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Posts posted by jcoppola

  1. FYI:

    Norwalk Firefighters Association Local 830 will be hosting its 7th Annual Benefit Golf Tournament on Tuesday, September 25th, 2007 at Whitney Farms Golf Course in Monroe. Registration begins at 11:00 AM and the cost is $150.00 per player. We still have room available for foursomes so if interested, check out our website (www.local830.org) for details and show up with clubs and a thirst and we promise it will be a fun day.

    Joe Coppola

    Local 830 Secretary

  2. Yes Greenwich can GUARANTEE it as well. We would never send any less than 4 career guys including an officer into a mutual aid situation. But I agree with you on the written mutual aid program.

    Apologies...i was not sure about your staffing, last i heard you guys were 2 on each piece. I should have mentioned you also as an exception to the rule...

    Joe C.

  3. I have no problem with quints until they are used by career departments as manpower killers. Administrators may ask; why do I need an engine AND a truck both staffed when I can have one truck do the job of 2? The problem is, one apparatus cannot do all primary fireground tasks of stretching in and search, rescue or vent. If a truck is a ladder company, it should assume that posture at a fire. It doesn't really matter what they are riding to the fire. Norwalk uses ladder trucks equipped with pumps and water and a small compliment of hose. It works well for us, because all the shift commanders use them stricly as ladder companies and expect all the jobs to be done customary of a truck co. It is also an added bonus to be able to be fed from a hydrant and create your own pressure for ladder pipes. In my opinion, they work well for volunteer companies because they may be getting manpower coming in via their own vehicles and ALL the equipment that would be needed is there for them.

    Norwalk is trying to get funding for a sixth station. We have 2 staffed trucks, both equipped with some engine stuff and 1 is a true "quint" that operates as a truck company exclusively. In the past we have heard master plans to staff the sixth station with the quint and leaving the Broad River firehouse with just an engine and only having 1 true ladder company in the city. This all ended when a consultant came in and said that our city needs a third staffed truck, an additional staffed engine and a fully manned rescue company. Our chief is even in favor of adding an engine to that 6th station instead of sending the quint there. From a union perspective, we would ONLY support new hires, not splitting up companies. We would win that arguement based on firefighter safety alone!

    So, with quints, we just have to make sure they are used to our best benefit, NOT those who count the beans...

  4. Based upon what I am reading here, I came to the following realization: The ONLY CLOSE department to Stamford which can GAURANTEE 4 fully trained fire fighters 24-7-365, including a fire officer, is NORWALK. Stands to reason to me that there should be some sort of hard and fast mutual aid program between the two largest departments on this side of our county, no matter whose districts they have to travel through to render the needed help!

    Actually, I think New Canaan can gaurantee it too? Anyone care to elaborate?

    THAT ought to get me in trouble...

  5. I'm going to have to change/update the "Warning" at the top of the page.

    Although others may view it differently, it got people talking and showed there was an issue. It may not change anything, but maybe people who are reading the thread did learn something, as I did. Maybe having this issue on the table is better then sweeping it under the rug- maybe it's better to be able to discuss it here and respond to the original comment that started this thread then let that comment be read on another site with no rebuttal allowed.

    What would the members involved like me to do with this thread?


    I agree that the discussion got way off the topic. However, I never saw it get ugly, argumentative or vulgar. The person I was discussing this stuff with is a long time friend of mine, I was his instructor when he started and he is a good fireman. So, there never was any ill will between us, it was professional discussion. If anything, it should be moved to fire service issues and not incident workshop. As for me, I am done discussing it, I think the members here know where I stand, and I have remained consistent throughout. Again, thanks for giving us a place to hash out the issues.

    Joe C.

  6. The Definition of Insanity: Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.........Ben Franklin

    (Yes, Collapse you have heard it from me before, but it always FITS...)

    Sorry to be the wet-blanket here, but has anyone stopped to wonder the good in carrying on this debate?

    We now have some very good/decent people arguing online about issues that neither has any control over. Fab and Joe...step back and turn off the vacuume before it continues to suck both of you in.

    It is interesting how this entire issue was started based upon the personal rant obtained from a very one-sided web site that has an extensive history of promoting negative information about the City of Stamford, Stamford Fire Rescue, Local 786 or anyone ever associated with the City of Stamford Fire and Rescue Department.

    Yet, the information was immediately regarded as being entirely factual and an ensuing critique of this incident was allowed to erupt within this web site.

    As I type this, a very firm WARNING message is brilliantly displayed atop this page warning against such actions.

