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New Members New Gear

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Just want to see what dept. issue new gear to members

New gear when they join or old gear till farther notice

The new member how long until the get new gear if they even do

How to decide what member gets the new gear

what training or class are need for them to have till get new gear

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Our department does not issue new members new gear. When a full member recevies a set of new gear, out department re-issues their old gear to a new member. Prior to it being issued, the old gear is inspected and made sure it meets the NFPA standards still. By the time the new member is off their one year probationary time, they are usually fitted for new gear. Right now, we are currently issuing new gear to all fully structural certified members first since we have brand new gear comming into the department and are of a different specification that the old stuff. The chiefs and commissioners are hoping to have every member in the department, veteran, rookie or probie in the new gear by the beginning of next year. After that, they want to have gear fittings twice a year (along with quarterly inspections) and new members who have reached say six months in thier probationary period and are fullfilling thier requierments will be included in the fittings. One perk right now is for junior corps members who enter the department at 18, they are fitted for gear and return their old junior corps issued gear.

Hopefully this plan stays the course. We have had financial troubles in the past wherre it prevented us from purchasing new gear. The city has done well now and is responding to our needs better. The powers that be realize that you cant put a price on saftey.

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We get issued used gear out of the locker for our six month probation. If you are brand new you have one year to take firefighter I, when you do you get fitted for new gear. Transfers like myself get fitted ASAP provided you have the training.

EMS issues you gear after your six month probation, they dont have used gear to loan yet being we just ordered the gear recently. We didnt have any prior to a year ago.

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new members get older used gear out of the closet for a while until they get some classes and show that they are going to stay for a while, for little departments gear is a very expensive but a must have item. once you are through your probation than you are messured up.

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In Dobbs Ferry we give our new guys old gear then with in the first week they'll go down to triple a and keep the old gear untill they get there new gear.

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in yorktown you get the black old school gear, not great condition but it works, once you prove yourself and show your face, you eventually get ordered some tan

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