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Posts posted by csf248

  1. 1) Go to Conventions and Party!

    2) Get to Ride on Shiny Trucks!

    3) Get To Carry A Big Hose!

    4) Get to Ride In Parades!

    5) Women Love Hot Firemen!

    6) Get To Hang Out With The Guys!

    7) Get To Wear A Rubber Uniform!

    8) Tell Stories That Make You Look Like A Hero!

    9) Great Excuse To Get Out Of THe House!

    10) Get To Drink Beer At The Firehouse!


  2. im kinda a brat.

    my father wasa fd member for like 4 years, but he quit, because he did not like the things that were going on. he was also a cop who recently retired after 20 years of service.

    my mom was always ladies auxil, and is still one of the most active members.

    My stepfather is ex captain. when he first married my mom there was a big gap between us. but the fd filled that gap. now dinner conversation is filled with who had a big job today, or other bs thats going around the firehouse. he even became advisor of the juniors when my brother joined as one.

    im ashamed to admit that the main reason that i became a junior was because i knew it would anoy my father, because he did not leave on the best terms. but it turnd out to be something i love to do and want to do for the rest of my life, not only as my career, but as a volly as well. ( o yea till thisw day me being a ff pisses my father off! for christmas we got a pd vs. fd chess set!)

  3. My Dream Department!

    Engine: Valhallas new ALF

    Thornwoods New Rescue 75 ( would repaint it red!)

    Elmsford Engine 237

    Ladders: Yorktowns new ladder 51

    Tarrytowns Ladder 78

    Briarcliffs new TL 40

    Rescue: White Plains 88

    Also Harrisons 61-B3

    Then i would make a Utility truck using a chevy silverado crew cab, wich would come with a portable mini pump, and a place for a snow plow.

    as for chief cars come, 1 word!


    or a jeep rescue, if they ever made it!


    o and one of these!dodge_challenger.03.jpg

  4. Hey guys. If you are looking for a great new place to go, especially with Saint Patricks day coming up, there is new Irish pub in Yorktown. The inside is modeled after a real Irish pub. I was there for lunch today, and the food was terrific. Very reasonable prices too. 

    The name is Murphys. It's in the old Hanover resturant on Route 118 and Kear Street in Yorktown

    Yea Just in Time For St. Pattys Day!

    o if only i could drink legaly!

  5. My first call was like 2 Days after i got into my Department.

    It was an MVA on 287 Involving a motorcyle. The Department was Having its anual benevolent Picnic, so we had a very good response time.

    we actually passed the park were the picnic was at with the rigs. I remember thinking that it was the coolest thing. From that moment i was hooked

  6. Billy was an alaround good guy, not just as a firefighter, but as a human being. my thought and my prayers go out to his wife and kids, as well as the rest of the malone family, who are like my second family.

    i have fond memories of trying to set up the lights for plays with him at his daughters school, and trying to figure out why they would not work. (The main panel was not pluged in, as Billy had unpluged it so that he could charge a cell phone)

  7. Time to pack up for a night of sleeping at the firehouse

    X-box ------------------------------- Check

    Sleeping bag ----------------------- Check

    Pillows ------------------------------ Check

    DVD Player ------------------------ Check

    DVDS (backdraft, Ladder 49)----- Check

    Chains for trucks ------------------ Check

    Ok lets go Bring It On!