    I believe I am reading correctly when the text states: "This forum IS NOT for the critiquing of incidents or QUESTIONING ANY DECISIONS MADE BY THE INCIDENT COMMANDER....." Yet, some 3 "pages" later, it continues to go on?

    I have to ask the question, if the same had been done about one of the many mutual aide incidents that Stamford Fire Rescue responds to under the direction of a volunteer Fire Officer, would the thread not have been deleted and numerous PM's been bombarded to Seth or another administrator seeking its destruction and the immediate castration of those responsible for its creation???

    Seth - I am not trying to criticize you here. I read your comments and believe that you hit this one squarely on the head, but I do question the double-standard offered by some of the regular's in this forum. If we want to try and talk about equity in the fire service, than we should follow the same rules.

    I really do not believe the bantering here is going to change anyones opinion. It is safe to say that usual anti-career volunteers on these boards are going to look at this in only one way, just as the fine Men and Women of Local 786 will, conversely, see this in a completely different way.

    I am fairly certain that NO PROGRESS will be made about the very REAL issues affecting all Stamford Fire Fighters in the internet world.

    Continuing this melee will only generate more confusion amidst an already turbulent issue and environment.

    I will continue to patiently wait for progress from those who have been actually charged with the responsibility to make decisions and affect tangible change(s).

    I am grateful for the imminent return of the four Brothers who have been out of work going on 9 weeks and know that they will be an outstanding addition to an already outstanding Fire and Rescue Department.

    I look forward to seeing all of you walk in the front door. Hopefully, this will occur sooner than later.

    Beyond that, I will wait to cast my vote at the appropriate Union meeting and be happy to debate this issue "on the floor", NOT the internet.

    Best wishes to all.

    Thanks for your comments. I did not start this. I just provided facts and support because I found it fun to do so. I was not looking to begin an arguement. As a matter of fact, I was hoping the thread was blocked because I did get sucked in and frankly, I wish I hadn't. I realize that this cannot be solved here and honestly, I don't see it as my responsibility to attempt to solve issues that I have nothing to do with, I have enough going on in my own Local for which I am responsible. So...in conclusion, I would be HAPPY to let it go and I may even let the staunch support I have given go away too.

    I have worked too hard on my reputation to have it compromised on a website.

    Joe C.

  7. Joe i am really surprised that you think i am angry with you, if you read what i wrote it was not anger towards you. Lets get something right here the city did not lay me off The BELLTOWN FIRE DEPARTMENT laid me off, they had a chance to save us but they chose not to. How can you as a Union Representative sit there and say to me I shouldnt take getting laid off personal that was poor choice of words. As far as me being angry i have no anger towards you i have seen your posts about supporting the laid off employees, but this last one you posted was very wrong....

    Fabio Basile

    I stated only facts. I am sorry that you don't like what I said, but I stand firmly behind it. Layoffs are a numbers game, in most cases seniority is what dictates who goes. You got a raw deal, no question, seniority in the union was not used. Not my business why. I hope you guys get back to work soon. I would appreciate any feedback from members on my position.


  8. Joe lets not even go there you were an employee there once and you know what it was all about. How would you feel if you got laid off and how would you feel knowing it was friends that you have known in the department for years that did this to you? Put yourself in my shoes than come talk to me. Just remember everyone has a job in the morning, I DONT. Its no attack towards you but you have to see where i am coming from.....

    Signed FABIO BASILE...

    I really do not know what you mean by don't go there...I believe that I have voacally supported you guys getting your job back numerous times. I am not saying that the infighting is anyone's fault in Belltown, it's just the result of consequences. And I still think it is sad to see the direction the dept. is going. Again, I hope you get back to work soon and I can't understand why you are angry with me...And, I think you should stop taking getting laid off personally, to the city you work for, it is just business and that too is sad.

    This message was written and approved by:

    Joseph V Coppola

  9. What has changed is man power, 3 people laid off and membership that barely responds unless it is the same 3-4 individulas, As for the numeric paging even if used you barely get turn outs. Instead of improving manpower and responses we are falling back as if we were back in the 80's with career staffing. Also as for yesterdays response that was great a 5 man crew which meant the 2 career guys returning from there EMS call and the chief and captain and if i am not mistaken another career firefighter who was coming in for relief.. So there still needs to be improvements DRASTICALLY because we all know public safety is first and the BS of he said and politics is last......

    Aren't you guys both involved in the same department??? Wo are we supposed to believe? I never thought I would see such "infighting" in a department that always had a great relationship between paid and volunteer staff. Really, really sad...

