Future Fireman

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Posts posted by Future Fireman

  1. 3000 GPM WTF?!? They must have some crazy $hit in their response area (ie. industrial) or SOMETHING to warrant that monster pump!

    They run tankers only, if I remember right. They draft from ponds, lakes, and run tanker shuttles when needed.

    If you want crazy s*** check out Sherborn MA, all frontline rigs have 1500 gallons +, that's including the aerial! They have 0 hydrants. Draft and shuttle only.


  2. Thanks all!!!  Though I had to work today afterwards was fun.  Went to my old favorite Anna Liffy's in New Haven and had a couple of pints with some friends.

    And I'm not 34, I'm celebrating my 13th anniversary being 21!!!!!! LOL

    Thanks again!


    Joe, sorry i missed wishing you a happy birthday (I was in Walt D.'s world [worst trip EVER]) but happy birthday anyway!


  3. The past chief who owns it did it before my time, said he did it a little at a time, probably about a year or two.  Our current chief and his son, (our capt.), owns another antique of ours that they are restoring now.  Here it is, enjoy and thanks. smile.gif  Not sure on the year.

    Anybody for make and model?  C'mon all you truck buffs! biggrin.gif

    I'll take a guess that it's either American LaFrance or a Seagrave.


  4. People suck.  A buddy of mine who runs out of Sta 20 in the Bronx recently picked up an abdominal pain (the guy had too many doughnuts).  As they were leaving for the hospital 3 blocks away they cama upon a child struck by a car.  While he went to treat the child his partner and the paitent and his family went balistic.  They were fully apprised of the situation but they didn't care.  They believed that since they were in an ambulance they were experiancing a "true emergency" and should not be delaying their transport.

    Man, some people really are jacka$$es at times. Just because you're in the back of an ambulance for eating too many donuts and getting an upset stomach, doesn't mean you're the king and you deserve royal treatment. If EMS finds one guy enroute to the hospital that broke his leg or has been stabbed. EMS should call it in, care for the guy until unit assigned shows up, even if your first patient is talking BS about what you're doing. Screw that guy if the hospital is 3 blocks away or less, have your partner drive him down to the ER and get back to that scene ASAP.

    My 2 cents.


  5. I've also seen the Dodge Charger SPCA car blowing thru Route 9 in Peekskill.

    If they are permitted too OK.

    If not, the first nice Crash and no more Code 3 runs.

    I just hope they hit ME! Cha-Ching... $$$$

    If they are driving RECKLESS then someone should pick up the phone.

    Truck 4, It was a barricaded EDP.

    Dog under the influence was holding 3 Cats, 1 Bird, and Snake hostage.

    SPCA ESU handled. lol

    Lol on the dog. But that lawsuit could put them out of business if you get half a million from them.


  6. Just got off the phone with the Mayor...

    He says, about responding to calls, the ride on lawn mowers aka tractors will be equipped with emergency lights.  2 firefighters will be assigned to this portion.  The officer and the chauffeur will operate the weed whackers and move the apparatus to a location close to their working area.  If a job comes in they will all respond in parade like fashion.  Apparatus, mower "A", and mower "B".  A DPW/Parks worker will also be assigned to the crew in will operate a third mower, untitled.  He will remain in the assigned work area and complete as much as possible until the rest of the crew returns.

    As well each apparatus is being equipped with a trailer hitch and small trailer to carry the equipment to and from the station house for work periods. 

    An open letter to the public was put out stating use caution when seeing responding fire apparatus because they are travelling in "threes".  A large red vehicle with proper warning lights and siren and two small vehicles with limited lights and an air horn.


    Man, people really ARE stupid!


  7. A while ago there was an interesting thread about everyone's favorite "stupid driver tricks".  The motoring public by and large is moronic but the absolute worst is the NYC "weekend" driver who only pulls their car out of the NYC parking garage to cruise upstate for a scenic tour - usually in the left lane of the TSP at 40 MPH.

    If you make the sirens louder, they'll only make the cars more soundproof so what's the point.  We should all carry a big bag of marbles and just pelt them as we pass!!!  The dings will be more annoying than a ticket or earful of crap anyway...    cool.gif

    Why not just toss at them Dog S***? Sure it would stink and I thnink it would get the message across. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to compress dog s*** into a paintball and have a turret mounted on the roof like kilroypollux's idea, except with compressed dog sh!t balls! Coming to a store near you! biggrin.gif


  8. From what I understand the Bronto and the Sky Arm are about $1 million apiece. Also, what good is it if the Sky Arm's only hinged section is the fly section. Now if i remember right, the Bronto is the same, although you can turn the basket on the end of it. To me, the choice would be either the Bronto, or Rosenbauer's T-Rex (???).To me, only one hinged section doesn't do a heck of a lot of good if you have a tree obstructing your ladder and you need to go down more to reach the victim in the stream.

