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Posts posted by ldrco195

  1. A group of comm specs from STAT MEDEVAC made a trip to Washington Twp Volunteer Fire Co in Fayette County, PA. (www.wtvfc42.org). WTVFC is located just off Interstate 70 in the Area of Belle Vernon, PA., Charleroi, and Rostraver. WTVFC operates an awesome fleet. That fleet includes a Seagrave Engine, Seagrave 100' Single Axle Ladder, Seagrave / Marion Heavy Rescue, Brush Truck, Squad, Ford L9000 / 4 Guys Tanker. They run approx 300 calls per year.

    They are a great group of guys. The chief & captain works with us and their guys are just as great as they are. We started by enjoying a fulfilling breakfast at the local Eat & Park. We returned to quarters to get a great fill of how they operate and the little antics that occur around their firehouse. Not be left out, we of course traded war stories from years past. We enjoyed lunch at a local restaurant across the street. We were even graced by the local air medical transport company with a site visit that was prearranged for our enjoyment. It was a great time for all. I would like to thank our brothers for a great time and enjoyed the visit. Stay Safe !!

    The next trip will be to one of our brothers fire company on Wednesday Jan 17th 2007 to Monroeville VFD Co. 5. I will be sure to post pictures from that event.

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  2. hey guys,

    FIREMAN SAM is a show that is on SPROUT network on Direct TV on Saturday mornings at 8:35. If you have children (2 - 5 years or so) will love. It is from the UK.

    It is a great learning tool. It has taught my daughter alot about fire safety.

    Check it out with your children when you have a moment.

    You can get the DVD on AMAZON UK.

  3. In my town we operate the opticom system and this for the most part eleminates the need to push other drivers thru red lights.

    If the opticom does not trip or the traffic is so heavy that it is not moving well we take the oncoming lane.

    We have an intersection in our town that see's upwards of 60-80k cars a day thru it during the holiday season. We have US route 22 & PA route 48 at that intersection. 22 & 48

    We are aggressive apparatus operators but if you ever have the interest we do offer an observational ride along. Monroeville Volunteer Fire Co. 5

    Here are some links to some info about our town:


    The Comp Plan.. Very Intersting Reading

  4. From another fire service forum www.iacoj.com

    Here is a scenario from a incident a FD in Michigan had just over a year ago. You will be given the dispatch info and what they saw.

    Mind you they have never seen or heard of anything like this before.

    FD Dispatched to a possible electrocution, two subjects, unconscious, in the basement, and Children calling it in.

    Upon Chief 372 arrival he met the children in the front yard who said their dad was in the basement and mom went down to help and she started shaking and went down. Chief 372 went to the basement door to find the basement had about 6 inches of water throughout. He could see both victims one face down and the other across the first victims legs partially in the water. The neighbor had a little electric tic and he said he put it in the water with no reading on it. The children said they went shopping and when they came home the father heard water spraying downstairs. When he went downstairs he opened a door and started shaking all over. The mother told the kids to call 911 and when she went to help she also passed out.

    While chief 372 was at the basement door above the water chief 372 could hear one of the victims trying to breath and gurgling in the water. As one of chief 372 other guys arrived we immediately pulled the electric meter from the front of the house (power company over 1 hour eta) this goes against our SOG's.

    Crews then made entry into the basement where they had about 6 inches of sulfur water(normal for the area as most of the wells in the area are sulfur water). When crews checked the electric panel we had a blown breaker for the basement area this was done while the following treatments were going on.

    Crews turned the mother over and cleared her airway and started supplemental O2 via ambu bag. She still had a pulse and was trying to breath on her own. The father was pulseless and apneic. Crews started CPR on him and moved both victims from the basement to the upstairs kitchen area. Crews worked on both victims and they were transported by ambulance to the hospital. Crews did get a pulse back on the father but no resperations. He did start breathing on his own enroute to the hospital.

