ichie 3120

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Posts posted by ichie 3120

  1. There firemen softball in hudson start tonight all weekend. there many differen fire dept all in New York State some from long island Some from dutchess country Amenia ,P.Valley, Beekman and city of becon is play in hudson

    Here webit htt://homemhonline.net/gfd/

  2. I was so shock about deaf be cheif :o so I dont want run any officer becuase have to talk to radio. I drive fire truck, amb. and brush truck. I can doing interior only small fire not large or havey smoke but i can doing cut roof and car fire. Amenia fire dept. got grants new scba like when you inside in fire and one person outsside with compute see how much air you have when that people inside so and there a light in mask see green to red. Green is full yellow get low and get out red run air out. most i doing outside zone like doing hose. I know there many deaf can join fire dept any where in usa. i can doing any thing. some fire dept said no to deaf join fire dept. there many deaf in Pa and maryland join fire dept. I want see more deaf join fire dept want be firefighter or emt