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Posts posted by 191SH

  1. As per the Journal News, its been confirmed as a Michael Holt.


    MOUNT VERNON - A city firefighter in training was suspended from the county fire academy this week following a report that he was involved in a verbal dispute at the facility.

    to be continued............................. coming nov 2008 " the probie - the final chapter"

  2. As I always say - if it's on Fox News it has to be true - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWZHTJsR4Bc (watch the ticker too)

    Here's the Canadian version - http://canadianpress.google.com/article/AL...82pCa7QmO35faSg

    Personally I believe that McCain was talked into this mistake. My hope is that the Republicans blame the campaign and not the man. McCain is too good of a man to deserve that. My wish is that McCain returns to the Senate and continues to fight the good fight. My hope for Palin is that she returns to her state where she can spend her time explaining how her constituency re-elected a convicted felon to the US Senate.

    BTW - I can totally relate to those of you distraught over the results. I know how it feels to see a man with less experience and a lesser military record than his opponent elected to President, not once but twice. Even worse he was elected with fewer votes than his opponent the first time and only 50.7% of the vote the second time (compared to Obama's current 52.5% - higher than Reagan's, Clinton's, or Kennedy's). Based on electoral votes, this man had 2 of the top 7 lowest spreads in US history (50.4% and 53.2% compared to Obama's expected 67.7%). All of which seemed to make the wins seem less than convincing. I know how it feels to see a man elected (twice) that you truly felt would ruin the country. Unfortunately, that premonition seems to have come true and hundreds of historians decided that that man has become one of the, if not the, worst Presidents in US history.

    So I can sympathize.

    i am a democrat who supported mccain 8 years ago, he listened to his advisors and thats why he lost and for doing so he deserved to. if mccain spoke and presented himself as the man he really is and not the man his advisors wanted him to be he could have won , i would have voted for obama but it would have been fun to watch the real mccain. and his advisors calling palin names allday today like hillbille and b**** is uncalled for they picked her , she didnt pick them. i think what mccain has done for our country is heroic to say the least and i thank him , but being in the military doesn't guarantee u to be a good president.

  3. a 440 point drop today, thanks barack, here's to four years of the dems messing up the country

    who is the president , not obama its a republican. how much more can the country get "messed up" listen the conservatives can say what u want America has spoken and we all know the truth i support obama but even the old school southern whites even voted for obama because the republicans screwed it up so much, say what u will throw the lies around but the last 8 years don't lie and bush's 22% approval rating also tells the story. republicans don't u have to go watch hannity , or oreilly. and i only mean it towards the sore losing republicans

  4. It sounds to me like this probie has some serious anger management & integrity issues. In the interest of public safety, is there any standard of conduct that could have him removed from public service? Should there be corrupt politicians protecting this probie, maybe they should be removed from office as well. After all, this probie will be in a position of public trust. Will he be stealing from a homeowner's house during a fire? Will he rescue a victim during a critical incident or will he be looking to protect his own a$$? Should one of his fellow firefighters need assistance will he be there to help or will he let someone die because he doesn't get along with his fellow firefighters? Who could look into this matter? The D.A.'s office? The U.S. Attorney's office? Does the firefighter's union have anything to say about this? I know that the firefighter's union exists to protect the firefighters but if this probie is a bad apple....wouldn't the union better protect the real, dedicated firefighters from this probie?

    what amazes me is that a volunteer is required 96 hours of firefighter 1 to be interior qualified, bare minimum i know, and we do not get paid for being there. i have spent a total of 300 hours or so between all of the classes i have taken and every instructor has been top noch and every instructor in every class i have taken at westchester stresses the word team work, brother and sister hood and even though i am a volly i am better for those classes and i learn more every time i take one, my point is being a volly in a quiet area how is this firefighter with less hours of training than most vollys going to handle the job in mt vernon.

    we have instructors for a reason to show us what is required of us and to undermine that is wrong and dangerous on the part of mt vernon.

  5. I am not a mind reader, but I have to think that what PJ Reilly was alluding to, and I think he is perceptive on this, is that historically there is a post-election "bounce". There was no bounce here. Sign of things to come? Who can say. I do believe we have a long hard road ahead of us.

    i was wrong and told him so, i got so in to it i responded to this with out really reading it right

  6. Joe the plumber became a media frenzy because he questioned Obama on his tax plan. Once that happened all the left wing media entities began to hound him and dig as much dirt on him as they can. It is true that McCain brought him up during the debate but he was using him as an example as to who would suffer under the tax plan. Matthews, Oberman and the rest of the left winged, one sided idiots had a field day on him. Fox news was the only network in my opinion that was fair on both candidates.

