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Everything posted by roeems87

  1. I think is all boils down to the same thing about being a power-trip. This happens in places where large incidents don't happen all that often and people get a hard-on when they do. Notice these things don't happen in places like Yonkers or White Plains or New Rochelle, they are happening in the little towns and FDs that don't get all that much action. The town I work in is just about mid-way as far as call volume and responses and stuff, but I have to say I notice some of the same stuff. There are some things that are necessary if you ask me. Sign on's that you are responding are essential--I think. They are an indicator to 60-Control (or whoever is the controler) that you are going and it keeps track of who is enroute, on scene, and available for other things. I haven't noticed this all that much where I am from, but once you are on scene, everything should be 10-10 and only emergency or essential radio traffic should be going across the air. Not for anything, but unless you are in a building or on the other side of the scene, if you are running a scene with multiple commanders, then verbal (as in, IN PERSON) communication is not a bad thing either. Keep the radio traffic to what people need to know.