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Posts posted by Scottyk107

  1. Date:1/9/08


    Location: Interstate 4 Polk County Florida

    Departments: Florida Highway Patrol, Polk County Fire Rescue, Polk County Sheriff Departemnt, Orange County Fire Rescue, and others.

    Description: Fog and Smoke created a visibility hazard causing a 70+ vehicle pile-up including over 20 semi's and tanker trucks. 4 dead and 38 injured.


    Writer: Scottyk107

  2. So there are two chiefs? Im kind of confused there is chief McGowan who Im guessing is the chief of the whole dept and then there is Chief Valentino who is the chief of that company. Could it just be that they have different titles then we are used to? I guess most people call the person in charge of the house a Captain maybe they call them Chiefs. Just a guess

  3. If it was a joke the department didn't think to actually find out if they knew this person before going public? So if someone called saying john doe died they would just assume that they were actually a member of the department? Sounds very weird and I think alias thing might be something to look into. With them dedicating a lighting ceremony to him the active members would have to have remembered who this guy was.

  4. 1 is a taxpayer isnt it? probably not called that in MA. Most likely limited access through the front to the other parts of the building. I wouldn't trust putting anyone on that roof either. Cant tell if that is a fireplace or a stove vent? and as for #2 you guys said most of it. Are those metal fire escapes through the porches or is that wood as well. Looks like they are held up by a couple wood beams aw well

  5. Good idea but I think it would scare some people. Unlike a restaurant a fire department has to deal with life or death. If a restaurant have below par service it goes out of business. If a FD has bad service people can die. It would shock people to how bad some departments really are and I think cause more harm then good for the publics thoughts on their local fire dept. The people don't care to know that you are understaffed or have degrading equipment until they need it sad that is the way it is.

  6. We have a lot of them down here in Florida they keep the Apparatus under a big RV port and the crew in a trailer/mobile home. But here they do it because they are building a new house and need coverage till then not because the old house was inhabitable. The space is definitely cramped I think the kitchen will be the hardest thing to adjust to. No huge 8 burner stove and oven most likely a standard range. Its better then sleeping in a place that can kill you though.

  7. A-Rod is a great player and without him they would have not made the playoffs. It is true that he is below average in October but you would think the other guys like Jeter and damon would pick up the slack. A-Rod only opted out after talking to players like Posada and Rivera who still have yet to be signed the team may lose a lot of players this year. He can go anywhere else and be the star why stay in New York hit 50+ homers and get booed?