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Posts posted by firecapt32

  1. Right now theFoundation golf outing has 100 golfers but are looking for tee and green sponsors. All you fire departments that have already donated the Foundation thanks you very much... with your help we can help a lot of families and patients at the BurnCenter. If you need additional information e mail me

    thank you again

    Walter Ferguson

    Director Burn Care

  2. it dosent make a difference --what ever the fire department in tarrytown wants it gets --no questions asked-- 675K for an eng 800k for a ladder tarrytown fd wants they get. They truly belive that apparatus should be replaced every 20 years no matter what. maybe all that money the village is getting from tha yankee parking will off set the cost of the apparatus!!

  3. I have knnown "Chick" all my life---wouderful man-deserving of all the awards he can get- always a hard worker and community activiest. I dont know any one that has said a bad thing about him.

    I look at a man like him and just wonder about all that he has seen in his life--War- peace-changes in society. They were truly the greatest generation. Growing up in the depression--then off to a world war--then home to mold the country into a great society.

    congratulation "Chick" a true american hero

  4. Love you out look on things TMAC--heres mine-- cant understand why she would leave 18 months early?? I did hear somthing interesting about it--actually on one of the cable news channels that lean to the right--- they said that even from their prespective it was a stunning announcement and couldnt understand it. one of the commentators said he always thought that the american way was to stay and fight not quit and run---when the going gets tough--the tough get going!! and that pass the ball basketball thing just didnt make it-- a good point guard does pass the ball but usually finishes the play and goes to the hoop for rebounds not to the bench.

    just my thoughs

    and TMAC she is not your style-- cute mabe not not your type :D

  5. ajsbear--your answer is 'because we can" thats why -how many times have oyu herd this --that apparatus is 20 years old-we need a new one. what do we do ?? we sell it to a rural community and they use it for another 20 years?? does that make sense?? Im not sure if consolidation is a good thing or not but we should at least look into it. just my 2 cents

  6. Maybe faded soul finally has somthing to say lets no berate them.

    As stated in the past we in the fire service are held to a higher standard then the general public. In the medical field in the state of New york you must renew your certificiation every few years--or at least prove that you are current with new standards and procedures. That my friends isnt a bad idea

    keep the good post coming faded soul your on a roll

  7. xchief2x, remember585, we are all sorry or your lose but as along as we we use his lose as a learning experience for our firefighters his memory will never be lost. Every time I do a firefighter survival course we use the Brewster incident as a learning tool.

    may he rest in peace knowing that even after his death he is helping other firefighters.


  8. My dad was in the first wave on d-day i still remember the stories he told, as I have grown older and wiser I now look back and think of the storied he didnt tell--the deaths he must have seen, the liberation of the concentration camps. They were truly named the Greatest Generation.

    I look and read every day in the obits when I see a American flag by a name, we are loseing our veterns every day, we should be proud of what they have done for us, and what they are doing fo us each and every day now around the world.

    For thoses of you that have served thank you--thank you for making this a betrter world to live in.

  9. Chief

    We have come across a whole lot of fire department members that want to become FIREFIGHTERS and want to be good firefighters. To them it is worth the time that they put into their training.

    As one of our instructors is fond of saying ,I cant excatly quote him for obivious reasons, if you want to be a firefighter stay in there and work hard, practice never let your training let you down, if not theres always the Elks club.

  10. chief

    Some did not show up for skills that were to be done on a saturday, they were asked not to return. One or two just couldnt do the skill, they recieved scene support certificiates. Some scores on written teast were too low. students have been dropped because they havent had their mask fit testing or their physicals. As always Chiefs of departments were notified of these things.

    The standards is the thing that will be the testing ground--if you cant meet the standard---no certificate/no exceptions.

    The Instructors--and you know a few of us treat FF1 like a mini academy--books-homework-skills testing- written testing.

    From the first contact with the students it is drilled into them--this is a dangerous business--if you cant do the skills you dont belong. If you want to be a firefighter pay attention and learn.

    And above all i have used your phrase to them QTIP be prepared or be gone.

    I am glad the State of New York has taken a strong position on Firefighter 1. The State is looking to for all firefighters to be Nationally Certified both FF1 and FF2 and offers National Testing during the year.

    Although as stated before its AHJ so even if they drop out they can still be concidered a Firefighter in their department--just not certified by the State of New York.

    Hope this answers some of your question Chief.

  11. Well i am happy to aanswer a few of the questions posted here-- NYS has taken steps to pre and post test students in most of their classes. As a State Fire Instructor. I can drop or dismiss students for almost any reason I see fit, including not passing tests, not doing the REQUIRED skills. Attendance is not THE requirement that it was years ago. Having taught a few of the "New" firefighter 1 classes, I have seen student enrollment in these classes drop from a start of 20-25 to a finish "certificate" firefighter 1 class of 10. The State is moving in the right direction--although slowly.

    Having said all that --- "A" volunteer fire department can do almost any thing it wants. Certification is not mandatory in the State of New York for Volunteer Fire fighters .We are a AHJ state--- Untill such time as it becomes MANDATORY for all firefighters for training we will always have this problem.

    Career firefighters are mandated by State law to have certain training when they get hired and are mandated by State law to have a certain number of hours of training annually.

    So when we get off our asses and get some teeth put into the laws-- we are only spinning our wheels and pissing each other off on here.

    hope that gets by the censors :D

  12. mdm- thanks for the answers--- clear as mud in the mississippi!!! if i lived in a FPD you say the town selects who provides me fire protection?? and sets my fire taxes--correct?? I hope im righ so far. no commissioners Correct?

    If i lived in fire district --- I have to have a fire department?? with commissioners?

    Heres another kicker I live in a village within a town that has a fire department and covers a FPD--can the town vote to take that FPD away? and give it to another village within the town and the Village lose the money?? it is all about the money isnt it??

    and who votes on what?? i hope the AG has answers to theses questions.

  13. can some one answer this question for me. is a fire protection district the same as a fire district?? I am confused and have been in this business a long time. Do FPD or can FPD elect commissioners?? like a fire district?? are the established by theState?? who would vote in a FPD?? to disband or reorganize?? lotsof question any one with answers??

    couorious minds would lilke to know

  14. let us remember not only those brave souls that gave their lives so that we may be free to debate on EMT Bravo but to all of thoses that have worn the uniform of our country so proudly. Brave men and women have given their lives for our freedom. Heroic men and women have come home from battle with the scars of fighting --mental and physical, they too are the honored ones. Wether we believe in the policies of war or not the front line soldiers protect us and deserve all of our prayers for a safe return.