Future Fireman

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Posts posted by Future Fireman

  1. Why doesnt the County start a Fire/Rescue Department. Westchester County Fire/Rescue. Start staffing stations with people and staffing ambulances. No to get rid of all vollies but us them to supplement the career staff

    Simple answer: Too many EGOS. People are too proud of their piece of 'turf.' That would be a great idea, but egos and pride are 2 big roadblocks.


  2. WHAT A TOTALLY WASTED POST,I thought this forum was to discuss Emergency services, be it PD,FD, orEMS

    General Discussion

    The Lounge

    Everything Else - General Discussions Not Relating To The Forums Above.

    Forum Led by: DOC22, SageVigiles, xfirefighter484x

    LIGHTEN UP good sir! :D


  3. was the badge collection from mass still there?the only city they did not have was,I think was paxton ma.from what I was told paxton did not a have badge.

    The WHOLE patch collection from across the nation was there. However, there was no patch collection just from MA. As for Paxton, they're in our Fire District (Mutual Aid Network, not our jurisdiction) and courtesy of the District's website here's their patch:



  4. After 38 years with ConEd, and the last 18 with Gas Operations, it's time to hang up my wrenches!

    After (IF) we sell the ranch, we're moving to Cape Cod.

    I guess I'll have to become a Sox fan, and join EMTBravo NewEngland!

    Here's what I'll be doing much of the time :lol:

    Hey, if you still want to volunteer there are multiple combo depts. down there. Here's a link to everything fire dept. for the Cape: capecodfd.com

    Jack, have a fun time in retirement. I suggest if you move to the Cape, go to Yarmouth or Hyannis, most everything is there. I also highly reccomend deep-sea fishing.
