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Posts posted by csf248

  1. I am in the process of placing all of westchesters firehouses on google earth. so far it has gone without a hitch, up to mohegan lake, in alphebetical order.

    Upon Completion, It will be available for download, But i need some help!

    i got the adresses from each depts website, wich i got on westchester des or from memory.

    im looking for adresses for all of these dept. still



    Mt. Kisco

    Pocantico Hills


    Sleepy Hollow



    The reason im doing this, is this way when i have to visit another FD for say a wetdown, or training, or something else, i can easily look in google earth, instaed of searching on the internet.

    Of course the map will be available for download upon completion. but i would like my work checked and corected if needed. so im posting my work in progress for review:Click Here To View My Work So Far!

    To Open These Files You Need Google earth, Wich is a FREE great program, its like mapquest, yellow book, a serch engine all in one!

    to get google earth:Click Here!

    As An Added Bonus, Here is my map of all manhattan firehouses:Click Here

  2. Hey guys im trying to sell my car

    1997 dodge stratus, only 93380 miles on it! 4 door, black, am/fm cassette deck is broken, ac works great, also is great on gas! (costs me $40 to fill the tank, wich lasts me all week.) some stains on carpet, from previous owner, no body damage, runs great, asking around $2,500/$3,000 or best offer


  3. Last year I went to one of these calls in valhalla, it was amazing the stuff this guy had in his house. i think he had every newspaper ever printed in the history of newspapers!

    its very dangerous for a couple of reasons

    potential for collapse/ entrapment on every pile

    nerly imposible to navigate, let alone, find a victim

    its also very hard to move through the hallways, not only for rescue, but also stretching hoses, as you need to worry about knocking over a huge pile, and blocking ur escape route.

    not to mention, you dont know exactly whats being stored, wether or not it could be explosive,

  4. Galls Sells them for like 5-7 bucks for a box of 50

    it sucks that there is not more in the box, but i think they are better than those purple ones

    i lost count the # of times the emergency room workers have commented on the purple nitrates or as theve been called "Power Ranger Gloves"

    now i know that there first job is to protect us, and if they do that who cares if there stylish, but if they work as well as the purple ones, then hey, at least we look a little better to!

    i actually bought 901's brother them for his birthday, and they came pretty quick.

  5. I recently got in the mail a Jury Duty Questionare, for the united states district court, And on it it States:

    This Section describes certain categories of persons who may be excused from service as a juror.........

    one of the categories is

    "Volunteer Firefighter or Volunteer ambulance crew member and does not wish to serve"

    I have never heard of this before!

  6. I don't want to steer this discussion off topic, and we've had this discussion here many times before (or at least I've read it)  but if you all are going WAY upstate, who's fighting the fires in your hometown?  And I assume you are taking reserve or antique apparatus only?

    I agree a convention is great and build camraderie, but so does training, which I hope is also offered up there.  Then have fun at night after the training, and maybe you'll come home with something more then a trophy that's going to be quickly forgotten and collect dust.

    I know when I travel with the guys from my house, there's always full staffing on the first engine-and a current ranking officer leading and we don't have to worry about our REAL priority- protecting the communities that we swore to protect when we joined.

    I know this event has been a tradition in many, many departments for years, but it's time for the new generation of "old-timers" to teach and pass down to the youth the more important traditions and realize that firefighting really isn't not about fun and hanging out, and that this shouldn't have to be a "reward" for their work.

    i know here in elmsford only our engine co. goes, and its only about 30% of the members. So the village is left with about 70% of our engine guys, plus all of the ladder Co., Wich runs 2 quints, so the village is pretty safe.

  7. Im Just Curious as to What departments are going up to the HVVFF convention this year?

    I know its in the lake george area, just not sure what town is hosting it

    also, i know arsley and elmsford are going!