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Posts posted by jcoppola

  1. Today's Stamford Advocate is reporting that the officers are receiving pink slips as of tomorrow.

    If anyone hears of or puts together any benefit functions for these brothers (sisters?) please let me know and I will advertise it in Norwalk among the Finest and Bravest.

    Best of luck to all of these folks, I hope everything in Stamford works out and you get back on the street soon!!!

    Joe Coppola

  2. Stamford lawmakers delay vote on firefighters' concessions, approve others

    By Magdalene Perez

    Stamford Advocate



    Looks like this city wants it's cake and to eat it too...

    Maybe I am a bit misinformed, but I don't see how the article says that layoffs are possible. It seems that by doing what you guys did, you satisfied what the city wants. They obviously want to "eat their cake" too, I agree. We are ALL in the same boat! I am doing my part to "influence" one of the voters on the board of reps. He really doesn't like to listen to what I have to say though. I hope you guys (786) get through this unscathed. We are keeping a close eye on it up in Norwalk because we go to the "firing range" next spring, but we have taken steps to make sure our gun is bigger than theirs!

  3. The Norwalk Fire Fghters Association, Local 830 anual golf tournament will take place on May 28, 2009 at Whitney Farms Golf Course in Monroe, Connecticut. Details of the event are as follows:

    Registration begins at 10:30 AM at the course

    Tee time is 12:00 Noon (shotgun start)

    Scramble format

    Lunch during golf, dinner at the course

    Hole competiton prizes, most accurate and longest drive, closest to the pin on all par 3's

    Raffle with golf and non-golf prizes to be awarded

    Full service beverage carts on the course during golf

    $150 per player

    Tee sponsorships available for $100

    The golf committee is proud to not have raised the fee for this tournament in several years. Help us repeat the success of the 2008 tournament by joining us for another great day!

    Contact Secretary Joseph Coppola for details and reservations.

    Contact phone # 203.722.9844

    Contact EMAIL: nfdlocal830@sbcglobal.net

  4. This is a post from a friend of a friend off another site. Makes alot of sense if you ask me.

    When it comes to Politics, Delaware is Number One, No Question. Vice President Joe Biden is fond of telling folks that Delaware is a Three Party State. The three that have to taken Seriously are the Democrats, The Republicans, and the Firefighters. The First State is just that when it comes to Fire Politics, it is rare when a Fire related issue doesn't go the way that the DFA wants. Maryland is Number Two, and, like Avis, Trying Harder. The Md. Legislature has just adjourned it's 2009 Session last week, and a quick look at the scorecard shows that of 12 things that we opposed, 11 were defeated. Of the things that we wanted, we got 14 out of 17. Most importantly, we didn't lose any money to budget cuts.

    So how do we do this??

    Years ago, the State Fire Marshall got representatives of all of the State's Fire, Rescue, and EMS organizations together in a meeting room and told them that we MUST get together and stay together if we're going to win at Politics. That Day was a turning point, and we've moved forward ever since. Now, we meet every Friday Morning to review any and all pending Legislation and try to reach a consensus on a Fire Service Position. Rural and Urban, Career and Volunteer, Fire and EMS, you name it, All are there and working together. There are currently 13 members of the Maryland Legislature who are Fire/EMS people themselves, 5 career, others Volunteer, and they provide the Leadership on bills that we want passed or defeated. Success comes as a result of hard work, and we enjoy success.....smile.gif

    Like I've been saying new challenges demand new thinking. What was is no more, what will be is up to us to make happen. No more us against us for someone elses success, how about us against them for OUR success. It would be far easier to move the mountain if all were pushing in the same direction.

    <_< .........Yeah I know dream on.



    All your ideas and thoughts on how to fix the system are nice and would work in an ideal world. Like I have been saying all along, no one at 888 wants to negotiate with the volunteers. As they see it, that window of opportunity has passed and now it is up to the courts to decide the fates of those who did not want to play nice with the mayor.

  5. They have given points for residency in the past, but I can tell you with certainty that plenty of guys got hired off of the last list that were not Norwalk residents. I think like any other test, it is worth a crack at it.


  6. Joe were those members or employees that you refer to?


    I think you know well who I am referring to.

    All of the posts made are informative and interesting to read. I give a lot of credit to those that keep standing up for what they believe in. I still hope my alma mater can pull through this thing. I am just sorry that I cannot do more to help, but I think I made my mark on that department while I was there.


  7. I promise to not post any reminders about the definition of insanity. I could not do so in good faith as you all are really pouring your hearts and souls into some of these posts. As for me, I stopped caring a long time ago. I have been sadly reminded numerous times that my opinion does not matter and that I am simply one of those IAFF guys sitting in a chair and sleeping while wasting taxpayer dollars (from a very member of a department that I have tried to help at any cost over many years). I still remain proud to say where I came from even though I have some really ill feelings about some of the members who I thought were more stand-up guys than they proved to be when things got ugly. I cannot do a thing to make it better. Oh well.