    Both mother and father survived the ordeal and are leading normal lives again.

    The Rest of the story…

    Chief 372 & crew get back to the station and the hospital calls - They need crews to go back out and investigate more because they can find no entry or exit wounds to indicate the electrocution.

    Lets just say at this point Crews went back out to see what they could find out. They felt it was a poisoning of some type not an electrocution.

    Hazmat guys think about what I have told you so far-you may come up with the answer.

    I will give the rest of the story now.

    Chef 372 got the call from the hospital and went back to the scene with a couple guys to see what they could find. Since they said it appeared to be some kind of poisoning the took the gas meter with them. When they walked in the door we were hit with 75ppm of Hydrogen sulfide. (TLV is 10ppm IDLH is 300). They were back at the scene about 45 minutes after They cleared the scene the first time. They notified the hospital from the scene as to what they found. They then notified our health department as it did not seem right to them and had them respond. When they arrived they called the EPA out of Chicago. They sent a crew via plane to Metro airport and come to the scene. They were there in about 6 hours. The scene is about 30-45 minutes form the airport.

    In the mean time Chief 372 got a call from the station that one of the fireman at the station was complaining of Shortness of Breath and a couple of more complaining of dizziness. Chief 372 responded back to the station with the rescue and called for an ambulance. Since they are volunteer Chief 37 arrived at the same time that Chief 372 did. He advised C37 of the situation and what was going on. Chief 372 told him that the station was out of service and that all personnel on scene were going to be evaluated at the hospital. The ambulance arrived and transported three firemen and the Chief took the remainder in the Rescue unit. They were out of service for two hours while the health department waited on scene for the EPA.

    When the EPA arrived the FD was called back to be the stand by crew for the EPA entry team. We spent the next two days with them on scene.

    Here is what they found.

    The house has about two feet of plumbing in the house that feeds the barns for the horses. This is in a room about 4X9 that they use as a "tornado shelter". In the room is where the pump and the pressure tank is for the system. The family was gone for about 6 hours shopping so the FD do not know how long the leak was going.

    Upon investigation the EPA found that the pressure tank had a pinhole leak around one of the seams that had rusted. Under pressure it was creating an aerosal of hydrogen sulfide. FD do not know how long the leak was going but the fd figure it either overheated the system and tripped the breaker or the fd got about 24 inches of water trapped in the room and it popped the breaker when it got into the electrical. The FD thinks the second to explain the amount of water in the basement area along with the sump pump backing up do to no power. It was on the same breaker as the pump.

    During the investigation the EPA put a tent up around the pump and ran it. In a matter of 10 minutes they were registering 2400ppm around the pump.

    The thought was that when the father went down and opened the door to the room he was overcome immediately and went down. The wife saw him go down and when she went to help him she was also overcome.

    The health department was going to do a study in the area to see how much HS was given off when people took a shower after this call. The FD have never heard of any results of that but the FD does know that they are going to town and getting city water put in all over the place.

    Like it was said above everyone is fine now . Chief 372 brought this scenario up because it is one of those odd calls that could happen anytime. Chief 372 told the chief that they should do a paper of some type on this but his answer was He will tell the association, that only covers 24 depts. It could happen anywhere at anytime though.

    Chief 372 now know what it feels like to send a fireman to the hospital. As an incident commander it is the worst feeling in the world. The guys he has have are great and pounded it into his head that who would have thought about HS like that, and that they do know that every call has unknown dangers. They knew chief 372 was feeling real bad about it.



    This past friday, EMLENTON FIRE CO's, (Venango County, PA) FF Tom Best & Family, were attending the local football game when his garage caught fire. That evening the area was experiencing heavy winds due to the approaching cold front. The garage quickly became involved and spread to his home, within moments his home burnt to the ground.

    Tom and his family only have what they have on their backs for now. Tom is married and has 4 Children Ages 11 - 23. Tom had renters insurance but unfortunately not enough to cover his loses and help him recover from this terrible loss. If you can help... Please do.

