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Posts posted by jps385

  1. I find it doubtful that they ran out of O2 and waited on the scene for more. With 3 portables and an onboard it takes a lot of effort for a bus to have no 02. Beside why would you wait for oxygen when your in the bus. Ambulances have four wheels for a reason.

    It sounds more like the family is making a misinformed allegation ( go figure), and that she coded in the bus on scene and the crew worked her while waiting for another crew to assist during transport. If they walked her down (something that happens all to often in NYC) they will have some questions to answer, but I wouldn't take an article written from only the families point of view as fact.

  2. They'll put out single medic trucks with hand pick people and then (shockingly) there will be know problems and it will be implemnted citywide within the next 18 months or so. From what I have heard the Remac was against it but FDNY managed to force the issue with the state.

    I'm not really against this whole idea, but you can be sure it won't be evaluated fairly, and just approved.

  3. Stamford Ct. just had a similar incident with a male EDP. Unfortunately short of using restraints (I mean poseys, four points ect. not seat belts) on every patient there not much we can do. If a patient takes off their seat belts or stretcher straps and heads for the door theres a good chance their going to make it. With only one person in the back wrestling the patient gives you a good chance of following them out the door.

    Obviously on known EDPs we'll be a little more careful but at the end of the day anything can happen on this job. Just remember to be safe.

  4. I can't imagine many residents of pelham give a damn about whether they have a fly car or and ambulance until they need one. Most people are ignorant about EMS (and fire for that matter) and just expect that the powers that be have provided for their safety.

    This is all about money and Empress being able to have another BLS unit to do jobs in MV and Yonkers while having a fly car to "stop th clock" in pelham. The really sad part is the empress medic is running around putting on a dog and pony show for the town making crap money (oh wait the union solved that, LOL) while the FD guys who probably make twice as much are back at the fire house.

    I know I am stating the obvious but why doesn't Pelham hire a few medics, send them to basic school and stick them on an ambulance with the Fire Figher from R45. If a fire comes in you've got an extra FF, and if the ambulance is on a call you have the manor send an engine to replace the company pelham would be down. You've just increased your Fd staffing as well as eliminated the nonsense of waiting for a bus.

    The Pelhams aren't the busiest area around but for the amount of money they pay in taxes they deserve decent coverage and not the nickle and diming that goes on there.

  5. The best example of this nonsense is the unconcious call type. 80% of the time its a drunk. It used to get an ALS and BLS unit. when both arrived and it was an intox the BLS would transport and the als would be back in service for a real als call. Then they decided this was innefficient so they now send only als. This way the medics get to spend their time in the subways with homeless drunk while BLS runs to arrests.

  6. FDNY EMS not having enough medics is it own fault. They treat their EMS employees like second class citizens. Lousy stations and equipment, poor working conditions, five day work weeks, and constant mandations. This plus lousy pay. Many EMS supervisors run around like little dictators writing crews up for mundane offenses, and general making life miserable.

    In general anyone who can leaves for PD, FD, or a Hospital based system. Most hospitals pay starting a medic more than a senior ems Captain!! The only remotely apealing benefit is the 25 and out pension, but even that is based on a lousy salary with high employee contributions, and not many people can physically last 25 years working in the system.

    That having been said, a patient is better off receiving ALS care from one medic sooner than having to wait or not receive any als care at all. Anyone with experience in NYC can tell you that the call triage is pretty bad and BLS tends to get more ALS jobs than the medics anyway. The rantings of the EMS union are just their ussual attempt to complain about everything in hopes of someday doing something for their members.

  7. The thought of a patient riding in a hose bed is insane. Not only would it be in violation of DOH and NFPA standards, but just ridiculously dangerous. Ocasionally you hear of PD doing this with a pediatric patient or MOS, but the back of a squad car is a lot different than a hose bed.

  8. The Wapingers contract is typical of towns not wanting to pay for the level of service they desire. The contract pays $200,000 a year for three dedicated ambulances in a district that does less than 2000 calls a year. If you do the math thats probably a half million dollar a year loss for the company.

    Alamo made it work by using the busses for other contracts, hence the disatisfaction. I'm not suprised Transcare is playing the same game I just thought it would take them longer to do so. It took them about a year to start using the New Rochelle buses for transports is the Bronx.

    Someday muncipalities will learn that you get what you pay for and stop accepting low ball contracts which result in poverty level pay for ems personel contracts turning over every few years.