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Looking for BLS supply dontations

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As some of you are aware, a few buddies and I are in the process of starting a quick response service on campus. Things are going quite well actually, we have about 30 members who are committed to the agency, the county is getting our paperwork through for agency status, and the campus is finally getting the idea that we are here to stay, and gave us a trailer and hopefully an office to store some of our equipment.

Thing is, we have no money to buy equipment or supplies with. The campus refuses to give us any money at all, along with the student government stating that "There is no money anywhere on campus," so tell me where my 35K tuition is going :angry:, oh thats right, the two 42" plasma TV sitting in the campus productions office and cafeteria, and the water fountain that looks like a broken water main (sorry, ranting).

Any ways, I am asking you for help. Any basic BLS supply that you can think of, back boards, splints, head blocks, o2 tanks anything that is reusable or that you wouldn't mind donating to our agency would be graciously appreciated. We can even talk about getting "Donated by: ...." put onto the item donated.

Thank you for your continuos support and ideas.

See you back home in the summer,

Alex Vergo

Captain, Embry-Riddle EMS

Edited by EMSJunkie712

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Yes, get us an address to send stuff to and I will hit up our captain and see what we have.

Also. have you checked with other colleges in the area. We have SUNY Cobleskill and I work with the Student Medical Response Team all the time with our squad. They have a bronco loaded with equipment. Maybe other teams could help you get started.

Borrow a dunking booth from someone and have an easy fundraiser with no money out of your pocket, charge a couple of bucks for the throws and maybe that could help also.

I will check with our squad. But get us the address. Best of luck.


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Embry Riddle EMS

C.O. Student Activities

600 S. Clyde Morris Blvd.

Daytona Beach, Fl 32114

Unfortunatly, when it comes to other campuses around our area helping out, we are the first college in Fl to really get underway and start a campus based EMS program :angry:

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