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Stamford (Fairfield), CT- General Alarm 4-3-06

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Date: 04-3-06

Time: 1300hrs

Location: 735 Canal St. -Building 15 X Pacific St/Henry St.

Frequency: 154.130/800 TRS

Units Operating: E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4, E-5, E-6, E-7 (Springdale), E-8, E-9; T-1, T-2, T-3, T-45 (Belltown); R1 (Using R-2); DC-4; EMS Medic 1, 3; 901 (SEMS Supervisor) Unit 91 (Rehab and Comm.); Stamford Police. **

Description Of Incident: Fully involved former Yale & Towne property, a 1 and 2-story warehouse occupied by (5) commercial properties: Boss Hoss Motorcycles, Haller Piano, E.J. Kassery & Co. Polishing, Stamford Antiques Center, Inc.

Writer: Jason762, 242steve, tbendick (O/S), Truck4 (O/S)

1305hrs- E-1, E-4; T-1, T-2 responding to 735 Canal St for the report of a chemical fire.

1308hrs- E-1 O/S reports a working fire on Pacific St. side of complex. E-2 and R-1 cleared up from another box and are responding.

1st Alarm: E-1, E-4, E-2; T-1, T-2; R-1

1313hrs- E-1 requests a second alarm, reporting the building is fully involved. E5 2nd Alarm: E-5; T-3.

Exposure 1- 2-story commercial with a 15-foot alley and a 2nd floor foot bridge.

Exposure 2- Parking Lot (Pacific St. side)

Exposure 3- 1-story commercial with a 20-foot alley

Exposure 4- Parking Lot (Canal St. side)

1314hrs- E-7, E-32 (Glenbrook); T-45 (Belltown) relocating to Stamford Fire HQ

1323hrs- DC-4 requests a 3rd alarm. Off-duty callbacks in progress. Master stream operations underway. Exposure problem on exposure 1 side. Buildings are connected by an enclosed pedestrian bridge at the 2nd floor.

3rd Alarm: E-3; T-45 (Belltown).

1325hrs-DC-4 reports exterior op's only with all members accounted for. Very heavy fire conditions with (2) ladder pipes in operation on Pacific St. side (Exposure 2 side) and (1) deck gun in operation (Engine 2) in front. T-3 directed into the rear of the building from Canal St. to set up with E-5.

1330hrs- T-45 to set up on Canal St. side of the building. Turn of River and Belltown requested to cover their stations.

1340hrs- DC-4 requests a 4th alarm. Recall of off-duty manpower underway. Callapse of the interior and outer wall.

4th Alarm: E-7

1346hrs- E-63 (Turn of River) relocating to Stamford Station #3 (West Side).

1352hrs- Medic 91 (Rehab unit) responding. Medic 3 and Medic 1 already O/S.

1400hrs- Recall manpower to go in service with Engine 8 and Engine 9. Engine 7 laying in from Canal St.

1430hrs- Command requests a 5th alarm. Rpts co's having water pressure problems, contacting water company for assistance. E-8 req. to set up a drafting operation from the canal, through O & G Industries on Canal St. All available PD units responding to 7 Market St for evacuation of the area.

5th Alarm: E-8, E-9

1435hrs- Additional recall manpower to staff E-10.

1437hrs- CMD transmitting 6th Alarm. (3) ladder pipes and (1) Tower Ladder in operation with multiple handlines. No longer an exposure problem on Exposure 1 side.

1500hrs- Drafting operations underway with suppy lines into complex off Canal St. from Engine 8 and Engine 9.

1530hrs- Building has burned to the ground from the Pacific St. side to the Canal St. side (Antiques dealer). Still have (3) ladder pipes and (1) Tower Ladder in operation. Evacuated residents and media at Pacific X Henry.

1600hrs- Fire is darkening down, prolonged op's.

**Station Coverage

Station 1 (Main St)

-E32, T31 (Glenbrook), E10 (SFRD Called-back Manpower)

Station 2 (South End)

-T20 (Noroton Heights), E51 (Greenwich)

Station 3 (West Side)

-E63 (Turn OF River), E8 (Greenwich)

Station 5 (Woodside)

-E602 (Turn OF River)

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