    If you feel you can assist our fellow brother and his family.

    Please contact:

    Chief Patrick Lowrey

    Work: 1-800-262-3271

    Cell: 1-814-609-6207

    email: patrickl@sundahlinsurance.com

    The shipping address for the fire company is:

    Emlenton Fire Co.

    410 Main St.

    Emlenton, PA. 16373

    Your Help would be apprechiated !!!!!


    Firefighter, family lose nearly everything in fire



    The house and garage of an Emlenton firefighter was destroyed during a Friday evening fire.

    Early reports on the blaze at the home of Tom and Sandy Best at 2653 Nickleville Road indicated 11 fire companies had been dispatched to the area.

    Knox Volunteer Fire Department, the first responders on the scene, arrived to find the garage attached to the home completely involved in flames, according to Emlenton Volunteer Fire Department assistant chief Barry Louise.

    "The fire had already started hitting the house when Knox got there. By the time our units arrived, the back of the house was totally involved in fire. There was a lot of gusty winds that night and there was nothing we could do," Louise said.

    Tom Best has been a captain with the Emlenton Volunteer Fire Department for about 20 years. Best lived in the home with his wife, four children ranging in age from 12 to 23, and the family dog.

    Sandy Best was home alone at the time of the fire, which began near an outdoor wood stove about 12 feet from the garage, according to Louise.

    "She noticed the fire and attempted to put it out, but the water hose on the garage was already burned," Louise said.

    Damage estimates were not available Sunday, but Louise said the family lost nearly everything. Two vehicles inside the garage, some pictures and personal items were all that remained of the family's possessions.

    The charred remains of the large two-story farmhouse will be demolished later this week following an inspection by the insurance company.

    More than 50 firefighters were at the location until 11:30 p.m. Friday. Personnel from the Salvation Army in Oil City, Red Cross and Emlenton Ambulance also provided services at the scene.

    "The help from everyone was incredible. The Salvation Army provided soup, coffee and hot chocolate for the firemen," Louise said.

    Several firemen were treated at the scene for exhaustion and smoke inhalation. An unnamed firefighter was transported to UPMC Seneca for minor injuries.

    The family is staying in a trailer owned by family members in Nickleville while sorting out their next steps.

    While some of the costs of the fire will be covered by insurance, fellow firefighters are planning several fundraising efforts to assist the family.

    "Tom is one of the most dedicated fellas we've had. He's always there when you need him. We feel obligated to ask the community to help him out for the all the time he's given to them," Louise said.

    Proceeds from the Emlenton Volunteer Fire Department's annual spaghetti dinner scheduled for Nov. 9 will go to the family, Louise said.

    Additional fundraisers will be announced at a later date. In the meantime, the fire department will be accepting donations on behalf of the family.

    "He's given hundreds of hours to the community and we'd like to help him get back on his feet. Tom and his wife are the type of people that do everything for everyone else whenever something is needed," Louise said.

  6. classy classy classy... I was completely taken back my it.. great job by the History Channel. If they offer for sale.. i will be sure to add it to my collection.

    the wife even teared up..

    my 3 y/o daughet watched it and she did not say a word the entire time., for her.. that is amazing..

  7. seth & all in this discussion -

    My Fellow Brothers...

    Seth puts alot of work into this page. I really don't think many of you know what he goes thru to to keep this page together. This is al labor of love.. He doe not make much money if any at all on this site. I imagine he reinvests the money back into upgraded equipment. With all of the "negative"comments he gets him a little disturbed. look for sites that you like the way they are laid out and forward him the ideas.

    Let seth take those idea's, come up with some lay out concepts, put them on here for us to use our given right democracy and let that be the decision.

    Keep up the great work seth... regardless of my b**** email i have sent you in the past.

    check out these couple sites. These are laid out real nice with the links to the sides and the front page with the "featured photos" on the front page.

