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New Bunk-In Program for Rochester Area Students

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The Brighton, NY Fire Dept. (borders the City of Rochester) has announced that it will begin accepting applications and soliciting info. for a new to the dept., and new to the area, bunker program focused on college students matriculating at one of the Rochester area colleges.

Current and future college students are encouraged to contact Co. 2 Captain Hiller by email to gain more info. on the program. (link below)

The dept. has acquired a home located adjacent to their Station 1 in which they will renovate, allowing four members to live in. They plan to start the program in the Fall of 2006 semester. The "live-ins" will be able to respond on Station 1 apparatus to all calls in the district (last yr. BFD did about 2,700 runs). The preliminary requirement is going to be 25 hrs of dedicated time a week to responding to calls in order to live at the residence.

If there is a lot of interest (which there has been), the dept. is considering expansion to a larger scale. Anyone attending college or considering attending college in the Rochester area and have FF 1 and EMT or just FF 1 are highly encouraged to seek additional info. on this great opportunity.

Brighton FD Bunker Program

I joined the BFD as a mutual aid FF while I was in college in BFD's district, which sparked the interest to start this program (and have had a great time there). Anyone seeking info. on BFD or other general questions, feel free to PM me.

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