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Everything posted by Oswegowind

  1. Yeah, and have to work with you more often???? Yikes! BTW B2 Thursday wants to know if you know what no hazard means! LMAO
  2. Been here...done this...
  3. Taken From: newsday.com And unrelated by persons but related by type of incident: Times are tough...but do you really think you are going to get away with it????? Come on! Link to full story from Newsday
  4. From lohud.com Had a feeling this was coming....glad he confessed, hopefully he will give up the body and serve his time! Too bad for the kids though! Link to full story at Lohud.com
  5. That's awesome...hope no airplanes were flying over...they'd be blinded by the shine!
  6. In NY you would cut too many jobs that most likely were given out based on nepotism and favors...not gonna happen here!
  7. I was about to say....Hey, that's in Yonkers...isn't that Ashburton/Palisade?
  8. Sorry, but it isn't a "mystery-virus" it is a "norovirus"...and it is airborn, highly contagious, and cannot be treated with antibiotics. I am not surprised that in a SCHOOL environment that a virus is sweeping through. You have 20-30 students in a class...1 comes in sick...passes it around...then goes to the next class with different people...spreads like dandelions in unfertilized grass!
  9. And you wonder why they are really building Ridge Hill...hmmm I bet they are making a buck too! And cool fact about the Washington Monument...of course the rest of the story is that they ran out of Tuckahoe Marble or money and then finished it with marble from somewhere else...can't remember which one it was those...where is Wikipedia when you need it?
  10. Just get the snow off the streets, that is the idea...If you ever drive through Yonkers after a storm you know what I mean! I mean come on...at least plow a little, ya know!
  11. Newark, NJ is a high paid fire department? I am really surprised by that one...
  12. There is one of these in Verplanck too...just don't get caught...lol
  13. Hey Chief! You mean the City bought something useful? Did someone at DPW hit their head?
  14. 1 thing it is not is Pearl Harbor day...that is the 7th.
  15. Congratulations...welcome to the club...invest in excedrin!
  16. It has the onboard extrication system. And, I doubt it would serve anyone well running it around the City of Hills as a reserve Rescue. It has its own job to do.
  17. The 911 call and the Police Report are both public record. Any one of us can go to Harrison and use a FOIL to request such and report to the public on it. However, time spent in an ambulance or emergency room is nobody's business but your own. A few years ago a number of people at Columbia-Presbyterian hospital learned this when they were terminated for accessing David Letterman's medical records while he was in the Hospital for heart surgery. As well, Isaiah Thomas is a moron, if you are going to really hurt yourself, you don't OD on Lunesta!
  18. The parents organization of the pre-school my child attends is called "Parents in Wonderland". Today the Montrose FD played host to an out of school activity. I would like to thank the members of the Montrose Fire Department for lending us their time to help educate our children. At least I can say, once my kid opened up, she had a great time! Here are some shots I was able to take:
  19. When do they break ground on the new one...might want to consider 5 lanes each way all day! However if they get the railroad on the plans it would be a great deal! Also I am for the proposed light rail that would go east/west from T-Town to Port Chester!
  20. That would be my Mom...but not anymore, she retired to North Carolina...but she would appreciate that! St. John's Hospital in Yonkers is hiring, and is a busy ED. They also have a new ER nursing director who seems to be very progressive. Might wanna check it out, they are most likely hiring since my wife is going back this week from maternity to see the other 3 pregnant nurses!
  21. Photos taken by Brian Marron and posted with permission. In case you have trouble keeping up with that large family...he is Gene's kid!
  22. And a funny pic....if this one is a problem let me know!
  23. The Marron's.
  24. And by request...P.O. Mazzei and his car?