    My 2 cents (again)


  9. Everybody just needs to CHILL!!!!!!!! You are all getting WAY OVER YOUR HEAD with this stuff. When I become a FF, will I care that a PD car is in front of a hydrant. YES! Will I care if the LEO attempts to put out the blaze? YES. If they're a vollie FF, I understand, but don't come crying to me if you get treated for severe smoke inhalation b/c you didn't have a SCBA.

    Can we all just CHILL now? blink.gif Or do we not know what chill means? I've got some sleep to catch up on, and this topic will keep me up just thinking about it.


    MY 2 CENTS!!!!

    Can anybody just shut this damn thing down?

  10. Man you are one heartless son of a $#$%. Did you ever stop and think maybe this kid had some problems whether it be mental or substance abuse. Maybe instead of everyone getting on this kid and calling him names and turning their backs on him people should stop and try and find the whole story. This is one of your brothers who in fact did have a problem. Maybe instead of shunning him we should stop and see if he needs help and try to help him grow and move on from this large mistake. Who knows maybe this guy could turn his life around and start getting better once all of this is over. But if everyone he thought cared about him turns their back on him its only going to make things harded for him to get better and who knows could drive him to suicide because he feels his life is over. So why dont you back off and see if there is anything you can do to help him and be constructive to this ongoing problem. Instead of just making rude comments and calling people names like a 2 year old. All of your comments show what exactly what kind of people you are. Why not help someone with a problem instead of calling them names.

    First of all, for all we know, he was addicted to the adrenaline rush of fighting fires. That is not necessarily a bad thing, but if he craved more action, there's his motive. I doubt it would be substance or mental abuse.


  11. I see firefighters and cops with shorts in these hot summer months, why not EMS?  We're allowed to wear short sleve shirts why not shorts?  I've heard the argument that OSHA dictates we're not allowed to wear shorts, but I can't find that anywhere.  Other say that its the increased risk of BBP contact.  Who here wears water proof pants?  As soon as you kneel in or get sprayed with something, its on its way through the fabric and onto our skin.  Besides, we constantly leave our most velnerable areas exposed day in and day out anyways.

    Around here, NOBODY wears shorts. Everyone wears pants.


  12. Anything you say can, and probably will be used against you. You make a comment that is constructive criticism, and BOOM someone gets all bent out of shape.

    Some people just need to CHILL! cool.gif Unfortunatly we have people on here who are easily offended (not saying any names) and we need to learn HOW can we improve, whether it be through training, proby school, the police academy, EMS workshops, etc.WHAT I AM GETTING AT IS THAT WE AS A WHOLE NEED TO IMPROVE OUR BEHAIVOR ON HERE. We have to learn it through other advice from other members, or constructive criticism, which can be misinterpreted and the next thing you know, your account is suspended.

    Some more of my $.02


  13. I'm curious.....if you are not satisfied with the way this forum is run, why are you still here? If you can do it better then me, which I get the impression you think you can, then feel free. I have made some mistakes in some recent emails, and I apologize, but apparently my messages are being misinterpeted-by some.

    The other thread's replies were deleted, and the thread was locked, because people were trashing me using lies and rumors, no member really stood up or had my back, and honestly, it was depressing me. I'm going through an extremly tough time right now, and I don't need some ignorant,whiny malcontents bashing me, making up lies about the way this forum is run, and criticizing what they know nothing about. I want to feel good about running this board....I don't want it to stress me or cause me to get depressed. The FEW malcontents use these types of threads to bash me, and other members read it and get bad impressions, that are completly invalid. Rarely do I see threads from people who actually appreciate this forum and the hours upon hours of work that goes into it each day.

    Also, I don't need the taunts of "this is going to get deleted", or "I'm going to get banned". What is the use of that?

    Some people act  so immature on this forum, and balancing all the personalities,conflicts,etc is extremly tough. All I'm trying to do is make the forum a constructive place, I have no alterior motive or agenda.

    Also, some people have such huge egos, they can't handle even the littlest critcism, or they have such a closed mind they can't listen to anyone elses views or opinions if it opposes theirs without them getting upset. Those are the main charecterstics of the malcontents on this forum I've noticed.  Or, they can't or don't know how to stand up for themselves, or debate. Or, they just like causing trouble. 

    Here are the forum rules:


    If your post gets deleted, because YOU decided to make a negative comment or involve yourself in a conflict with a administrator, moderator, or especially another members, and you fail to contact me with your concerns, THEN IT IS YOUR FAULT  YOUR POSTS GET DELETED!

    I will work tommorow to address some of the concerns, lies, and rumors addressed in this thread.

    I ALWAYS HAVE and ALWAYS WILL communicate with the members!

    Seth, as much as I have your back on some things, you have to realize, what we all do here is pretty much human nature. No one's perfect, so some people are going to have their posts deleted. But if they were brought up mean, become members of here and start bashing it's just their personality shining through onto here.

    Just my $.02