  10. First and foremost I don't think there should be any ill will towards the Norwalk and Greenwich FD's, for doing what we all would do in similar situations, respond to a call for assistance from another department. There is a mutual aid agreement between Stamford and Norwalk and has been for a few years, I know I have seen it in the dispatch center. Greenwich has had mutual aid agreements with both Stamford & Turn of River for years. This is the first time I know of where these plans were activated in this manner.

    As for yesterday's incident, the number of volunteers was not "low to none" and at least as far as Belltown is concerned there were not "multiple tone outs". During Stamford's fire, Belltown's E41 was on a medical call and Belltown was toned out for an additional crew for T45, which brought that crew to the firehouse. When fire dispatch called for T45 to relocate it had a 5 man, combination career & volunteer crew. T45 was then canceled by Chief McGrath, prior to leaving the station.

    As for manpower in general, not every career rig comes with a 4 man crew, there are departments in Fairfield County that run with 2 man Engines and Trucks. Stamford was only successful in getting their 4th man on the truck companies in the last few years. Manpower is currently and will probably continue to be one of the most critical issues in the American fire service for years to come. My personal opinion is that unless you have a department that consistently can not field the resources you should use the closest units available.

    While the motives behind not utilizing Belltown or Glenbrook may be disputed, the bypassing of Darien, Noroton & Noroton Heights certainly makes it appear to be the dreaded paid vs volunteer issue, which it should never become, it should be about safety.


    Good points. You are in the know and hearing from you about this is very accuarate information which all should appreciate. I have one issue with your comment about bypassing the Darien Volunteers. You and I both know that there was a pretty good chance that there was nobody in the town of Darien stations at the time of the alarm at 0900 and I know that I could be wrong on this. This is NOT a cut on them, they are 100% volunteer and must wait for a crew before responding and Stamford Fire Rescue knows that. HOWEVER...there is no reason not to put them on alert so they can begin to assemble.

  11. JC, I am sorry that you feel that a house that has career and volunteers in the same building is a recipe for disaster. I respect your opinion. But in my opnion, it can and does work if you mutually respect each other like we do in Port Chester. We have a good working relationship. We sometimes have our differences, but I am sure that you have some with your own co-workers from time to time. Stop by our parade on Saturday and see for yourself.

    I stand by my statement, however I realize that there are exceptions and I apologize for not recognizing them. I worked in a system where everyone got along just fine. Even though I disagreed openly with the policies of a volunteer chief, the members were my friends. The guys that just got laid off in Stamford were also my friends, and still are. They feel betrayed by those friends because the City of Stamford administrators drove a very hard bargain and forced all parties to make decisions that would hurt. I am sorry, but when it comes to jobs and supporting a family, that touchy-feely relationship will go out the window. I am very familiar with Port Chester FD, and I know that you guys are VERY traditional and have a superb reputation. I hope you can keep that going in the future with a combination system.

    I wish I could attend the parade this weekend...I marched in your parade several times years ago.


  12. Since I am employed by the City of Norwalk Fire Dept., I think I would like to weigh in. Let me start by saying I was out of town teaching all day for the CFA, so I don't really know the logistics of what took place, just pretty much what I am reading here.

    First: I can remember my DC telling me a few years ago that Norwalk and Stamford discussed a mutual aid plan. As far as I know, nothing was ever "written in stone" so to speak. I do know that there is a high level of co-operation between NFD and SFRD, both in matters of support at incidents (if needed) and between fire unions (786 & 830). I think the meetings resulted in what would happen in a "worst-case scenario". So, I guess this was a call made by Chief McGrath based on his concerns at the time. I have no problem with that, who are we to 2nd guess his thought process, given all of the turmoil in Stamford right now?

    Second: I feel that I should defend my dept. and our members...we were put on standby, we did not go ripping down the thru-way for nothing and furthermore who are we to ask why and if closer companies were already summoned??? Maybe the chief knew he had a 100' tower ladder with 4 personnel on it ready to go, even with the long ride...(I would find it quite interesting and fun to go to a run 2 towns away, especially in the town I grew up in...)

