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Posts posted by valhalla2481

  1. I'm not such a fan of a national organization. Economy of scale is only beneficial to a point before the organization becomes so unwieldy that inefficiency of a different sort takes over.

    The big cities have a valid argument against consolidation. Their population density allows greater services for less money per resident. The cost of providing a NYC level of response(both in number and response time) in Putnam would be astronomical. Starting with similar sized communities of similar demographics makes the math much easier and can pave the way for further improvements. The sound shore area is one example. Mt. Pleasant is one I'm very familiar with. There is no excuse for Mt. Pleasant to still have so many fire districts. PVAC is covering Pleasantville and Thornwood without issue. Mt. Pleasant successfully consolidated their different water depts into one. The fire districts already all work so closely between dual response agreements on the highways and mutual aid required for most every fire that it shouldn't be this big deal. Ego's are the last remaining hurdle and need to go.

    If you know so much about Mt Pleasant why aren't you aware of the quad districts and tri-districts quad districts are Pleasantville Thornwood Valhalla and Hawthorne and Tri-districts are Hawthrone Thornwood and Valhalla this has been in existence for over 10 years the Commisoners and chiefs have been proactive long before the economy tanked and manpower was the issue it is now they started sharing services and having dual response to make sure they had proper manpower some of the shared services are teh cascade machine state bid fuel different simulators etc etc dual response has been in efffect since around 2000 there is joint drills together training courses that are provided by the commisioners for the joint departments etc the commisioners have worked hard to save tax payers money and still buy the neccesary tools and equipment needed to do teh job right

  2. My friend bought this a couple of months ago. Now in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania.





    Any one have the history on this rig? It is lettered as a Fire Police unit??

    what info do you want email she is an ex captain her father is ex chief and grandfather was ex captain of Croton Fire Patrol

  3. Not if your life was being threatened. Just ask all those Depts. that were dispatched on m/a to Yonkers years ago when their members were striking.

    I remember that early 80's late 70's and we were one of teh departments asked to go and we refused out of respect for there contract we even made channel 7 news back then Maxine Black

  4. yes today we celebrated gerry.s passing on the exact spot were he was killed 1015am stevens ave&columbus ave rest in peace gerry

    I hope you wore red today in Honor of Gerry and for everyones information he was deputy chief in Rockland County at the time of his passing I believe every Aug 15th is a sad day but today more so since we are on strike again on his anniversary

  5. "the company is bringing in 20,000 non-union workers from other states to fill in for the striking workers." I am glad the nonunion workers are getting work. Unemployment is over 9% they should be happy they have a job.

    So you think that it is ok if you go on strike for somebody to take your job so that the city wouldn't have to negotiate a fair contract as long s someone is doing your job you need to get you head out of you know where. The company came in wanting to cut back everything th eunion ever fought for night differential vacation time sick time pay raise medical sending union work to contractors everything that the union fought for and members went on strike for for over 50 years remember everything that was gained there was a give back to get what they have this company is making billions of dollars teh new CEO who took over just before the strike is making 21 million dollars yes we have great benefits and great pay but the company is making money because of our labor this strike is for the whole middle class somebody has to stay stop to big businesses and greedy corporations these scabs are taking away peoples lively hood how would you like it if you couldnt support your wife and kids

    dadbo46 and JunebugKFD257 like this

  6. When the IAFF members who work in combination depts. complain about the work condition and how they are treated by the volunteers, its little wonder others dont want to volunteer. I personnally know of at least 1/2 a dozen different depts where the career staff either took their complaints to the Dept. of Labor or the courts and in every case, the courts or the state issued legal orders for the FD to correct the illegal or improper actions.

    If depts were required to do this, many depts would be forced to make major changes. This is the single biggest item that would improve the fire service (career, combo and vol included).

    This is very simple I was an ex chief in a department with paid departments next town over I had paid fireman that volunteered in my town mainly because they grew up there and were volunteers before they became paid but if we went on mutual aid to a paidor combo department they did not respond and we were ok with that I have many relatives that are paid in westchester and FDNY and I believe if its paid then let it be all paid i am in a union so I think they should be able to get what they can get and to have volunteers there will hurt there attempt to get the most out of it we have volunteers who are paid that have attained the position of chief if you have people with qualifications and can help you why not use them most volunteers arent out to hurt or compete with the paid only help there town to provide protection Barry you comments on right on

  7. From the Secretlist;

    He is from Engine 155


    It is with deep regret that we advise you of the Line of Duty Death of FDNY Lieutenant Robert J. Ryan, age 46, from Engine 156 on Staten Island. Lt. Ryan was operating at a fire in a 2 story single dwelling at Van Buren St. and York Avenue when, according to initial reports, there was a collapse.

    Reports are that a portion of the ceiling fell on him, knocking his helmet off and possibly causing problems with his SCBA as well. Lt. Ryan's engine company was first due on this run.

    Lt. Ryan had recently returned to work after recovering from a serious burn injury...he had been with the FDNY for 17 years. Lt. Ryan is survived by his wife and four children.

    As always, our sincere condolences to affected.


    The Secret List 11-23-08 / 0745 hours

    Rest in Peace brother, from the members of Wassaic, thoughts and prayers to the family and FDNY.

  8. I agree. They were a big help to us as were all agencies involved in this incident. If you have issues with who was there or anything about the incident feel free to contact me.

    andy, you did the right thing I was always prepared to call Yonkers and New Rochelle for any collapses when I was chief. After taking classes taught by John reed and Bill Fitzpatrick I learned how ready they were for any situation.Billy Fitz explained to us all the training and equipment they had available, so from my point of view you did th eright thing.

  9. I have known John for over 40 years 30 of which were in the fire service he was the nicest person you ever met and a true gentleman in every sense of th eword I am proud to call him my friend and i enjoyed going toMt Pleasant Chiefs meetings and Westchester Judges meeting withhim recently when I was a member in Taryytown in the 70's John and I went to many parades and functions together he also taught me how to swim as he did 100's of kids growing up in tarrytown in the 1960's I will miss him as he was a great personal friend of mine

  10. Thats the only picture I have been able to find in my collection, so far.  I'll keep looking, since I've moved about 7 times since then.  Most of my photos ended up in different boxes <_< .

    To Goon16 I am an ex captain of Hope Hose if you email me at my screename and tell me who you are I may be able to get you pictures and you may be eligible to get a replica Ahrens Fox about a foot long that the company has had produced it is fantastic

  11. Consolidated old building was condemned the location is perfect dont know why the village board doesnt build where the old one was the old village board was dragging its feet the fire department backed this new village board assuming they will get a 2 bay firehouse up on white plains road to house Consolidated (eng 77) and Washington (eng 78) soon to be a 980,000.00 quint that should be in service by may