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Posts posted by Fex404

  1. The Millwood Volunteer Fire Company recently had Traditions Training, LLC at their station for a weekend of training. With the arrival of the new Ladder 52 in Millwood the opportunity was greatly appreciated and useful. Not only did the guys from traditions training teach and show the techniques and strategies regarding truck co. they also brough tons of practical knowledge and experience. A link to their website is below with a video and pictures. I would like to greatly thank the guys from traditions training and highly reccommend them to anyone interested in sharpening up their skills.


  2. The fire was 2-23-09 sometime early afternoon.

    Car was fully involved when neighbor reported the fire. When IC arrived he found extension into the garage and extending up the front of the house. The fire was knocked quickly which kept it from extending to the second floor.

    Millwood's 2251 2252 and 2253 all arrived within seconds of each other.

    E-248 was first arriving truck which stretched two lines, 1 to the car and 1 to the garage.

    E-247 picked up the hydrant and secured the water supply for E-248

  3. This is my first time so I appoligize if the pictures are not great or sized right.

    Well sorry guys -- I cant figure this picture posting thing out --- not too computer savy --- dont know how to delete the post either -- sorry.

  4. To further complicate matters the judgment is in the business name. He's not personally named (according to the papers shown). He could claim bankruptcy on the business and might get away with owing anything other than the businesses assets.

    In a sole proprietorship and in a parnership the owner(s) are responsible. Since the court judgements have been made the personal belongings including his home and everything in it can be seized. If he claimed bankruptcy before the courts were involved in the lawsuits it would have been a slightly different issue. They can and probably will take everything from him unless he has the estimated 60000 something dollars laying around. The fact that his name is not written on there does not matter - he is listed as the owner of the company and he will be held accountable no matter what.

  5. To further complicate matters the judgment is in the business name. He's not personally named (according to the papers shown). He could claim bankruptcy on the business and might get away with owing anything other than the businesses assets.

    In a sole proprietorship and in a parnership the owner(s) are responsible. Since the court judgements have been made the personal belongings including his home and everything in it can be seized. If he claimed bankruptcy before the courts were involved in the lawsuits it would have been a slightly different issue. They can and probably will take everything from him unless he has the estimated 60000 something dollars laying around. The fact that his name is not written on there does not matter - he is listed as the owner of the company and he will be held accountable no matter what.

  6. I think it's time boys and girls for many of these municipalities to seriously consider hiring full time ffs. even if it's Career Chauffers to start. You can't tell me these Towns/Villages don't have the $$$$ to pay for a Career Dept. with the exorbitant amount of $$$$ their taxpayers are paying. Where's the money going? Just think how quickly the response time would be, not only if the closest station was dispatched but had their apparatus manned 24/7/365. I'm sure you'd see a big difference, especially in those areas that have an inadequate water supply and rely on Tankers.

    Just because they may have the money is no justification of wasteing it. The municipalities around here, especially the ones in this topic, by no means need carreer FF's. The departements both have great response times with a solid crew responding on the truck.

    There is no question that the response times would be "better" but only for him/her to get the truck there and admire the fire while the ff's randomly show up. I completely understand that in some departments this works and works great but that if the case with busier and bigger departments.

    As it stands now the departments respond to the firehouse and then proceed to the location with a prepared crew ready to go to work immediately. This makes an officers job much easier because you know how many people you have and they all have an assignment.

  7. On another note, this doesn't only apply to fires. There are also MVA's. I know of one that was just down the road from Millwood Station 2, but in Yorktown's district. At that time, there was a Millwood Chief on the scene, but the Rescue was from Yorktown and they had to wait for that to arrive before they could extricate the patient. I believe they actually used air bags, which maybe Millwood doesn't have - although they may have had Rams, or something else that could have been used.

    Maybe this will be a step to improve and standardize further the use of inter-agency resources!

    Millwood Has two trucks with the airbag systems including E-248 which is located on Rt 134. The other truck is Rescue 36 which has the airbarg system plus all other rescue equipment to qualify it as a heavy rescue (I beleieve). Millwood currently is opperating three tools: E-247 has a combi-tool with lucus spreaders, E-248 has a full set of hurst tools pluss an airbag system and R-36 has a new set of hurst tools plus the airbag system and the strut system.

    MVA's are absolutely another issue. There was an accident I remember which was right down the street from Millwood ST 2 which came through as a MVA rollover possible ejection. There are many more that I have seen and quite a few there have been Millwood chiefs on location.

    Either way I know Millwood and Yorktown are both great departments and I also know that everyone understands we are all here for the same goal. So hopefully they can reach that goal and develop some sort of dual response.

  8. Also note that no one was home at either fire and that both houses were, and I quote, "Going pretty good" upon the first 911 call being placed (the journy's end Rd fire came in as a very large brush fire...upgraded to a fully involved house fire once the neighbor went over to verify what they saw. These houses are in a very rural part of town with minimal if any drive by traffic. So by the time anyone were to notice a fire in the house with no one home, the house most likely would have been destroyed anyways regardless of which department was called first.

    EMSJunkie. I appoligize for the way I worded that statement. It was not a shot at Yorktown, if anything I was saying that these were not life threatening and were handled with what we have now. I completely understand the district and am very familiar with the location of both of these homes and I have seen where the FD is not even called untill the situation is way out of hand.

    However, just because these two instances were that way does not mean the next one will be and we need to figure something out. weather or not the county or state takes control of anything it would be years and many fights before the tax lines were rewritten but in the meantime I am under the impression that all it takes is the chiefs and commissioners agreement to make an automatic dual response.

  9. Is this the same situation as the Journeys End rd. Fire a couple of months ago? I am not that familiar with the area.

    Yes. Very much the same.

    The Millwood Station 2 is 2.4 miles away from the fire they had at 1360 Journey's end Rd.

    Yahoo Maps

    The Millwood Station 1 is 5.4 miles from the 1360 Journey's end Rd. location

    Yahoo Maps Station 1

    This is Yorktowns closest firehouse which is 7.12 miles from the 1360 Journey's end location.

    Yahoo Maps - Yorktowns firehouse

    Also note both these fires were surround and drown operations and both structures were completely lost.

  10. Well I'm sorry then. Because I conduct myself as a professional and as a medical clinician. Perhaps you could enlighten me and my friends in the thread of what it means to act like EMS. I BLS numerous calls a shift, ranging in all sorts of symptoms I have to swim through, weigh and make a clinical decision I feel comfortable. This sometimes includes chest pain. Am I acting like a MD? Or am I doing my job correctly and efficiently. And yes I have made mistakes. I don't have to say fortunately because I have never swayed from my one principle....if I'm not sure it goes ALS and if the word "borderline" goes through my head it goes ALS. I have had ones where the symptoms didn't match my impression. I learned from them and moved on.

    Deaming a call BLS is not what I am talking about. Paramedics are at a minimum and I am lucky enough to always be on a bus where a paramedic rides with me. Now I would hope i would not have to explain what it means to be EMS. I couldnt agree more with your "boarderline" principle always going ALS as that is the smart things to do, but i also know that we let the MD's make the diagnosis and we do our job of transporting to the hospital. Maybe you operate differently and if that works for you then great.