before i could drive after i was a member, id fly down on my bike to out of all seriousness, it really shows the family tradition that runs in the firehouse

  11. we have them at the katonah/bedford hills VAC. they are easy to use and have worked great as dfcic said. from what the rep explained to us at the training we had on them, it is hard to drop a pacaint and if it does happen, the hydrolics actualy slow the fall down so it is much safer in that aspect. the only thing that you have to look out for is the battire life but we havent run into any problems yet. even if it is dead, there is a manual over ride. so far, they have been worth it.

  12. all i can say is i was about to hook a flag to my back so if i got lost, others could find me :) guessing alittle under 2 feet but like BEDFORDFIRE said, with the wind and everything, its hard to really tell. i was watching tv and saw that this storm was so big that it actualy developed an eye for a little while!!!

  13. The way they're EMS goes out, they need it. Correct me if i am wrong but as it is, dont they pritty much have their own medic? What i mean by that is the medic is from WEMS and stays at one of the houses and for the most part just runs on somers runs. I thought i saw that they even had a bay for the medics car in one of the houses.