    Third: A little history if you will...and maybe you could see why I think this is kind of neat...About 11 years ago, I was a career FF/Driver in Belltown. Whenever a call hit, I would have to stay behind if there were enough volunteers to respond. This included fires or rescue incidents that I may have had expertise in. The call that helped me make my decision to leave was a fire in a surrounding district. It was not bad enough to be left behind on the lead engine out the door...they called for more help from the fire, and the next due apparatus out of Belltown was staffed by volunteers and again I "missed the party". This is in no way a reflection of the department as a whole...I started there and love the place, always have, it was just some warped theories of staffing apparatus by the chief at the time. The result: test taking and getting out of there as a paid driver. In hindsight, that was a GREAT move, as I would have been very close to being one of the brothers that lost thier jobs recently, even with 14 years of time on the job. I hope they are returned to work soon. That in and of itself is a mess which needs to be resolved for both the safety of the public and the men out of work!!!

    The guys who know me in these forums know that I am a dedicated life member of Belltown and have no animosity toward volunteers. If anyone understands the hardships both ways, its me. I have always said (and learned through experience) that having paid and volunteer in the same firehouse is a recipe for disaster. It can't work and we have proof all over to prove it. Belltown made it work for many years, but now it appears that whatever is going on in Stamford has driven a wedge into that relationship.

    I didn't mean to make this a paid vs. vol issue, but it seems that it may be going that way. Seth...this one has a LOT of potential for "thread of the month"!!!

    I guess I gave a little more than my 2 cents...

    Joe C.

  13. Where is the Norwalk training tower? And by the way Great specialty rig. I have seen the work that comes out of this shop and I am alwalys impressed.

    Our training tower is located on South Smith Street, adjacent to the DPW garage and the Police Mechanical garage. The city earmarked some funds to replace all the concrete in the burn rooms and install fire shutters and doors. When complete, it will be one of the best Class-A burn towers in our area. It always had a reputation as getting extremely hot during live fire exercises, I learned this the hard way about 20 years ago in a FF2 class conducted by Captain Bob "Rex" Morris (FDNY R-1).

  14. Pretty neat! Is it used on any special calls?

    Not as of yet, but is is a resource that we have available. Hopefully we can get some people trained on it so we can use it at trench calls or wrecks on the thru-way. It is equipped with a full compliment of rigging equipment so it has many, many applications. It is also listed as a resource to Fairfield County Hazmat, as the decal on the side indicates.

  15. Our guys all know how lucky we are to have Scott Plank & his asst. Alan Dipietro. They really do a great job, they are known all over the state as great mechanics and even better fabricators of new and interesting equipment. They were even featured in a special edition of Fire Apparatus Journal. If you want a back-copy, go to our website under stations and click apparatus maintenance division and the link is there. For those who don't know, they made us a technical rescue rig from a pumper and put a box on the back of a 1980 ALF. We still use it today as an in-service tech rescue. Also, they took a donated rescue box from New Canaan and put it on a pump chassis similar to the crane (old E3) and now it is a backup rescue when our frontline rig goes for service.

    Some guys from FDNY have been known to trek up the turnpike to see Scott and Al when they are in need of a little "extra" assistance with a broken tool or a new tool idea.

    Stay safe all!


  16. NFD Crane 1. The chassis is old NFD Engine 4, a Sutphen/Pemfab. It was taken out of service about 5 years ago and the NFD shop outfitted the rig with a boom donated by Rings End Lumber. The boom served as a lumber hoist on a flatbed. It was used today to hoist new fire doors and shutters on the NFD training tower, which is currently undergoing a total renovation.




  17. Let us not forget the most monumental choke of all time...Redsox coming back from 3 games down to oust the Stankees from the playoffs in, ummm... was it 04? Anyway...that cannot be erased. So the mets are a choke team, I'll accept that and continue to be a fan, but I wouldn't want to own the biggest choke in professional sports history!

    Thanks and be safe...

  18. Date: 8-30-2007

    Time: 19:35

    Location: 22 June Avenue

    Frequency: 151.445

    Units Operating: E1, T1, E2, T2 (RIT), R2, Car 2, Norwalk EMS Medic, Fire Marshal, Fire Inspector, Safety Officer Deputy Chief, Norwalk Police. Chief of Department and Asst. Chief notified via telephone.

    Description Of Incident: Working fire showing on arrival from the C side (REAR) of a 2 story wood frame house. On the initial dispatch, it was reported that there were occupants trapped. En route, companies were advised that the house was clear of occupants. Fire damage was heavy on the fire floor and smoke/water damage was throughout. Fire has been knocked down and all hands are on scene checking for extension and overhauling.

    Writer: J. Coppola

    Update: 1 NFD member was transported to Norwalk Hospital with injuries sustained from a trip and fall down stairs exiting the structure in full PPE and SCBA. His condition is unknown at this time.