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Posts posted by ltmdepas3280

  1. I don't have a dog in this hunt, but someone please explain why an independant fire department that recieves tax dollars shouldn't be controled by the taxpayers. Why should a fire department or any department for that matter not be held accountable to the people that are giving them the money to operate.......You hear the Volunteer section of this state complain that there is to much required of there members (ex; training, making calls, drills....ect) but when a proposel is put forth to add some controls to the system everyone gets up in arms. From what I read there was no mention of eliminating anyone......only adding some oversite and accountablity.

  2. Members,

    There seems to be somewhat of an outcry by some members about posts being deleted. I think I speak for all moderators when I say that we try to use that very sparingly. And, for the record, I did not delete any of the posts from the thread about too many chiefs at a fire. I tried to offer some useful thoughts and it got carried away.

    The post deletion tool is used when a poster is not being civil in his words or is attacking another members thoughts. What would happen if we let something like that go out of control? The site and the ideas behind it would be useless because it would be nothing but arguments and ranting, so the moderators try to keep it light and running smoothly. Just understand the intent is to keep the info useful and enlightening and you will be fine.


    I have been reading this fourm for a few years now and I must say that this has become the most namby pamby touchy feel web site I have ever seen. What do you do at your firehouses when there is a disagreement...cry foul and call your mom?....Some people on here need to grow a set along with some hair!

  3. No Injuries = No Patients = Cancelled on Scene/No Founded Patients

    I am the EMS director for our department (upstate) and after a lenthy conversation with the NYS Health Department and our Medical Director, the ruling they gave us was as follows.

    1) If you are cancelled enroute that falls under "No Patients Found" PCR not required

    2) If you are on scene and TALK to the person involved and they refuse any TREATMENT or DENY INJURIES PCR required but they do not have to sign off. It falls under no Patient found....the talking thing

    3) If you are on scene and TOUCH the person (ex; take a pulse or b/p ) TREATMENT PCR REQUIRED!

    Very important thing to remember when in doubt do the paperwork it could save your job! ;)

  4. Date:06-11-2006

    Time: 18:46

    Location: 279 Albany Bush Road (Montgomery County New York)

    Frequency: 154.785, 046.126, 155.160

    Units Operating: Montgomey County SO 124 122, Town of Mohawk F.D. 220, G.A.V.A.C 321,324 NYSP 3G11, Albany Med Flight

    Description Of Incident: Two children driving a go-kart were struck by a car with serious injuries. 2 Med flight units called to the scene for transport along with an accident reconstruction unit

    Writer: ltmdepas3280