    North Boroughs Fire



    Carolina Fire News

    Philly Fire News

    Even Orlando's site is nice. That is a nice lay out to work from.




    Monroeville Fire Co. # 5

  8. I was disappointed in the program and if I had been interviewed about various things and they kept highlighting the competitors product i would be a disturbed.

    I also found that the show's dictating did not come even close to what was on the screen at the time.

    I was overall disappointed, The public that was watching that was mislead about a number of things and really did not display the fire service in a favoable fashion.

  9. Having a truck getting it done? :huh:  :huh:

    You do not neeed to have a truck to do truck work...but it does make it look good.

    An old friend once told me:

    "You can teach a monkey how to squirt water, but you cannot teach that monkey how to be a GOOD truckie."

    John Murray - volunteer of the fifth.

    That is the truth. It comes with experience, education, and the drive of not wanting to go back later for a "repeat performance", which can be more dramatic and more dangerous than the first. The reasons that most go back for a second show, is that it was not put out the first time. Why was it not put out? The "truckies" did not do it right the first time. Yea the engine is needed for their waaadddder but the truckies have to make those hot spots found. Yea there is alot more to it than just that but I think we all get the point.

    I agree that there are companies that are buying a ladder, tower, etc and overnight "voi’-la" We are a truck co. NO george, it don't work like that. It’s like being in the limo business then over night you buy a couple trucks and you are now a trucking company...it does not work that way.

    If you have educated your guys prior to the purchase of said ladder truck, and they have been acting as the "truck co" ligitamately, and they have been relied on to do the "truck work", but not just T-W, GOOD T-W, at numerous previous fires and have made themselves known for that and have proven so. Then when you get that new 750,000 TRUCK you are in the truck'n bidnezz.

    Otherwise, if you get that 750,000 TOY / QUINT / LADDER / TOWER, and have not proven yourselves, and are not known at all for it. then that’s all it is...A TOY / ENGINE, real expensive one at that.

    If you are going to claim that you are a truckie, you better have the a** to back it up kids...cause when some relies on you to:

    - Search above the fire without the protection of a handline and only carrying a hook and can.

    - Go past the fire room / floor to go rescue the trapped person / kids without a line.

    - Control the utilities.

    - Advise of roof AC units on commercials.

    - Get those ladderssssss (1-2 does not constitute a truckie 6-12 does, more the better) up, properly placed by yourself, cause your an undermanned ladder company.

    - Vent the roof

    - Vent the floor of the fire without endangering others.

    You better be ready and not hesitate. They are relying on some of the most experienced and educated guys to get it done with out a complaint or worry !!!

    Be one before you get one...

    That is all !!

    Stay Safe.... 2.5 gallons is better than none B)  B)

  10. afterthecall.com ??

    kudos huss...

    AFTERTHECALL.COM that is very catchy...

    we have too many wingnuts out there doing stupid s*** out in public.. ie racing around with blue light thru four towns to make calls, making poor comments out side of the station,

    we need to highlight the good things that we do for the public before the bell rings and and after the bells falls silent. We need to show case our 30% club members and what we do to make a good name for the fire service and our individual departments.

  11. my name is chris. i am fron western pa,I am married w/ 2.5 y/o daughter.

    I have been with monroevile vfd Co. #5 for 12 years. We are a large vol fd with 5 stations, 9 engines, tower, ladder, 2 heavy rescues, 1 Air / Rescue Support, 8 als med units and 99% volunteer. combined we handle approx 5000 calls for service.

    check out our sites

    Monroeville VFC Co. 5

    Monroeville VFC Co. 4

    Monroeville VFC Co. 1

    Monroeville VFC Co. 6

    Municipal Info / Profile

    Seth.. Great Site.. Feel Free to Come Down and Ride MVFD 5 Ride Along Form

    Stay Safe Fellow Brothers..