  8. Date: 03-26-2009

    Time: 04:32

    Location: 2 Burchard Road, Rowayton Fire District

    Frequency: County Band and 155.340

    Units Operating: Norwalk E5, T2, T1, C2 and Rowayton FD Units

    Weather Conditions: Cool & Clear

    Description Of Incident: Norwalk E5 arrived 1st due to find heavy body of fire venting from the eaves on the "A" side. E5 stretched a 1.75" handline to the kitchen area which was heavily involved. Fire was mostly contained to the kitchen area with heat and smoke on the floor above. Fire was also found in the area of the dormers which was extinguished during overhaul. Numerous kittens and cats were rescued from the building by Norwalk truck crews as well as 1 dog which was overcome by smoke. 1 cat was confirmed DOA. Norwalk EMS members assisted with attending to the animals which were transported to the emergency vet and are expected to be ok. I heard from the PD units that the dog was instrumental in waking up the occupant.

    Reporters: JVC

    Writer: JVC

  9. The benefit for Grady is on Saturday the 28th at O'Neill's Pub in South Norwalk. I heard the Highland Rovers go on about 9:00 or so but I think there is no formal time they are using as a start. Just come down. I think Ollie O'Neill is going to do some kind of collection at the door for donations. O'Neill's Pub is easy to get to by taking 95 to exit 15 and following signs for South Norwalk.

    Grady is a great guy, and all of us here in Norwalk enjoy working with him. We wish him a speedy recovery!

  10. Interesting. I thought that 9 of the 17 "employees" voted to become members of SFRD??? How were they taken away???

    Also, since they have vacated the house on Roxbury road, why not sell that too??

    Seems like the ship has sunk, they are on the lifeboat and they are bailing out water with a bucket with no bottom. also, there is no rescue coming. Taking a hard line with the Mayor that controls your finances was not a good idea after all, huh guys??

    Also, how is the fill the boot going. Are you telling people they are giving money to an organization that has already been receiving their tax payer dollars for years already???

    I'd like to know how filling a boot (which, consequently, is a Muscular Dystrophy Initiative) can help a department with finances. Is there that much money going into the boot to really help pay bills???

  11. I have some info on CPAT that may help:

    I just hung up the phone with the Deputy Director of Training at the Connecticut Fire Academy. He told me that the CPAT is NOT going away. Due to some internal federal red-tape, the program is being re-vamped. He told me that everyone can expect to see some information on the CFA website (www.state.ct.us/cfpc) regarding dates and upcoming CPAT classes within 2-3 weeks. Applications for Norwalk do not close until May 22nd and he felt that there would be enough time to at least get a reservation for a class. I do not know what the City of Norwalk is going to do about those that are scheduled for the test but haven't taken it yet. That is something that will have to be taken up with the personnel department.

    This is positive information from the source. It should help to sqaush any rumors. If I can be of any other assistance to any members, drop me an email at jvcoppola@sbcglobal.net.

  12. Date: 02-24-2009

    Time: 0724

    Location: 364 Flax Hill Road


    Units Operating: E2, E5, T2, T1, R2, C2, E1 (RIT)

    Weather Conditions: Clear and cold

    Description Of Incident: Numerous calls to communications center including calls from State PD who reported smoke and flames coming from several windows at the address. Arriving companies found fire venting from the 1st floor C & D sides and extension into the floor above. 3 lines stretched and in operation. Trucks searched and vented.

    Reporters: JVC

    Writer: JVC

    Units cleared the scene by 1000 with Fire Marshal Division remaining for investigation. No injuries were reported.

    ****Stamford Fire Rescue covered Norwalk Station 2 (HQ) during the fire.

  13. Date: 02-21-2009

    Time: 0800 (Approximately)

    Location: 11 River Road, River Walk Condominium Complex


    Units Operating: Wilton FD, Wilton EMS, Norwalk Fire (E1 & T1), Norwalk EMS, Wilton PD

    Weather Conditions: Clear and cold

    Description Of Incident: Well involved fire in a second floor condo unit with a bedroom on the third floor. Fire was contained to the unit of origin with smoke and heat damage to the floor above. There were 2 civilian fire casualties as a result of the fire. Their condition has not been confirmed at the time of this writing.

    Reporters: JVC

    Writer: JVC

    *****2 occupants died in this fire. One victim was rescued by Wilton Firefighters, transported to Norwalk Hospital and pronounced and one perished in the building before rescue was possible.

  14. I have been the victim of a Charger-stop in Trumbull, CT. They have a black one all tricked out with a full carnival light package that had me fooled. It was black with black rims and very dark tint all around and just about every LED warning device manufactured. It was quite an impressive display while being an enormous waste of my tax dollars at the same time.

    ...he let me go...with a stern warning...nice policeman...

  15. Probably at the same time people stop debating use of blue lights, how many people get chief cars, when they get a new one, what to do about Volunteer EMS calls going to mutual aid all the time, when to replace the volunteer EMS with paid service, what another department should have done different at a fire, and the list goes on. This thread is no different then most others, it is a significant issue and people are going to talk about it. I wouldn't really call the most recent posts ramblings, and that is not said just to defend my own. There have been many good posts from people on both sides of the issue, if you guys decide you can always lock the thread.

    I would not be the one to lock the thread. Thats not the point. The point is that all this has become is a rant about 786 vs. the volunteers, thats a reality like it or not. I think we have determined that the best interest of the public and their safety is paramount in the issue. Carry on...

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