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Posts posted by firecapt32

  1. Paul Feiner will not repete will not be able to convince the voting citizens of Greenville(Edgemont) to disband the FD to consolidate ANYTHING.! He is not well liked in the area nor is he well recieved inthe area so convincing 20%-30% of the voters is out of the question. Although some sort of shared servives for the fire service has been an ongoing thing for many years there. I can rememebr being "loaned" out to Hartsdale then detailed to Fairview for the tour. So It is possible just isnt going to happen in any "offical" way.

    Just my thoughts

  2. You all make greatpoints and this was discuessed in great lenghts during other consolitiation session.the point i am trying to make is that greenville voters wanted to leave the Town of Greenburgh before--They do not want to consolidate anything. consolitation of fire might lead some one to believe that consolitiationof school districts might save money too. and that my friends isnt happening in Edgemont.

  3. This topic has been beat and beat and beat---No Chief in the Greenburgh willbe relinguishing their bugles any time soon to a consolidiation movement thats for sure, nor will any of the Fire Commissioners.

    The Greenville(Edgemont) area residents would rather leave the Town of Greenburgh the consolidiate anything--fire--school ect.

    I sat on a consolidiation committee for almost 3 years --nothing happened NOTHING. They didnt understand 2%monies--nor did they understand Fire Protection money, they thought that you could just absorb the contracts into one big one. Nothing came out of the meeting.

    The kingdome of Greenburgh is safe for a long time or at least until the public get outraged but things.

  4. With a whole lot of newly elected Chiefs and Line officers out there, I was wondering, how depatments would handle or do handle a situation that might arise if a younger woman in your department comes to you with a statement like " I was going into the training area and one of the older members brushed against me in a way that offended me", and then laughed about it to other members of the department

  5. What a great topic--this is the stuff we should be chatting about !!! Wanna reduce firfighter deaths by 25% SLOW DOWN BUCKLE UP WE didnt start the fire---our job is to help midagate the problem. Get there safely--do our job to the best of our ability--get home to our loved ones safely. so safety is very important-- so is doing the job-however as stated before its Risk vs Reward. Our job has risk always has --always will-- no matter what we do. Going to a floor right above a fire is a dangerous thing to do--any place --any tiime. Crawling down a smoke filled hallway will always rise your blood pressure and your heart beat--part of the answer is to be prepared--be the best you can be--train well-- train often. make it second nature. Take risks when you have to--dont be foolish Bag pipe music should only be played onSt Pts day when marching down fifth ave with all the women watching :D

  6. ok ok you got me into this im in then middle of laundry but in reality how much does it realy cost in gas to give a chief a car and milage and what ever for doing the communnity and the public the service that they do??

    If a community wanted to save money on taxes or what ever---- they wouldnt be buying all those huge fire apparatus that I have been seening the last few days at FDIC.

    a community that wants to save money--have a good look at the whole fire budgets not just gas/milage

  7. Not to drift off the subject but what about resident hireing lists?? I know its not quite the same but a resident of lets say living in White Plains can score a 75 on the exam and person living in North White Plains can score a 95 but the resident with the 75 gets hired!!! thats not quite right either. Maybe we need one standard

  8. Gifts for a outgoing commissioner or a outgoing fire chief are accecpectable gift items. Maybe this is the practice of the Fire district, the only thing that can change that is the citizens of the district speaking out at meetings and getting things out in the open. If you are doing things right there is no need to hide behind anything. As I have said many times in the past when you accecpt public money, no matter what form or shape , you had better be held accountable to Mrs. Smith, and her money had better be used to do what she intended it to do.

    Hey $20,000 is a lot of stimilus to any economy.

  9. Heres another thing to remember--years ago they tried to hide the tin ceilings by useing drop ceilings--so the tin might be hiding up there---you gotta look. Make sure if your out on BI or any other inspections--take a look at whats above you--dont get caught when its too late. Somtimes its just grunt work to do the right job. every one is right-- look for a seem -- find a soft spot-- use your tools.

    on another note tomorrow is St Paddys day for all of you going into the city for the best parade in the world be carefull. march like someone is watching you cause they are, be conscience of your comsumption of liquids for the day. Be happy be safe be Irish even if its only for the day.

  10. I wasent arguing any point about the transpoprtantion of the injured fire fighter as long as the proper care is given and everyone is satisified. I am glad that the procedure in New Rochelle is to have your hoods on when you "go to work" at a job. We can only hope that one day every firefighter will go home after every job!! till that day arrives be carefull out there. do your job--do it right--go home to your loved ones.

  11. Capt Benz

    Great pic I go t to see that hood first hand the other day the picture doesent do it justice--let me tell you that was one lucky member of FDNR to only escape with burns on his ears. This was a typical a 2 story home in a nice residential section of New Rochelle--as they say a "bread and butter" type fire. Things happened fast--good training and good instinces prevented this incident from being disasterous.

    The one question I do have- Is Jacobi that much closer the the Westchester Medical Center?? Jacobi only has a burn unit while the Medical Center has the Burn Center with a class one trama center?? Was the patient transport a fd decision or a EMS decision?? just courious

    Just glad everyone got to go home to their loved ones that night

  12. Yes to the vac trucks being used and a great job I might add, it wasent easy for them to get a truck in there. There had to be some shall i say temp movement of fencing to allow access to the rear of the home.

    As stated before other Chiefs were there but all reported to the Comand post and worked with in the ICS stystem.

    And I apoloigze to the dispatchers for leaving them out--- please accecpt my apology--and keep giving me good directions.

    They are truly unsong heros of the fire service in Westchester.

  13. Capt Demps and the Eastchester FD did a great job--there was no hesitiation in calling in all three units. The time factor was minimal - all three department have worked togeather in the past. All the departments went to a common fire ground, radio transmissions were minimal. Command post operated as it should have, things just went right and thats a good thing.

    Con Ed needs to get some kudos here too. They did a teriffic job getting the trucks in and out of there.

    Eastchester ambulance on scene and ready to do their work.

    A true team effort,it shows you that practice does make good-- drills do pay off- and knowing what you need and where to get it is important to the IC.

  14. Rant away moose-- sometimes in this business we have to do that for our own sanity. Plus its good for the soul now that you have gotten that off your chest I am sure you feel better.

    Fixing the fire service is something that is on going and very slow--wait I mean very slow but I do believe it is headed in the right direction although it is two steps forward on step back it is moving.

    There are departments out there that are stuck in the 60's(nice times) and then there are progressive departments that just make you smile with the way they are run.

    now look whos ranting :o

  15. Well first of all the hole is too small :lol::lol: second its not high :P enough on the building third he might be useing the new fangled nomex civilian fire protection suit that we have all been waiting for....or mabey you just cant fix stupid.

    Chief Flynn you are right again if it was my house and it wasent getting done might have to take things into your own hands, but at least have gloves