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Posts posted by csf248

  1. i am suprised by the amount of people comenting

    also if you see a rig already on the list, still tell me if you want to see it.

    (the ones that have more requests are the ones that i will try harder!)

    also spread the word!



  2. No its not to late

    this will not happen till about thanksgiving

    im just trying to get an idea so i can plan a route

    Ladder 8 is easy! its right across from my school (the art institute of NYC) So i have a roll of ladder 8 photos. once its developed it will be posted. my digital camera broke so i have been using film.

    also if you could just try to tell me were the truck is located EX. Bronx, Queens it would be a help.

    O yea,

    The cowboy said no

  3. i am currently planing a FDNY photo hunt. I want to know wich rigs people want to see, this way i can plan my route to include those rigs.

    send requests to CSF248@aol.com

    also please try to tell me the location of the rig EX queens.

    Thanks :D