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Posts posted by Goose

  1. Not to beat a dead horse, but if you ask me firefighters ARE giving their all to the "company" (in their case a municipality) by simply being on duty. Often, i find, that in the emergency services your paid for the skills and knowledge you possess not how many jobs you turn over. Eventually you will be called on to "earn your money" aka, put out a fire, bring back an arrest, or take a perp into custody.

  2. FF/Paramedic...shorts all summer long fire and EMS.

    There is no reason why you can't wear shorts.  In fact I believe it assists with productivity being crews are more comfortable, especially when doing event stand by's.  Do an EMS bike detail and your in shorts so why not everyday?  I don't buy into it "doesn't look professional."  It is what you make it.

    I wish i got to wear shorts! Summer uniform is the same as winter...duty pants w/ duty shirt and duty boots. No t-shirts/shorts allowed.

  3. It's not hard to sit back and rattle off postulates of discontent. It is, however, fare more difficult to do the same with the positive.

    I think what makes this forum so difficult to run is the fact that your damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you make pro career comments you piss off the vollies, if you make pro volunteer comments you piss off the career guys. Things just snowball from there because everyone has allot of pride (which inst a bad thing mind you). Mind you, the issues discussed here are also often very complicated in nature. If someone doesn't like the website, then don't visit it. If you do, then understand the dynamics of what your involved in.

  4. suspended? Must have been a bad boy tongue.gif

    Can anyone confirm if the fire building was the old psyche building on that plot off Rt 9? I'm not one for ghost stories, but i heard that place was legitimately haunted w/ dead patients or something. Didn't Marist College want to purchase this lot and use it as a dormitory?

  5. All in due time! The tech told me that just within the past week or so my town had finally approved the Verizon TV packages. Apparently phone companies are held to a much higher standard and have to jump through more federal loops than cable companies and thats why its a bit slower to come online.

  6. Just a little update on what went on today. The tech showed up about 12p, nice guy. He confirmed the install package and i took him on a tour of the house to verify where the boxes were going and where he would be pulling lines and such. At that time, he didn't have the hands to pull the line across the street, so he got it ready and made fast work of most of the in-house stuff. The ONT was placed in my utility closet and the fiber was pulled right into my house - which im very glad for. He wired the phones on, and they are on without a hitch great clarity. He ran a caox from the ONT to my house's coax network. When we tried to get the internet up, the verizon supplied wireless + wired router was not reading an internet signal. At this time, we aren't sure why (his signal reader broke when we tried to fire it up on the top-floor coax line). The tech suspected the router is faulty b/c the coax is in good shape and handled the cable internet just fine. However, at this point it was 4:30 and his supervisor told him to break for the day and come back tomorrow. I have decided to move the router placement to a section of house which was an addition added in the mid/late 90s so the coax cable is newer. The TV boxes will also be added tomorrow after the internet is online. I'm pretty excited about the whole process, and looking forward to hopefully getting some time on everything before heading off to work.

    Just a question for anyone who already has FiOS/triple play - do you have to "register" computers on your fios network with verizon and activate them for a charge? Just curious, in case end up purchasing additional computers and such.

  7. Sneak peak at the July Code 3 release is FDNY Ladder 30 stationed with the May release of FDNY Engine 59. Photos can be seen by members at

    30 Truck just celebrated 100 years on the job a few weeks ago if memory serves me correctly smile.gif

  8. Thanks for the help. It's very much appreciated. Once the tech arrives, i plan on walking him through the house and giving him a general idea of what hes getting himself into (haha). I've located the easiest location to get a Cat5e cable from my utility closet to the first floor office, so i think i will opt for this.

    One last thing - i read that verizon will apparently send a truck out a few days prior to installation to run the subscriber's fiber line. I have located the transfer case that i assume splits the fiber to customers (it's across from my house and i see the wire w/ the yellow "verizon fiber optic cable" tag on it) but no truck has come. I can only assume they will take down the copper line and replace it tomorrow.

  9. So, i finally made the decision to switch from Optimum (Cable TV & Data) + 2 Verizon Phone lines to Verizion everything (phone, data, tv). The installer is coming tomorrow, and while I've done some research i am a bit concerned about some issues.

    1) My home is rather old, at least 75 - 80 years and pulling line is always a pain in the a$$. How receptive/helpful are the installers with this? I have read on a number of blogs that the installers are happy to help and will even run wire and an accompanying jack free of charge.

    2) The length of wire needed to go from where the battery backup will be installed (a utility closet in my basement) to the side of the house where the ONT (the terminal where the fiber is connected to a house's copper phone and coaxil tv lines) is rather long - is this an issue?

    3) How have the wireless signal strengths been? I wanted all wired, but given the age of my home i figured wireless would be best - but my basement is a combination of poured concrete and large foundation stones and many of the walls in my house are plaster - any issues?

    If (hopefully) all goes well i should be 1) getting 15mbs (10x faster than my current cable) on data, 2) almost HD quality tv with more basic channels, and 3) crackle free and clear phone lines. Best of all my entire bill will be the cost of my current cable bill!

    Any help on these things will be most helpful.