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Posts posted by ltmdepas3280

  1. I'm ok with the "it's a young mans job" line......what bugs me is the whole fitness level thing. Not everyone operates at the same level nor should they...I get the fact we should all be in shape and some of us are not(myself included) but my years of training and experience is more valuable than the shape I'm in. When I started(24 years ago) there were several men in there late 50's early 60's who were in various shapes and health and all contributed to the job with knowledge and experience along with the little shortcuts that make the job less strenuous on all of us.

    I think it's more important to raise the age level for civil service to 25/40 for both fire and police. The main benefit of this, is a more mature well rounded person who is less likely to be a screw up. At that age they will more than likely have already proofed themselves has a good worker or have been weeded out has a screw up. Just an opinion.

  2. I have been watching the new's reports and reading blogs and everyone is talking about pork barrel's mostly coming from the republicans. My question is what do we in the fire service consider pork...Training, manpower, education ,equipment.....what should we stop spending on. You hear it on these boards "we have to cut the pork in Albany" all the time ...yet no one here can tell me what pork is.

  3. I do not have a dog in this fight...... but just an observation ...What's the liability on the city if they do not have a trained qualified officer in charge at a scene? What are the standards that are being used for a Shift Superviser vs a Captain? they go to first line school?

    It appears on the surface to be a very disfuctional at best system with a lot of room for someones neck to be placed in a noose..if you know what I mean

  4. If in fact the situation is or were to become so dire that volunteer FFs would be needed to guarantee fire protection it would be the first role reversal that I am aware of. Usually it is the lack of volunteers that is the issue. I would hope that no one would be faced with losing their jobs, that is really the worst possible scenario. But in these times of hard economic realities the opinion that volunteers may actually be needed albeit generally unpopular may not be so far fetched. The news continues to spew stories of gloom and doom regarding the economy, and even if only half true it would serve all well to focus some attention to the what ifs of depleted fire protection due to budgetary woes. Unlike the 1930s or even the 1970s when many cities and towns had only volunteer fire departments, today many communities have at least some career personnel that are needed to protect the community. What happens to those communities if God forbid (and I do mean that) any career fire personnel are let go long term?

    No politicking, but if as many think things will get worse before they get better are we ready?


    So my question is this.....What makes anyone think that city or other S#1Tstirres, that the people you are counting on volunteering won't be out looking for a job......maybe just maybe providing for your family would take top priority....just spitballing

  5. This is from FOX news.. again from the files of paranoid wing nut

    WASHINGTON -- A Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist dictatorship.

    "It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this national security force," Rep. Paul Broun said of Obama in an interview Monday with The Associated Press. "I'm just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may -- may not, I hope not -- but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism."

    Broun cited a July speech by Obama that has circulated on the Internet in which the then-Democratic presidential candidate called for a civilian force to take some of the national security burden off the military.

    "That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did," Broun said. "When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist."

    Obama's comments about a national security force came during a speech in Colorado in which he called for expanding the nation's foreign service.

    "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," Obama said in July. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

    The Obama transition team declined to comment on Broun's remarks. But spokesman Tommy Vietor said Obama was referring in the speech to a proposal for a civilian reserve corps that could handle postwar reconstruction efforts such as rebuilding infrastructure -- an idea endorsed by the Bush administration.

    Broun said he believes Obama would move to ban gun ownership if he does build a national security force.

    Obama has said he respects the Second Amendment right to bear arms and favors "common sense" gun laws. Gun rights advocates interpret that as meaning he'll at least enact curbs on ownership of assault weapons and concealed weapons. As an Illinois state lawmaker, Obama supported a ban on semiautomatic weapons and tighter restrictions on firearms generally.

    "We can't be lulled into complacency," Broun said. "You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I'm not comparing him to Adolf Hitler. What I'm saying is there is the potential of going down that road."

  6. His words not my interpretation

    He DOES NOT say a civilian "service" corp like the WPA, but SECURITY force. And nowhere does he say "to free up the military for other jobs like national security"..he says ""A force to achieve the national security objectives that WE set". That's a pretty big difference.

    A WPA type organization which would put people to work is fine, and has precedent..a force or "Corp" composed of civilans to achieve "national SECURITY objectives" is quite another.

    Again these are HIS words not an interpretation. And they too have precedents... any two bit dictator voted in by a well meaning, and desperate populace that got more of a "change" than they bargained for.


    Well according to the hot air balloon Rush limbugh and he's the source Im using...he scoffed at the notion of uses people for these know community service and all that. But hey who am I to break up a good ol fashion *&^Cing...oh and by the way I would consider a distruction of a major city and the rebuilding there of a national security objective.

  7. Has anyone been able to find out exactly what he means by "civilian security force" or are we all just speculating?

    Take the tin hats off...It a Civilian service corp be used in the rebuilding of infrastructure and other W.P.A type projects. Also it can be used to respond to disaters to repair damage to essentail and critical infrastructure (ie: leves from a Katrina, wild fires in California...ect) instead of using the national gaurd or the Army corp of engineers...who can be freed up for more important national security!

  8. The liberal agenda of the democrats is the central issue here. Corporate greed is at play, no question, but we would never be here if democrats didn't feel the pressing need to help people who don't want to help themselves. And dont you know Mr. Obama wants to do the same damn thing?! His "economic plan" is welfare on a previously never before seen scale - take our income tax and give it to people who don't pay income tax!

    You might have to give up the free meal from Mcdonalds for the three hours a week that you work!

    Stop the chicken little sky is falling would find that the statements you've made are without any are mine..regarding you! :blink:


    Civil Service can change your job discription of the test you take...up until they offer you a job. After that it will fall to what ever the union negotiates. This was done in my city 10 years ago with starting pay.

  10. Now here's the rest of the story.....The guy in question had been a less than acceptable PROBATIONARY(Key word) Firefighter. He was not terminated because of the needles although that was one part of the problem....he was let go because of a failure to complete his Probationary period. Some people have a problem with taking orders and directions and when you do that while serving probation they terminate you....end of story!