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Posts posted by Scottyk107

  1. Don't ever say to me, "I support the troops, but

    not the war." You might as well be telling me that I'm committing a crime.

    You are in effect saying that my cause is unjust and everything I believe in

    is a lie. I have held my tongue in the past, but I will never allow you to

    have it both ways again. You cannot support me if you do not support this

    war. I am this war. It embodies everything that I believe in. If you believe

    that what we are doing here is wrong then you are in effect supporting the

    evil we seek to destroy.

    That is a very powerful statement, put into perfect words.

    May they rest in peace. And thanks to all of our armed forces for their sacrifices.

  2. HUGE difference! To be a soldier/paramedic/FF, you have to receive significant training and are supervised (at least to some extent). So, the corollary is flawed because there's no training involved to tip a few back or know when to STOP tipping a few back!

    As for police officers - you can't become a PO until age 21 in NYS so that one doesn't work either. And I know of no teaching positions in HS that don't require a BS (or higher) so the odds of a <21 year old with that degree are pretty slim.

    I see where you are coming from and agree with the training, schooling, and supervision needed to hold some of those positions. But once you turn 21 as you stated there is nothing to guide you. So how are you better suited to know about a substance that you have never had at the age of 18 or 21. It is pure personal experience everyone is different and reacts differently. The thing you do have to understand is the consequences to you actions. And if you can be held accountable as an adult for crimes at the age of 18 what changes in the next 3 years? Do criminals between 18-21 get any special considerations for their actions since some would say they are not "fully mentally developed" (which is one of the main arguments you hear for the age of legal drinking being higher)? I guess the age for LEO's varies in different states sorry I guess I was talking about Florida which is 19. I do not know much about NYS requirements Chris you know a lot more then I. Your right about the HS position requiring a BS but I have seen and have even had teachers under 21 who obtained their AA in High School and BS there after. And when I mentioned soldiers and their taking of lives, I didn't not mean who has the ability to kill. Rather who has the ability to think about what they are doing and the consequences that come with it. Sure a 4 year old can commit murder but they do not know what they are doing and cant comprehend what it means. Maybe my views will change in the coming years when I fully mature :rolleyes: or reach the age of 21. :P

  3. okay but thats alot diffrent then alcohol. Like someone said how many mva's do fire departments get called out to were teens under 21 have been seriosuly hurt injured ejected or killed because of alcohol. I mean to me having a drink under your parents supervision is fine with me i see were ur going with that but 18 able to drink sry im under 21 and i dont even think thats right i have friends now that drink and do stupid things and thats exactly why 21 is a good age to be able to drink leaglly ur more mature and know better.

    So how exactly mature do you have to be to kill someone? Your expected you use judgment in war as an 18 year old soldier as whether to take a persons life but back home your judgment isn't exactly good enough to have a drink? You can also be a paramedic before 21 holding the lives of your patients in your hands. I have seen LEO's and even high school teachers <21. So you can buy a rifle or shot gun, decide to have a baby, or on the other side of that have an abortion. Seems a little backwards if you ask me. And I agree with the car and driving statement. If its drunk driving everyone is worried about switch the drinking and legal driving age. By the time we drive then we will know how much is too much and the effects it has on us.

  4. When people talk about lowering the drinking age, I think it is important to keep in mind that raising the drinking age to 21 effectively reduced the rate of drunk driving fatalities by 13%. Thats a lot of lives.

    I agree but a lot of things have changed besides the age since then as well. Cars are much safer with better regulations and all around air bags. Look overseas at other countries. Being under 21 as I am you see much more binge drinking rather then social drinking. This is where kids get into trouble. I think if they were legally drinking it wouldn't be such a drunk fest because you can drink at any time rather then just at the kegger on Saturday night. The University of Central Florida which I attend has a policy in which if ems is called for a medical call involving drugs or alcohol the police also respond. It is not just on campus but to the apartments and houses in the surrounding area as well. They will arrest you after your trip to the hospital and set up a nice meeting with the University review and discipline board who decide your fate as a student. They even go as far to take action on the kids with the person who needs attention if they have been drinking or doing drugs as well. We are fighting for medical amnesty so that more students reach out for medical attention instead of thinking about how they may get kicked out of school. There are instances were kids have passed out but their friends wouldn't even call for medical help because they would get in trouble too. I don't condone underage alcohol or drug abuse but why let kids die as a result of university policy?

