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Posts posted by Arrowxt

  1. Is it just me, or does every year the football season start earlier and earlier?

    There's already a "pre-season" game between the Giants and Ravens this weekend!

    I mean, it's still August, early August, and hot out and baseball is in full swing. I mean, I equate football with fall and winter, the leaves changing, etc.  I guess it's the same with all sports, Hockey and Basketball is on 'til June nowadays. What gives?


  2. From New Orleans Newspaper Times-Picaynne

    Nagin takes swipe at NYC in defending local recovery efforts

    From staff and wire reports

    Apparently annoyed with insinuations that New Orleans’ recovery is lagging, Mayor Ray Nagin takes a swipe at the pace of New York’s redevelopment of the World Trade Center site on a TV news show that will air Sunday.

    On a tour of wreckage in the devastated Lower 9th Ward, Nagin said much of the debris has been removed from public property. When a “60 Minutes” correspondent pointed out flood-damaged cars on the streets, Nagin shot back, “You guys in New York can’t get a hole in the ground fixed, and it’s five years later. So let’s be fair,” according to CBS.

    The program is scheduled to air Sunday night. Text and a video clip from the Nagin piece were posted on CBS’ Web site Thursday.

    Nagin’s comment apparently rankled some New Yorkers.

    The chairman of the Lower Manhattan Development Corp., the agency created to oversee the rebuilding of the World Trade Center site and downtown Manhattan, pointed out that New York sent firefighters, police officers and engineers to New Orleans to help in the days after the hurricane.

    “We understand how difficult rebuilding a city after such destruction can be,” Chairman Kevin Rampe said.

    Rampe said “tremendous progress” has been made in lower Manhattan, with the Freedom Tower, a transportation hub and a memorial to the nearly 3,000 attack victims now under construction.

    The agency is set to go out of business this fall after the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attack because it has completed its mission, Rampe said.

    A spokesman for New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said lower Manhattan is thriving.

    “Record numbers of people live downtown, and new cultural attractions are making the area a vibrant, 24-hour-a-day community,” Stu Loeser said. “We wish the same bright future for New Orleans and continue to stand ready to provide any help we can, just as we did in the immediate aftermath of Katrina.”

    Nagin did not respond to an e-mail requesting comment. His spokeswoman, Ceeon Quiett, offered a more nuanced version of what the mayor intended with his remarks.

    “In this time of recovery and rebuilding, perspective is needed to help increase understanding about the journey — not sprint — involved in rebuilding this city,” she wrote. “New York City and New Orleans have experienced tragic devastation and loss of life in historic proportions and rebuilding and recovering will take time. At this sensitive time in our city, it is critical that we maintain our perspective and focus.”

    About 22 million tons of construction and demolition debris were created by Katrina. In comparison, Louisiana’s largest landfill handled only 1 million tons of debris in an average year. About 400 other facilities statewide were opened to handle the enormous amount of debris created by the storm and floodwaters.

    (Staff writer Gordon Russell contributed to this story. He can be reached at or (504) 826-3300.)

    Send your thoughts to the kind mayor to:

  3. That does seem a bit harsh , although my current companies By Laws read that if you posses a company uniform you must attend at least one uniformed event or surrender it

    I know we're all sick and tired of hearing about different issues with parades, but I have a whole new, crazy one.

    Recently, I heard of a member who didn't want to go to the large number of parades with his department because he'd rather spend the time training or doing other things. This department, in their bylaws, requires that all members attend all parades. I believe their is a fine, suspension, or expulsion for not attending parades.

    According to what I have heard, this member was "punished" for his, in my opinion, progressive anti-traditon views by other members who threated to withold training from him.

    In this day and age, should departments mandate volunteer firefighters to attend parades? Especially those departments who don't mandate or require training? And those departments that are hurting for manpower to begin with, or complaining there is too much time needed for training?

    Is it just me, or is mandating members to attend parades crazy? Moreso, how can departments punish firefighters for not attending parades, especially when they are very active on the firematic side?  I'm disgusted with this mentality, and I'm disgusted with those who bully the new people in the fire service into going with this mentality.

    When and where will it end?