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Posts posted by rsm5674

  1. The initial call came in as dual response for a Carfire on Saw Mill at Grant Street(Pville and Thornwood have a standing dual response to the parkway). It was then determined that the fully involved car fire was north of Grant St in Chappaqua's Fire District, hence the addition of Chappaqua Apparatus. Pville and Thornwood apparatus were on scene while Chappaqua staged at the entrance of the parkway in case additional water was needed. The gas tank melted and released the fuel. Just a stubborn fire.

  2. I have also had a 5 for a couple of monthes abd I haven't had too many of the said problems but I really love the stored voice option.  It is great for the some of us that forget the house number on the way to the alarm

    The range on the 5's are not as good as promised by Motorola. Ive been in a number of locations where my pager has not gone off in and around my fire district.

  3. This  is LIBERAL HOLLYWOOD making a buck on the backs of the soldiers !

    The Freaking nerve.. BOYCOTT the BS show....

    Also Boycott the Wedding Crashers,  The movie makes fun of the PURPLE HEART receiptants- saying they get free booze and woman. BOYCOTT THE MOVIE. Send a message to LIBERAL HOLLYWOOD...... :angry:

    Two things!!!

    1. Its a little difficult to criticize a show thay you have not seen and have no idea of how the subject material is treated.

    2. Rescue Me shows that firefighters are human too, with drinking problems,drug addictions, family issues etc.... Not to mention how they have taken creative licence to firefighting tactics, radio communications... You get the point. Yet I have heard very few negative comments about that show.

    As firefighters we fight an ongoing war and yet Rescue Me has been embraced, so why not give "Over There" a chance to prove itself.

    Come on guys... its just TV!!!!!!!

  4. While I agree with keeping transmissions concise, however the issue regarding redundancy is important to discuss. In order to ensure that apparatus is responding to the correct location, that specific orders from a Chief or officer have been heard and understood by the recieving unit, it is a necissity to have these messages repeated. If you listen, the county dispatchers repeat back(almost) every message the receive to ensure they got it correct. The messages do not need to be long and involved but are necessary.

  5. The latest and greatest news is that the County is in pricing negotiations with Motorola for newer vehicle and portable radios as those that were originally chosen have been discontinued by Motorola. These new radios will hopefully be ready to ship in June sometime. There will be a number of vendors that will be able to perform the installs and each dept will be able to chose from a list of authorized vendors to do the work. I hear the target date to install is August/September.