  5. Can you open the bucket on Purchase's tower ladder? Looks like a solid bucket, sharp looking rig. Also on that second picture of Rockland Truck/Tower 3 is that completely short jacked or is that just the way the picture looks? I know you can override but how far can the jack to the opposite of the working side be in for the rig to let you move the boom?

  6. I have flown both out of Westchester and agree that Jet Blue is a bit more comfortable. But as far as being on time and all that they were both the same. Airtran is always a little cheaper as well. JetBlues prices change daily so you never really know when you can get a deal. The 5 seat isles on JetBlue vs. the 6 on Airtran seems to be the biggest difference to me. Airtran also charges you to select a seat if you do not want to wait until you check in.

  7. Hey does anyone know why only the passenger side has decals? Is it not completely finished yet?

    look real close the driver side has them as well. It says that they are low profile so maybe you can only seem that at some angles or with a flash? I still wounder who needs a car like this for "private" use. The lights cant be blue or red if it is can they?

  8. It looks like a 4 lane divided highway with limited traffic at the time. I can see 5pm rush hour being a problem for holding up traffic but it looks like the impact was minimal. Like what was said the firefighters aren't always in the right but but deal with it AFTER. The patient shouldn't suffer with less care because of a dispute. I think it is insane that the police officer got fined though. What does that solve? Who does that money go to? Both jobs are hard enough taking money away is not going to help much if you ask me. Whats next having to pay for apparatus and patrol cars when there are accidents.

  9. maybe Caughlin wont have to think about getting fired until week 4 this year?!? ha this is the 3rd year in a row hes survived and finally got it! Im also happy for Plexico who got to shut up Brady about the 23-17 prediction. I am an Eagles fan but was happy to see the Giants take this!

  10. I thought it depends on the agency policys?

    EMS Youth Corp- Min age 15 to become a member and take part in functions. 16 to respond to calls in the ambulance w/ cpr/aed and 16 to become a CFR

    FIRE Junior- Min age 17 active prob ff

    *correct me if Im wrong

    I think with Juniors and youth corp that is all run internally by the department. With Explorers you are really separate but are sponsored by a dept so there are regulations that not only the dept sets but the acutual national boy scouts as well. I know our insurance was through the Boy Scouts so they really had the final say in what we could do.

  11. The max that the boy scouts that run the Explorers will let you do is respond to calls on an emergency apparatus and assist to your abilities. Once there you are not permitted to don and air pack or enter a hazardous environment. Also are not allowed to use any hydrolic or power tools. The explorer insurance will only cover things that happen outside of those actions. Personally I have done a lot more then I was supposed to but that was only at the permission of my Lieutenant and under close supervision. Both explorer posts I was in allowed the maximum hands on experience that the boy scouts allowed and didn't implement any outside rules that I know some other depts have. It all really just relies on how much liability that dept wants to take on and if they are willing to put themselves and their officers in that position. I have NEVER heard of any dept letting any explorer respond in their own personal vehicle if it is a JR dept it may be different. It all

  12. I took a weekend trip home to the west coast just north of Tampa FL. I was driving through Brooksville, FL just southeast of Ocala and saw an old Scarsdale Tower ladder. Not sure of the year but it was a Stuphen partially enclosed cab. It was at a junk yard but the whole apparatus was still intact. Anyone know what unit it was and how it made its 1000 mile trip here? I don't have a camera so I didn't get any pics. This was about a month ago so im not sure if it is still there now. Looked like a good deal of weeds around it so im guessing its been resting there for some time.

    EDIT: Im looking at pictures now and im not sure they ever had a Stuphen. May not have even been a tower ladder but the Ariel Section was dark grey over a red cab. This was over a month ago and I could be wrong about the manufacturer. We have all Stuphens here in Orlando so maybe thats what they all look like now :P