    as soon as you brought up fox news and used the word fair and balanced :lol: , joe looked for the media he hired agents to schedule his press appearances now whether you agree or not thats the facts, fox news and cnn tore into joe last night over the fact he wanted air time then didnt answer the questions.

    he's been signing autographs and hes writing a book.

    one more FACT joe the plumber did more interviews than palin and thats sad

    you want to defend mc cain fine , but defending joe the plumber NOT a plumber, NO license, owes back taxes- this blew up in his face

    larry king and bill mahr


  7. Chris Matthews is an idiot. He is the product of the far left media. Look how they crucified Joe the plumber. The man wasn't even running yet they made an issue about him. They spent more time and effort investigating him than ACORN.

    joe the plumber became fair game once he endorsed mccain and decided to campaign with him, he hired a team of publicist so he can tour the media curcuit and he failed. if joe (which isnt his name) didnt want to get ripped he should have asked his question which he did and stayed out of the spotlight ,but he decided to throw himself into the middle of the mccain rallies therefore he was fairgame.

    remember mccain kept bringing him up, 12 times during the debate

  8. Amen, brother.

    It is done, and we have to make the best of it with what we have. We got the government we deserve, and only the coming years will tell if it was a just dessert.

    I don't hate the man, but I don't love hime, either. I see that my previous topic about "Pray for our Country" was deleted. I hope that's not a harbinger of

    what we might see with talk-radio, etc. in the future under a new "Liberal" regime.

    Is anyone else troubled by the way that the media racially polarized this election? Chris Matthews was virtually trashing McCain on MSNBC last night as the

    numbers started rollin in. Biased blowhards like him seemed to dominate the election coverage. That trend is waht bothers me more than anything else.

    that was a great topic even though i am on the other side of it, i am liberal but to erase topics because of politics( if thats why) is wrong.

    fox news was biased towards obama

  9. what about the rumors about Dobbs Ferry police merging with Greenburg this could be the begging stage , because the RUMOR is this is a done deal by Febuary of 09. some of us residents in Dobbs have signed petitions requesting copies of the research Dobbs Ferry and Greenburg have done and we have been stonewalled by the mayor.The mayor is smart in Dobbs because if he doesn't use the word disband and calls it a merger we as residents have no right to vote on it.

  10. I see this as a progressive move by people who are using their brains. The surprise to many is that this is far too uncommon this day and age. No one should be responding to open hydrants, water leaks, stuck elevators etc with lights and sirens. Only true emergencies or calls of an unknown nature should be handled with priority. If the calltaker is able to get enough good information, than a downgrade of the priority if recognized is appropriate! Reduce liability during responses and increase safety all around.

    i agree 10000 %

  11. New Tool For Highrise Fires, the Aerial Mule

    Theres a link for everyone who doesn't get the updates from Fire Engineering Magazine. The tool is called the "Aerial Mule" and the clip has a short animated video clip showing how this will work. Apparently its still being produced and wont be available untill "Mid 2008" according to the clip.

    I think its interesting, but the time it took the firefighters to get to the device, deploy it, and wait for the thing to return they could have humped the hose kit with them and started an attack with the air they had. Its an interesting concept though, dont get me wrong. I just thought it would be nice to share with the rest of you and get your opinions.

    now you have to contend with the building owners asking who will pay for it , otherwise nice idea.

  12. Working around all small equipment for a long time if Gas sits for a while, has varnished up float and carbs, found the best thing to do is dump gas out and run machine, blower etc. till it stalls. Have been doing this on all my equipment and it seems to start right up when needed.

    We had this problem at FD as well the Small engine Mechanic said to do above it has not been a problem since.

    well I just tried to start my generator after sitting for 17 months and the gas is cloudy and doesnt even smell like gas anymore. No water got inside. So, I guess gas can go bad.

  13. It's probably a defect in the LCD panel itself.

    I disagree with JTACIJ. Circuit City Firedog and the Geeksquad are just going to box up your laptop, send it off and have the LCD replaced for a large price. Both companies have a severly tarnished history with poor quality work and service. You can easily get the parts and do it yourself with a basic screwdriver.

    I have used this company before for LCD replacements. Check them out. They will even install the screen for you for absolutely free if you send the laptop to them. I was very happy with them and continue to recommend them to friends and associates. http://www.screentekinc.com/

    Come to think about it, you are right.

  14. So yea, my dilemma is this. I have all kinds of gunk that has built up behind my laptop's LCD monitor, and when there is a while background on the screen, it all shows up, and its driving me nuts. I am trying to avoid taking apart my screen if at all possible.

    Any suggestions?? I tried to use compressed air to blow out behind it, but it didnt seem to do much of anything.

    DO NOT take it apart on your own. You can ruin the liquid crystals. Bring it to Circuit City, or Best Buy Geek Squad.